I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 12 years old, 6 months old, emergency directive.

"What's going on? I almost got back to Merrill."

When I ask, Maria,

"The guild leader said it would be quicker to speak directly. Read this first."

I said and handed him the letter. It is addressed to Maria, as well as to students outside of school. It's from Grandpa and Doctor! The four of us turned our heads and read the letter.

"I was wondering if you were doing well. I'm fine! Well? Uh, it's about an international student."

"Arsh, what's the next piece of paper?

"Yes, when all of a sudden three international students are sent in March, it's rare, so I guess I should go right and left to deal with this, something children don't know"


"The theory of education in Meridan to foreigners is too old to be used, we are not willing to remember it in person, therefore we do not study at all and classes are just out, why not just out?

"What does that have to do with us?

Four of us twist our necks.

"So. In the Imperial Language Club, club members are not fooled and dealt with, and at night they try to get out of the dorm"

"Doesn't matter more and more"

"There are sword arms, and only Zash and Cliff are the ones to do so"

"That's Zash! So what if Zash and the others take care of him?

"He refuses if he doesn't want to take care of the sweet"

"Ah, you're right."

"They've heard that if you come to Merida, you can go to the dungeon."

"Right there!

"But no one in the college can deduct to the dungeon... an excursion!


"I'm sorry, it's nothing. Um, I know it's tough with the surge, but he wants you to come and deal with him as a classmate as soon as possible."

"" "... it doesn't matter, does it?


We saw Maria. Cyril tells Maria.

"The point is, you can't take care of an adult or a college student, so you're asking us, the adventurers. Isn't that strange?

"I don't think it's right. We're out-of-school students, and I don't want to take off the Merrill surge season."

And Maria replied.

"But the lord and the guild chief tell you to go."

"Why? It doesn't benefit Merrill at all."

"First of all, Grandpa teacher is also the mentor of the guild chief. Thank you for your help, Mr. Graham. Aside from us, the guild leader will write to you."

"From Grandpa and Doctor?

"Yes. You didn't show it to me, but to be perfectly honest with you,"

Maria hesitated a little.

"On the Imperial side, they said they wouldn't have to die in the dungeon and come back..."

"Parents! That's what the real parents are saying!

Will shouted.

"Brother, calm down, we, we should have come by no means"

"That's why now I know my parents loved me. I guess I live and be by my side... I can't believe I did it far away or even die..."

"Will, calm down. Still, they lived a wealthy life and could choose their own serious path. I'm pretty sure I did something to piss off my parents. Even now, depending on what you're thinking, you're paying for a rare experience. Don't feel sorry for me."


Maria continues.

"No matter what happens, the responsibility is taken by the guild chief, the lord, and the grandfather teacher. Let me be serious, or I won't say that at all, so all of Merrill, who speaks Imperial Language, told me to live a fun college life and a dungeon life if I felt like it. If you don't like them, go ahead and enjoy your last day of college."

"But what about the surge?

Will snaps.

"I'm not worried about chicks."

And Nico answered.

"Honestly, I don't want to deal with the one who's sweet even though he has parents and money. But I don't want people to die in a dungeon. When I go to the dungeon, I'm going to escort you too."

"I think it's a funny situation."

Rarely Blanc also answered.

"Hey, about three sweet people, from a living and dying dungeon life, you're not following me. Let's have some fun."

"Well, that's an imperial greeting! I've been skipping lately, so I have to hang in there."

"When I go to Wangdu, I eat skewers and meat rolls"

"Arsh, Mal, are you going"

"Let's go."

"" Let's go!

Thus, I decided to go to college.

"Oh, later."

Sophie said.

"Nash, if it's enough to make a specialty, make it with Merrill."

Yes, you are.

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