I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, eight, five, week one of the month.

Well, I also have money to cook.

Like before, you can't even buy ingredients if you're spending your money however you want.

So while teaching Maria and Sophie how to cook, she decided to take a class in managing her money. They gave everyone the money they ever liked to spend, and they thought about eating three meals themselves.

Let's start with Maria and Sophie. Let them remember the ingredients for a day of six and more or less the money. 16 black breads in three x four for men and two x two for women. 400 gills with basic vegetables, including onions, potatoes and carrots. 1000 gills with meat, dried meat and eggs. That's 3,000 gills together. The abandoned houses of the Zashes have demonic stone stoves and pan knives. I wanted to use only ingredients.

For a while, beans, jams, oatmeal, etc., can be found here.

I taught him basic dried meat, beans, vegetable soup and how to make egg sandwiches. I took a break from sword archery for a while in the morning and cooked breakfast for all the orphans, and I also taught Maria and Sophie and then Mal to cook. We also make noon sandwiches together. I also teach you how to simmer beans.

We have breakfast with all the orphans and the master, Zash goes to the girls group for rehab, Cliff goes to the wild party, Nico and Blanc, Cyril and Will break up to pack.

The moon of five is the season of berries. Berry won't wait for me just because there's so much going on.

"I'm an injured man."

He said, "You're gonna be okay."

And so on, grab the berries, give them to the slightest grandmother, and the rest are tattooed with children.

"Even if the injury heals, come and get it every day as much as you can, eat it every day, and on the 7th, let's put it together and make some jam"

"Are you sure?

"Why? No one's coming to get it."

From there, Maria and Sophie go to the demolition station. Zash goes to Leaves and Ya with us.

"Hey, Zash, did you say you were a jerk?

"Don't say much."

"You help me with the store number."


We all buy vegetables at noon, go to the demolition station, shred meat, gather for dinner at night.

Keep this up for five days, seven days.

Rent a room in the guild, money class.

There's something like a blackboard, so they let me use it.

Numbers can be read because we all need them to live.

It was best to show it with my eyes.

Some guild leaders for some reason.

"First of all, you got hurt and bothered. How was dinner this week for all of us?

and Zash.

"It's a shame I can't eat skewers or anything, but I'm glad I'm hungry every meal"

"I'm not tired of dungeons."

"Less free time, but more fun than before"

"How much money do you think it costs to eat as much as this?

"I was wondering."

"Aren't we left to rely on the Cyrus?

"Well, Dr. Arsh, I'd like to talk to you, please."

"You got a little one?

"Are you all right?

He said he wasn't a chick. It's just a little small.

"Yes. It's Arsh. Let's start with income."

"Zash is off, Cliff makes about 3,000 gills a day"

I applaud you. Cliff responds with one hand up.

"Next, Nico and Blanc go together for 2000."

Applause again.

"Finally, Maria and Sophie go together for 1,200."

"Oh, so much?

Good luck with that.


"In a day when we all fit together?

"" "" "" at 6200 - "" "" "

"Now, Maria, please announce the money for dinner"

"Yes! I have 1600 gills of bread for six, 400 gills of vegetables, 1000 gills of meat and eggs!


"" "" "" At 3,000 gills - su "" "" "

"" "" "" "That?

"Aren't you there?

"It's not much, is it?

"Maria, can I show you the rest of this week's money?




"Rice, it takes a lot of work, but it's cheaper to make it by hand. Later, we're going to be big. If you don't take bread, meat, and a lot of vegetables and berries, you can't grow up."

"You were eating meat, weren't you?

"The meat makes the body, but it's the bread that moves the body well. We need vegetables to move fast. Eggs and beans are like meat. Just meat, wasn't it tiring?

"" "Indeed..." "

"And meat is expensive!


"Okay, Cyril, Will, Mal, how to spend money, let's"

"" Make an account -, half of it - if you buy bread -, give the rest to Ash ""

"What the hell?"

"I knew it was on your ass."

Alliance, keep your mouth shut!

"When you have it on hand, you'll use it, won't you? That's why we keep it in the Alliance's account from the beginning. If Zash returns, it'll be easier. You can do it with Maria and Sophie."

Let's try it!

Starting next week, I just wanted to have breakfast and lunch, and decided to come with me. Of course, you'll let me use your guild, won't you?

"No busy times, man."


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