We went around with the first and second dungeons and came back to Burkhardt in a little over two weeks, but it was sometime five moons. It was better to go to the dungeon than I thought. I would rarely be able to go to school. It's not like there's a dungeon right from the academy, like Wang Du.

Returning to Mr. Earl's mansion, there was a quiet stiff man and a tough looking young man waiting for him.

"Arsh, the doctor who was looking at the relative's child you had me look at and his assistant."

"No way, that kid."

"No, don't worry. Surprisingly well."


I put my chest down. The older ones have spoken.

It's about the amulet stone you deposited.

I hesitated a little. Then the younger one,

"To say I can't get back to you right away must still be obnoxious. I don't even have to listen to you. Enough to hand it over to the military as something that confused people!

I said fiercely. Dan had warned me, too, and I thought he would be criticized in this way. Hmm, and I sigh,

"If you listen to me, don't you say you're from Merida? I don't deserve credit, such as from a superstitious, borderline country where swords and magic are the kingdom!

and continued. I was taken lightly. It's still going on.

"In the first place, I've never seen a creepy shade that says yellow eyes on dark hair, etc. Don't you need to listen to something like this!

The room quieted down. I looked at the older one quietly. I saw each other.


"Shut up for a second."


"Shut up!

The young man had no choice but to shut up and tease me. I looked back quietly.

"My assistant is rude. I'm sorry."


"Shut up. Don't say another word."

The older one apologized to make the younger one listen.

"In front of those who aspire to friendship as Merida's ambassador, I said I was rude. I also sincerely apologize as a master for not only rambling the young lady, who is a guest, but also for taking the worst of words and deeds as a person."

And I bowed my head deeply. My assistant said he still said something. And I don't have to look. All very angry. Mr Earl said.

"I'm not talking about it. Arsh, what do we do?"

"After all, what have you done?"

I hesitated. The doctor said.

"I've been watching this wind and earth disease for years, but it's impossible to recover so suddenly. If you ask, the exotic princess left the amulet stone? Though the introduction of the Marquis, I hope that such an obscurity will speed up the progression of the disease, with a word of caution"


"You didn't take the stone away, did you?"

"You can't leave something by the sick that you don't know what it does"

The room shimmered again and quieted down.

"If you're a disciple or a disciple, your master is a master,"

Dan said.

"That's why I told you? Ash, I'm not trying to help the Empire."


"You shut up!

Dan said cold to the young man. I was sad too. And I was disappointed that this was the reality of someone called a doctor. But what needs to be said will have to be said.

"There's something I'd like to hear from you too."

The doctor turned this way.

"Does the Empire have a curse?"

"No, there isn't."

"So if your hair is black or your eyes are yellow, is it also a problem, besides creepy"

"It's... I'm so sorry, that's not possible"

"So is there a stone in the empire that makes people feel bad just because they have it"

"No, I've never even heard of it"


I grinned hard.

"I almost thought it was an undeveloped country where the Empire believed in superstition. No Merida, no such superstitions, no facts."

But I knew I was spilling tears.

"What do you think about taking away the beautiful stones you gave your child by believing in superstition"

"That's... sorry, I seem to have gone wrong"

The doctor told me to wake up. I kept crying.

"Medicine is what repeats validation. Even more so if you've been haunted for years, isn't it something called a doctor to try that if you have any hope at all? Have you considered objectively why she is feeling better"

"No, I was wondering if the guest had come and made me feel brighter..."

"Has anyone recovered as much as she did so"


"So why do you think you recovered"

"Protective stone... but superstition and you also said..."

"The curse is superstitious. What if the stone itself had a basis?

"In stone..."

The older person thought about it.

"That's all I can say to you right now. The amulet stone belongs to me and her personal. Give it back."

"Okay. Excuse me."

"Master! You need to apologize, etc!

"You are."

I stood in the front of a young man.

"Hey, what's up?"

"If someone with black hair and yellow eyes comes here sick, won't you treat him? Because it's creepy?"

"Oh, that's"

"If a Merida person who was coming on a journey doesn't treat him if he gets sick? Aren't people from the border countries going to treat you?

"Yes, no"

"Do imperial doctors, believing in superstition, discriminate against those who suffer?


Even cancer spills tears. I don't want to lose. But...

"Marquis, may I return to my room?"

"Oh, I'm sorry"

Mal followed me.

An awkward silence spread in the room. Heh, and Karen got up.

"My name is Karen von Dean"

This is Thomas, the doctor.

"Have you ever heard of a rumor that the daughter of the Marquis of the Northern Territory suffered from this disease"

"I'm a doctor, so such information goes to my ears. I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's me."


"Well, a sick daughter is me."

"Ha, no way, how are you"

"Yes, I'm better"

"No way."

"Merida cured me."

"In Merida...... no way"

"As a doctor, as a researcher, if you sincerely want to know with an exploratory mind, Arsh will answer. That's all I can tell you."


"Thomas, take that fool home today. For that which is visited with a fair heart, the door shall also be opened. But don't worry, you'll never hurt a valued guest again."

"I understand. Then we're done."

The two of them left.


Everyone on the spot had an unparalleled rage. And Jonas and Kuntz.

"But that's what I knew from the beginning. Even if I cry now, he'll do it again if there's something he's in pain. I can't keep you away from it, I can't protect you from slander."

Greg said. Cyril says with a bite of remorse.

"We can only at least flatten the way we go while we lean in pain. Because that's Arsh. I'll go with you even if it's painful."

Everyone nodded.

"Thomas is an excellent doctor. Sounds like you took a stupid apprentice, but if you think slowly, you'll go home sane. Well, Greg, let me tell you about two weeks."

Some nights are painful. But Mal leans in. Cyril, Will and Dan fall asleep, leaning against the door too. What Arsh sees the next day is hope that we will go our way together.

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