I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 13, 5, moon, blanc and light.

Even when Bran stopped coming home, we waited every day to come out of the dungeon. 'Cause I haven't heard you're breaking up the party yet. Blanc was even rougher about where he was staying and didn't even look at us.

And that day, waiting as usual, the example party came back in advance. What about Bran? I don't even have that magician. Sophie asks.

"What about Bran!

"I don't know! Melinda's been hit, and the party's back in madness dying of a total collapse!

It was one woman magician and six men who came back.

"I was so there, what were you doing!

Nico disappeared.

"I drank too much yesterday, and we're all not well, and that's when Auga and Wolf came in a group, and Melinda got hit first, and no more magicians! I've been desperate to escape!

"Is that Melinda safe!

"I don't know that either"

Nico, calm down. You, what floor is that?

"Fifteenth floor."

"Hurry up and go to the Alliance Commander and request rescue!

"Wow, okay."


"Nico, what's the strength of the 15th floor?"

"Grade B can do something about it."

"Then let's go"


"What are you hesitating about?"

"Would you like us to come?"


Cyril's bush flew to Nico. Me and Sophie couldn't say anything and just had to watch.

"We want to go! You can't let Bran go!

"No, Bran's with me, Maria's not the only one with my light!


Nico stood up and shouted.

"Let's go! Cyril, Arsh!

"" Let's go!

Alliance rescue teams are moving slowly. I can't wait. We rushed to get ready and stood at the entrance to the dungeon.

"Sophie, I'm coming"

"Please, bring me home"


Zash! I'm going down again. How many would you have defeated? I've been practicing lately. I was drinking, and I'm losing my body. Melinda won't wake up yet. There is no bleeding, so it would be bruises and shocks caused by being jumped by an orga. How many hours have we had since then? There is no safety zone on this floor. Say woman. I don't have enough strength to carry every man on my back. Then we'll have to endure it here. But you're getting heavier arms.

I didn't think anything of it when I first saw Melinda. Nico found Maria, but I don't care about women. Betray me anyway. But when I was stuck in my arm and looked up, those thin tea eyes kept me from moving. Hands stretching toward me, hands holding me up, voices calling me rice, and there were indeed gentle thin tea eyes shining. Dad's dead. That shouldn't have changed. Working, and still not getting any easier, and then one day I was gone, without saying anything.

Shh. It's Wolf. It moves fast, but it's not such a strong demon, because there are nine of us, it's poorly maneuverable. I've said it many times, but it never got heard of. 'Cause I missed you, didn't I?' Cause if you miss me, why did you dump me? You two lived happily ever after. No, is that your mother? I shouldn't, you're getting kind of blurry.

They dumped me, and I had to live, and that's what got me into Nico. If it's heavy, I can throw it away. I was light and had to sift like a feather. I don't go deep with anyone. What if they dump you again? Nico doesn't ask extras. It's natural to be there. I was by my side and I was always free to breathe. That's how I was recognized as one of the lambs, and I didn't have to be rude to anyone anymore.

Go to the Empire. But the guild's always waiting for me, too. When I get back to Merrill, Zash will be happy to welcome me. When we go to Wang Du, let's have a drink with Cliff. I wonder where the Ashes are going. Wherever you go, I'm sure you'll follow me around saying bran blanc. It's sweet. Sophie aimed for the ball. You don't have eyes for me. Nico, Nico will be happy with Maria. Where am I going next? I'll be alone again.

Then what's wrong with sweet on this light-eyed girl? Nico, Sophie, why are you blaming me? I guess I'll be gone anyway. Why did you come, Cyril, Arsh? You guys have a future, don't you?

My body is heavy. It's not good to drink. It wasn't funny to anything about a stupid party where the nine of us dive. But I can't abandon this magician. You like it? It's not true. 'Cause it's me, it's me, it's Meryl's lamb. I swore an oath to Nico. He said he wouldn't let people die in a dungeon.

Zach. Shh. Two wolves. Behind you, it's an orga! Eight! With this body, can you go? I look right back. The only way to protect this girl is to go. As a lamb! Step out! First and foremost!

Zash, Zash! The sound of the sword overlaps. Both ends of the orga are torn apart by the wind.

"" "Blanc!

Nico? Cyril, Arsh.

In no time Auga was defeated. Awesome. But don't let Sophie get mad at you for putting Arsh in danger.


What, are you holding me, Nico? Stop it, man to man.

"You're not leaving me!

"Don't take it personally, Maria's here."

"Maria, you're mine too!

"Ha, what the hell is that, how much is I..."

I don't see it in front of me. You're tired, I'm sure. Do you even have a view on the ceiling?

"It's getting late! You made it!

The Alliance's rescue team is here.

"The magician there, he's passed out, but from what I've seen, no scratches"

"Did you protect it by yourself? Thank you."

There was no foot stomping ground, so much so that Auga and Wolf were down.

"Come on, carry the wounded. You are."

"It's okay, I can walk. I'll go back slowly, with my people."

"Right, well, first. Somebody unravel the demon!

We didn't say anything to each other and went back slowly. Something peels off on the ground floor, on the ground floor, every time I go up. It's a draw, it's a sawdust, that kind of thing. I finally got out of the dungeon. Eh, Sophie must be mad at me.


Don, and Sophie bumped into each other. I'm stuck with me.


Sophie says nothing. My shoulders are shaking. I pressed my shoulders and glanced softly at my face, and I had eyes. Not like your mother, beautiful blue eyes. Tears flooded my eyes. Hey, huh? Sophie? She stuck with me.

"Stupid, Bran."

That's Maria's line, isn't it, Arsh?

"Sophie's after the balls."

I know.

"A ball of guild reception, what?

It's about grabbing an A-level adventurer, huh?


"Because I'm blunt!

Sophie finally got angry. My heart flutters.

"Sophie, no, it's mine."

The guild went out of its way. Nico, you did it on purpose! That, me, what were you doing? My people were here all the time.

"" "" Welcome back, Bran "" "

"I'm home."

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