I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 13 years old, to the Moon Empire of 3.

Nilm had it a week before he left the ship.

"You're Arsh, are you? This is the domination of all guild commanders' offices."

and Nilm's guild chief laughed at me, but I didn't spend a week relaxing, and in the meantime I firmly went into the dungeon. Mr. Ted is 20 years old and is also an A-grade magician. He said he got an A grade early, but solo early, not in line with party policy, and got a job in the guild. At present, they are also studying the development of the same magic tools as Mr. Amelia.

"I like magic, but I'm not so attracted to defeating demons."

He said, working with Nico and Blanc,

"Long time no see."

He was diving into the dungeon, saying. We did not always act in three groups, but we needed to check the collaboration. From Noah,

"I can't believe those little ones got so strong"

And while he teased me, he treated me equally as an adventurer.

There was nothing in particular about Will and Mal that was a concern.

And in the third week of the third month, we were on a boat. The destination is the Garua Empire, the port of Shrem. Mr. Cullen had just been on board six months ago, and Noah and the others had been on board, so the Lamb Team and Mr. Ted and Greg were the first ships. The guild leader

"I'm not technically the guild leader right now. Call me Greg."

So I started calling him Mr. Greg. I'm not used to it yet.

There was no way the adventurer felt unbalanced and had nothing to do with seasickness. It was interesting to unleash magic on the sea so as not to rock the ship, and it could be Mr. Greg and Mr. Ted who were overdone and pissed off. Passengers are centered on Meridan people, who say they will go to Shrem for exports of demonic meat and imports of fabrics and other things. Some exported tools using demonic stones, but that was about it. I was allowed to use the deck every day to train, unleash magic on the sea, and the passengers enjoyed watching it and had a lively time. Cyril was looking at the sea if he had time.

"It's always different, the sea is different."

Cyril says. Cyril liked the ocean, whether it was Cece or the SEAM. When I'm next to Cyril looking out at the sea, I feel relaxed, too.

That's how two weeks ended up in the port of Shrem. According to Karen,

"When it comes to the Empire, you are Merida international students except to go to the dungeon. Let's act like it."

So Cyril, Will and Dan dressed freshly, from adventurer clothes to student-like, white shirts and dark grey and tea-based trousers with jackets. We are an easy-to-move dress in our everyday clothes that we had made in Merida. Short enough to show his ankle, he said, it's still time to show his boots. All of the adventurers dressed up quite well as adults and got off the ship.

Although smaller, it is the port of entry of regular ships with foreign countries. There was a crowd. I rocked my dress skirt with a pleasant view of it, and as I got off the tarrap, the harbor shimmered and quieted. Huh, Mr. Cullen? Because you're noble? Looking back,

"I told you, dignified, smile"

I was told. When Mal and I looked at each other and went down the "smile" talap, the blemishes returned.

"It's unusual to have a girl from Merida."

"What are these young guys, other than merchants? You're a good adventurer."

"Still, what beautiful girls, even if they've been around for a few years."

And the Marquis was picking me up.

"Lady, cheer up! I thought you might never come back... Come on, your wife and husband are waiting for you. Hurry back to Imperial Capital. International students are with us."

"Thanks for picking me up, could you give me a moment?"

"But here's the thing..."

"A little, huh?


Meanwhile, Greg was also picking me up, two gusty military men in their mid-20s, about the same age as Noah and the others.

"Dispatch from Merida here"

"Yes, but you are"

Answered by Mr. Greg.

"Thank you, you understand imperial language"

The two looked relieved.

"We are with Jonas, affiliated with the Knights of the Empire Central."

"My name is Kunz"

"Normally, I'm done giving cards to adventurers."

"This time I asked for more than a dispatch from here, to welcome you, guide you to the Imperial City, and take care of you."

"I have an offer."

"In the meantime, could you please come to the harbor management office"

Twins! I thought so. Mr. Greg saw Mr. Cullen. Speak in Merida.

"The Central Knights are elites. It would mean that the imperial side is also trying to respond quite a bit. Do as I say here."


"This is a traveler and an adventurer. May I join you?"

Mr. Gregg points to us.


I had to wait a little while for the Marquis to pick me up, and walked all the way to the office. The office is right next to the harbor, a building that reminds me a little of the guild. As soon as Jonas spoke to the receptionist, a room was made available. It's like a small meeting room because of the number of people.

At the same time as you arrive at your seat, tea will also be provided. Look at you like Mr. Cullen, I'll get you some tea. It must be the same type of tea leaf, although it tastes different from Merida's.

Mr. Greg took the lead.

"Guidance," he said.


"It shouldn't be set until the due date for arrival. I don't need any particular care or guidance. I'm going to be there by the 7th month, so don't worry."

Jonas and Kunz were taken lightly.

"No, but you went to repair the Imperial Alliance."


"Then I'd appreciate it if you could come as soon as possible and drop by on your way home"

Mr. Greg set aside for a moment.

"Do you know that the mechanism of the Alliance is connected not only to one place but to everything"

Yes, what is it?

"It means that the cause is not necessarily that guild. Even if you heal there, what if the other guilds stop functioning?

"That's... even after you see where it's stopped first..."

"I don't want to come and go. I want to see it from dungeon number one"

Jonas and Kunz looked at each other.

"In our presence…"

"We stay in Shrem for about two days and then we head to Burkhardt for now. That should be the same road to the Imperial City. In the meantime, you can give me directions."

"Burkhardt. Indeed. We just want to get right to it."

"This is a two-week sailing trip, and I have a lady. You're not going to give her two days off."

"Excuse me. That's..."

"My name is Karen von Dean. I came as an interpreter for Master Greg."

"Interpreter! But speaking of the Dean family, the North Territories"

"I was traveling to Merida and I was asked to interpret"


"Then this is Ted. Be the main person in charge of repairs. There are three more from Merida's guild."

"Three, then this is..."

"That's what you're asking for, an adventurer for this year."

"Is that, adventurer? Not traveling with you?

"I'm an adventurer."

Now it's time for Jonas and Kunz to stop. I thought I had a lot to go with, but I can't believe these young people...

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