I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 13, 2 years old, to the Moon King's Capital.

After the guild chief rushed to take over, at the end of the month of 1 he travelled to the king's capital.

I didn't think I'd drop you off.

Lord laughed bitterly at the guild chief, while everyone slapped us on the shoulder to come back soon, and we set off. Enjoying your winter journey? No, I'm studying Imperial Language around the Alliance Commander. The job of interpreter was not the runoff of the guild chief, but a formal request from the guild chief. Otherwise, Karen's special training in Meridan, which was about everyday conversation, also began.

"We're 25 and 33. He said he was already studying hard."

"Well, take people's age at will! I can still study!

Some people cried, but they were largely hanging in there. Mr. Karen is in much better shape. The samurai were pleased, as were the servants. But I was relieved to be able to return to the Empire.

2 At the beginning of the month, as scheduled, for the king's capital, the guild chief went to the lord's mansion, and we continued to be looked after by Dan's house.

"I thought you guys would make your dreams come true someday."

Noah and the others came along and had a hard time remembering Imperial Language.

"Nobody at the academy studied seriously."

It was an excuse. That's when Cyril was to meet the guild general. The place is a central guild.

"I wonder what you're talking about."

Even if I ask,

"The Alliance Commander doesn't need anything."

and Cyril also looked confused and still headed to the central guild by himself.

After Cyril headed to the central guild reception and showed Sophie niggling,

"I have an appointment with the guild general."

That said, he looked a little like the receptionist who was supposed to be familiar with him. But he showed me right away.


"Get in."

When the guild general, who was behind the desk, raised his face, there stood a young man in the colour of the Chancellor's house. Your face does not resemble yours. But there is a shadow.


Cyril first saw someone the same shade as himself. I'm surprised I can't say anything.

"Call me."

And he prepared his own tea. Even so, I just put it out of the pot.

"Lamb tea is convenient"

"Thank you"

I answered with a reflex.

"Well, you're wondering why they called me"


I was wondering.

General Guild snapped. Cyril looked like a jerk.

"The chief of Cece's guild told me there was a lamb with silver hair. As you know, this hair and eye color is unique to the Chancellor's men."

I didn't know.

"Didn't anyone teach you"


"The Chancellor's house is a house of integrity. There's little chance there's a dropper in Shirai. But my father, after my mother's death, in the city of the king's capital..."

Are you a concubine?

"It didn't seem official. So I had an older sister. But he was old, and suddenly he was gone. One escort, gone, thought to be running off"

"Running off"

"I guess it's a difference in identity or something. I don't think it bothered me enough. I didn't even hear that they were opposed. It will be because you are young. I was formally searched, but I had no choice if I ran off. I was hoping you'd be well somewhere, Cyril, but it was you or your parents."

"When I was just a little girl, I heard she died. I don't even remember your face."

"Well, my sister said Cecilia. I honestly don't know if it's your mother. I think he looked a lot like you."


"I thought after we met first. Whether you say it from your age, from your face, and from its characteristic shades, there will be no mistake in Cecilia's child first. painstakingly, but as a member of the Chancellor's family, I welcome you again"

The guild general said clearly. But Cyril was suddenly more confused.

"Um, let me think about it for a second"

"Um, there's no reason to be confused. But could you show your face to the Chancellor's house once? I want you to meet my father."

"Let me think about that, too"


The guild general turned his back on Cyril.

"Anyway, rumors are already spreading today that there are hidden children in the Guild General"


"So much so that shades are important. Let's get you down there."

"... Yes"

Down in line to the guild, the silence spread for a moment when I saw the two of them. Cyril saw the guild general as a hack.

"Is it on purpose!

"About what? Then I'm looking forward to it."

He left roughly. Cyril shook his hand and left the guild early enough to shake everyone's gaze.

I've always wanted to know. I wonder what my parents were like. Why is this hair and eye color? But now that I know, why is it so hard? General Guild admitted that he was lightly clan. If there was no obstacle, why did I have to spend time as an orphan?

Cyril has always been a good listener. I was made to turn around a house I didn't know, sometimes I saw a warm family, and eventually even if they abandoned me, it was hard, flattering, and I still had to live. By looking far, far away, I was finally able to distract myself from my situation.

Even if my relatives come out now, my childhood won't come back. I'm not coming back... And then, when I gave him my face, he was already here by Dan's house. And Arsh was wandering around. I don't even notice people going down the road looking at Arsh all the time. You're so cute, you're missing somewhere, a little too bad, straight. In my only 15 years of life, I've been with you for six years, my dear child. You must still have come out worried. Something warm spread in my heart.

I was unhappy. There's no way an orphan is happy. But since I met Arsh, I've never thought of that. I just want to have fun every day and take care of it. Oh, Arsh noticed. I've been running. It's only a month away, even though I'm an adult.


I'll look at you worried. I hugged her. Cold. I wonder how long you waited outside.


Let's not worry about it alone. My family is here.

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