I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 11 years old, 1 moon, to Cece again.

One moon, we got down to Cece in the carriage again. In the Merche I was held back and it was going to take me an extra day, but I promised to go home and I followed my schedule safely. Everyone in the dryland looked good for the first time, sandy and pleasant on the sheath.

"Wait, Arsh, Mal"


Before we got off the carriage, Maria and Sophie, we were sanded, wiped in the face and wiped of our hair.

"This is why I was pitied during this time."

"" I'm sorry ""

"First things first."

We go side by side to the guild.

"Excuse me, Guild Leader, please"

"Oh, do you have a promise?

"Yes, Meryl's Lamb is here"

"What, you guys, huh? Wait a minute."

The guild leader came down from upstairs.

"Well, is this the real Merrill lamb? It looks good."

"It was real last time."

Cyril laughs and greets him.

"When I get myself together, I mean, is this something different? I didn't think your little one was so beautiful."

Beautiful! Did you just get your hair done?

"And this is Matisse, beautiful ladies, nice to meet you, guild leader."

Nice to meet you, Maria.

It's Sophie.

"And you..."

It's Nico.

It's Bran.

Anyway, you're in charge of the sword.


"Ha, don't intimidate me, the beautiful lady would be everyone's treasure. Well, this time, thank you for taking the time to come to Cece"

This time the delegate is Cyril.

"No, thank you for accepting suggestions in different ways pleasantly. What about the orphans?"

"People in town are also watching me for my life. The sword training is going well, but since I was almost a beginner, I seem to be having a lot of trouble."

"Really? Simple kitchen for guilds, etc."

"Finished. Ready to use."

"So, from tomorrow, for the week now, we'll train orphans to cook, see what we can do, and go into exam sales."

"The adventurers expect a lot, please hurry."


First, I went to see the orphans.

"Brother Cyril!

"He's back! Did you have a good life?"

"Good luck with the food and the luggage."

"I'll be with you for a while. And the other brothers and sisters are here."

"Say hello."

"" Nice to meet you ""

"Beautiful...... is your sister an orphan too?

says the little girl.

"Yes, if you eat your rice properly, you'll be beautiful."



Soon afterwards, I started breakfast and lunch. Start with the orphans and our number of people and go a little more.

"Get us out of here!

I take a week to teach you the procedure, listening to the cry. Adults will also be trained over the next week. Don't rely on adults, don't let adults do it all.

Meanwhile, the luggage carrying children, along with Nico and Blanc, Cyril and Will, do not fail to train their swords either. Of course, I also train non-orphans to carry baggage. On the contrary, the new adventurers also participated, and the morning guild was full of vibrancy.

I'm tired, so I study a little bit. This started out more like a private school for children in town, such as Jessica. School review and learning for children who cannot go to school. Incorporate the orphans there one by one.

And week three. Finally, breakfast and lunch will be fully operational. Cyril and Will stand for lunch sale today.

"Brother Cyril, Brother Will, you're an adventurer, but you're not cool..."

"Hey, you, get in the dungeon, have we ever been cool?"


"Working in many ways to live is nothing cool. What's not cool is doing nothing. Look closely."

"How about a lamb lunch!

"Give me four."

"Yes, it's 2,000 gills!

"There you go."

"How about a Ration"

"I'll do that next time."

"Thanks again!

"Really. Brothers, it's cool to keep your heads down. I wonder why."

"Why not? But I'll do it too! Brothers, I can help!


"Give me two."

"Uh, uh, it's 1,000 gills"

"There you go."

"Oh, thank you"

"Good luck."


"You, I have to study calculations."

"I didn't think it was necessary."

"Now what?


"All right, tell Sister Maria"


"Alliance leader, that's strange"

"Things started to move amazingly"

"When they move, they move around too"

"It's only been two weeks."

"I want you to stay forever."

"What do you say, Cyril, you don't have to live in Cece! My brother and sister have done a lot of things."

"Ha, Guild Manager, what are you talking about"

"Can I have Cece's lamb?"

"No, Chief Guild."

"Why not?"

"Cece had a proper lamb, too."

"Right, right."

The Lambs of Cece, they are about to begin.

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