That's how it was four months, Cyril and Will went to class B, and me and Mal went to class D. Nico and Blanc should be in A grade in Nilm.

But it's the beginning of a request in the fourth month. Mal and I will start training for breakfast and 50 lunches over the course of the week, starting with week two.


The people who greeted me are half widows and half daughters of their age.

"Where do you want to start"

and aggressive. Mal and I looked at each other, relieved and started working. Start cooking separately from breakfast and lunch squads. As per the recipe decided, it's not that difficult if you have cooking experience. What was surprising was that the young ladies were more tedious. When I'm impressed,

"Okay? Men, grab it from your stomach!

and a powerful reply came back. The widow is solid, of course, and this is going to get her on track in less than a week. I prototyped and passed the first day 30, and was about to try it, and the adventurers were sloppily lined up.

"Not something I can still get out of the prototype today..."

And when I tried to say no,

"You're making such a good smell, you won't be able to eat it or anything! Just give me a prototype."


"Mr. Arsh, let's just let it out. It was delicious."

I also came up with the opinion that it sold quickly when I gave it as much as I had.

"Even if this is 50, we may not make it..."

"It's been since the first day, but it's not that hard to do, and even if you can't do it at first, why don't you increase it all at once and sell it upfront"

The wives are willing to help! Shall we do that? Breakfast and lunch were quickly on track and still stabilized at about 70 numbers the same as Wang Du East Guild.

A dispatcher from the Beast Fat Factory in the East Alliance also came. At the same time, the people from the Glitter Chamber of Commerce came.


"Hey, Arsh, you're as pretty as ever. Dan told me that there are a lot of raw materials in the West Territories, and why not build a soap factory and distribute it in the West Territories. With current production, it can take as far as Wang Du, so it's the best."

Yes, it is. The same was true of Old, but even in the western realm, soap became a circulation from the Wang capital, which is not very popular. Dan's father also met with the guild chief and set up a soap factory at the same time as the beast fat factory.

Demand quickly grew as the user-friendliness of the soap began to spread from adventurers coming to visit our entire house and women helping with the Alliance's breakfast. Especially as for the hair, Ann, who saw me and Mal's hair snappy with soap and olive oil, started to use it, and did one thing, bragging to the young girls, and the connection from those young girls was amazing, so much so that they took it specially for a while.

In the end, less than a month later, the breakfast, lunch, tea and veterinary fat factory stood up. The veterinary fat factory began to operate, and the material was mixed, and sales began. Dan stays busy preparing for the opening of Lamb Pavilion 3 following Wang Du and Nash. We've secured the store and the materials, so it's the clerk's education.

We got a paragraph, so until Dunn's Lamb Pavilion opened, we were also supposed to dive into the dungeon while helping.

Speaking of which, Just had come all the way to deliver the product to us because the soup was selling well. I had made it myself in small pieces, but I appreciate what I could do. I brought more, and when I sold it with the rate, it sold to fly.

And when I found out I could only buy it in Old, an adventurer went to Old began to show up. Mr. Just also took the Rays and went back to Old. I think he was the vice president of Wang Du's wing, is that okay? The Rays think it was the heavy town of Saim, but is it still okay?

My first frustration with the SEAM seems to be a lie.

I was just going to the guild chief's office to report on my progress, and I started with a breakfast tasting, came with lunch, tea, and finally got along to make some gaga for you. On the day I take a break from the dungeon with Dan's help, I'll go get Gaga in. The deputy guild manager and sometimes the receptionist sister also come and relax.

I was scared when I first got here.

And the guild chief says,

"I've never seen such a laid-back guild"

and returned it. The deputy guild manager said.

"Speaking of which, I've been everywhere a long time."

"Think about it, you went to every guild chief's office except the center and nilm"

"That's amazing"

"I'm awesome."

"What was the most impressive guild length?

"I guess Old, Nash"

"It's not a sem."

"The sames also impressed me in a way. Otherwise, the guild leader is a gentleman."

"... I'm not a gentleman..."

The guild leader was depressed.

"No, a gentleman, a gentleman, but a little relaxed..."

After spending five months like that, a letter came from Niko of Nilm.

"What, rarely! Cyril, read it."

"Yeah, uh, something's wrong with Bran, he said come and help me..."

"Huh? Bran did? How are you?"

Will asked in surprise.

"No, he said he wouldn't come back to the party with a bad buddy."

"That blanc?

"It doesn't matter what Nico or Sophie say, what do we do"

"We need to go now!

"Mal goes too!

"No, what did you guys say yourselves!

"" But!

"I'll have a good problem. Will and Mal stay. Me and Arsh go."

Five months, a crisis like never before.

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