Cyril and Will had been taken for 10 days, and Nico and Blanc had been taken just the same. Erik is the guild leader. No matter how harsh I said it, I sincerely thanked you for all that time you spent for us.

Everyone was shuddered, and I grabbed something and came back. Meanwhile, me and Mal worked with Mr. Lumiel to create a form of soup sales. Ms. Lumiel also put the widow together and set up a good breakfast and lunch mechanism.

Meanwhile, Nico and Blanc, who had come to Old a little earlier, were raising the issue of having nowhere to live, as an orphan.

"There's hardly any evil kid like us. As long as I live there, I can make you do your job..."

It was already 11 months old and the mountain tendency Old was getting pretty cold. Nico and Blanc, when they return from the hellish journey of guild chiefs,

"You can now use the empty house by the guild"

I said. The Aloys,

"Let us help you too"

say. For the winter, will you do it? Let's start with the capture of an orphan. We first set up only one room for miscellaneous fish sleeping, so that we could sleep there in turns. And I started cooking out the morning soup. With a little help, I can drink soup. If you keep working at the dismantling station, you can buy bread. It's a cookout. There's an empty house where the ladies sleep, and if you go there, they can stay.

First, one group was caught taking care of the young child. I have a warm home where I can sleep in peace. It quickly spread among orphans, bringing together as many as 15. I started teaching her how to get ingredients, how to make soup, and how to manage money, mainly for a little older kid. The Aloys cook with them, but they were laughing worse than the orphans. But that familiarized me. It was also fun in the form of a miscellaneous fish sleep and a smile returned to the orphans. We went to buy them out together and let the orphans know that even the stuff could be sold. Children over the age of 10 made them aware that they could do a luggage carrying job if they wished, and some became luggage holders. Boys still admire adventurers. I heard Nico and Cyril very well.

But only one group over the age of 10, didn't come by. In a way, I could also say that I was independent.

"If you're just going to live, that's fine. But next year is the year I can be an adventurer, too. Probably become an adventurer without any instruction and die soon"

In fact, it was also about criminal mayhem. What's wrong with taking it away from an adult who won't even look after you? The only good thing was that I didn't get my hands on the younger orphans.

"That's a rough cure. Catch something and force it to be corrected."

I've never done that before in making orphans independent.

"Well, leave this to me and Blanc. The Ashes are good mesh anyway."

That's how the 10-year-old 11-year-old foursome got caught.

"What the hell!

"Dolobo is a crime. It's a courier ride."

"What the fuck! You've been left alone till now!

"Not like before. Choose between two. You want to work under us for a month or send us a cabin?"

"I don't like both of them!

"If you want to work for us, I'll feed you a meal."

So me and Mal appeared, with soup and bread.


"Me, working"

Two fell. The other two are desperately patient. Nico said, sighing.

"After working, I thought I'd teach you the sword... too bad"

"Give me the sword! You're an adventurer!


"Why, you don't get to work orphans or teach them swords"

I was an orphan, too.


"We're orphans in Merrill"

"Hey guys..."

"I'll make sure you get where you live and where you eat. Make your own money and be a proper adventurer!


"Give it a try for a month"


All orphans secured.

The Yancha foursome dared to put him to sleep in the big room and immediately let him register as a luggage holder. I made an account, made him put in half of his income, and made him keep the other half with an orphan who cooks. It was hard until I convinced him that he could secure three meals for 500 gills, but when I found out that the little one was also helping me with that money, I went quiet. The child, who moves well among the orphans, was allowed to help with both breakfast and lunch and to eat well until lunch.

What made the luggage boys happier than anything else was the training of the sword. Old is a town of martial arts, and swordsmen are to be rewarded. The young people from the clan also participated in the training.

So, it's been a month. The elderly group was soaked. After a month, they wouldn't let me work anymore. Because that's what I thought.

"You guys, over the past month, ask me how much you've accumulated in your accounts."

That's what Bran said. The orphans went to listen, nagging.

"It's 12,000 gills each. Good luck with that."

"Why, we used to give half of it to little kids."

"Really, it's hard, but the other half, I would have done it right. That's 12,000 gills."

"Is that me?

"That's right."

"Nico, Blanc, my money!

"Whose did you think it was?"

"I didn't know. I just did."

"Hey, now you know. Do you have a place to live?"


"What's the job?"

"Luggage Holder"

"The money."

"Half to the little one, half to the account"

"Whose money is the account?"


"The rice."

"The little one makes it"

"You don't need help anymore."


"We can work now and live on our own"

"But, but who's going to teach me the sword!

"If you go to the guild, someone will always tell you. You'll learn it yourself."

"The baggage holder!

"Everyone's gonna take us now, right?

"Why are you saying that! You're gonna be gone! Can you throw me out again?

"Don't be sweet!

Nico had a drink.

"How old are you! Eleven!


"Four months to go."


"In four months, you're gonna be an adventurer, aren't you?

"Me, adventurer, soon..."

"Didn't you notice? Dad, can't an adventurer do without your mother?

"No way!

"Then you can? If you're 11, you'd rather be a parent to him"

"Me, my parents?

"There will be mountains of little ones"

"Ah... I'll protect you?



"Yes, and when you're an adventurer, you can come and see me"

"From Old, you can leave!

"The adventurer is free."

"I'll do it!

Thus, the orphans of Old also managed to make it through the winter.

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