I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, we all like moon skewers at 12 and 7.

Cyril and Alois confront each other. Was Cyril this big? Like Will, he laughs niggly.

The match between the two was amazing. Will is strong, of course. But Cyril is a raw swordsman. It is also a qualitative one that everyone acknowledges. Neither the speed, nor the run-off, will still hold. Aloise seemed to be fighting such a cyril and equal.

"Fatal shortcomings"

Mal snapped.

I knew that right away. It's a stamina. No matter how good your sword moves are, you don't have the strength. Eventually, Cyril ambushed me. You like swords. But I like academics more. I wonder if it has to be one of them.

"You haven't both."

Cyril laughed.

"It's time."

"Maria, Sophie"

Theodore and Aloys opened their mouths with Pocan.


"Thank you"

Maria and Sophie chuckle. That? When we were, all I said was cute? Mal?

"I don't care. skewers than that."

Sort of.

"Come on, do you want to go for a skewer? Oh, you guys coming too?

Will listens.


Two ask back.

"Want to go buy some food in town with me?

Theodore and Aloys looked at each other,


I replied. Abel has a fierce nod behind him.

"That's inconvenient, you guys. Remember Merida quickly."


'That's what we did. Sweet.'


Theodore nods honestly and Abel is surprised. Aloyce was relieved. Aloys really studied Merida, didn't he?

Eventually he joined Dan, Nico and Bran for a skewer in Central Square. Nico, it was a little crazy for Bran.

"This, what meat?

'What is it, maybe an oak?

"Demons? Fine stuff!

"What other meat do you have?

"Like a cow or a pig?

And we went home together, we had dinner, we rested.

"Mal, you've spoken rarely."

"Well, Will cared, so I wanted to do something for you"

"Well, thanks to Mal, you're a little better."

"I hope so. And now Mal will fight too"

"Mal, aren't you going to lose?

"Aloys goes to a stamina battle. What about Theodore? Huh."

"Don't you feel like losing?

"Mm-hmm. Arsh, I'll do Arsh too"

"Yeah? I'm gonna lose, but I do want to fight that sword muscle"

The wish will be met shortly.

From the next week, we went into a class with the three of us. The whole thing doesn't have to leave, so basic Cyril and Will, me and Mal dated from time to time. Because Maria and Sophie seemed awkward to me.

Everyone remembered about us and quickly became comfortable and amazing. In the afternoon, I will use the training of my sword to learn Meridan. Living in Merida, surrounded by friends who also speak imperial language, Maria organized an educational program, and there's no way I can't remember the words. Aloys, who originally liked to study and sneak up on him, soon, and both Theodore and Abel soon stopped having trouble with the conversation.

the second week of the month of seven, during physical education, to the teacher

"Will you play practice matches with Arsh, Mal, Theodore and Aloys and Abel"

I was asked to. Not Cyril and Will?

"I want you to fight as a magician. Will tells me Arsh handles magic better."

"I'll do it"

Mal responded instantly.

"Chance to do it with those guys"

Yes, it is. After-school practice was joined by Abel, and Cyril and Will were passionate about not being allowed to participate in the match.

"It's a girl, not two to three, I'll cut you some slack."

Theodore says, and Aloys is nodding. I look around at it with a pitiful eye. The teacher,

"Uh, Arsh and Mal are active adventurers. Instead, let it be reduced."

That said, my complexion changed sassy.

"Are you adventurers?

Theodore says, and Aloys and Abel look incredible. Mal held the sword lightly and shook it with a hyung to show it. I,

"Flame, three, small, foot, go!

Bong! And I let it out and showed it.

"It was magic, really..."

The two of us turn our backs gently and stand. Come on, I wanted to fight.

"All right, I'm serious!

"" Ooh!

Still, it's annoying. Don't take a sweet look at the swordsman you put together with the magician.

"Foot, crush, hang on"


Mal strikes where Abel's posture has collapsed. Even if I manage to take it with my sword, I lose my posture. Right there.

"Wind, little, knee, go!

Falls by chance. Mal is Aloise to the slap as he is. I just take it lightly, but Theodore trying to get in the help can't go ahead with it hanging on my windy wall. Theodore and Aloys, once pulled, turned me into a target and ran. Yes, yes,

"Don't do that!

"Come on, where?

Behind you. Mal and I will defeat each other. Victory.


I hear twinkles from around.

That's the adventurer.

Theodore, who was falling on his back, suddenly lifted me around when he got up.

"Magic, you really had it! Merida, it was a land of swords and magic after all!

My eyes turn. My eyes turn. Cyril took me away and laughed niggly.

"That's enough. Theodore, Aloise, Abel, when you're ready, I'll take you to the dungeon. Just calm down and think."

"Dungeon... okay... adventurer"

Theodore snaps.

"Even the imperials can register. And then get ready."

I'm coming.


"I'm coming too"

"Aloys? To you knights."

"I'm not going to be. But I want to do what only Merida can do."

Well noticed!

"Theodore, it's your dream."

"But my father..."

"My dad's not in Merida"

"... okay, me"

Eventually Theodore looked up.

"Cyril, Will, Arsh, Mal, I'm going too!

"All right, it starts this weekend!

"" "Yeah!


I said.

"Cyril, put it down?


"Oh, my God, it's only week two. I didn't know you were such honest kids when you had friends."

"What a pleasure. I would like you to learn at all in Merida. I'm so glad the lambs came. Oh?"

Arsh and Mal are noticing and waving. I wave my hand back and think. Best of all, the joy of admiring me like this.

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