I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, 5, moon reunion.

It was also indulgent to invite him to the Marquis' mansion, so he was to gather at the McKenney Chamber of Commerce. I was also contacted that the rapid distribution of demonic stones was due to Merida adventurers.

We decided to let him go a little further and give him a tour of the store. The Chamber of Commerce was also like a magic prop shop. Of course the demonic stones themselves were not exhibited, and in Merida the usual magic stoves and other bright stores were loosely arranged. Coming in effortlessly with Merida's Demon Stone Refill Nori, we found it slightly awkward to feel out of place for its luxury. So I was called from behind.

"Oh, Chairman, it's time we had a customer, get to the reception room ASAP...... no, sorry, it seemed wrong. Stupid, what I did to someone so young..."

The person was surprised to see Will turn around and apologized.

"Do you use it, where was the customer?"

"No, we were invited with the Marquis, but this was the first time the Demon Stone Merchant had come a little early to give us a tour"

"Well, did you, Demon Stone is not on the table, but you may also want to see it in Demon Props"

The man said that without making fun of himself because he was young. Yeah, good store. I feel better. Will and Mal, their expressions don't change. It's all right.

"Hey, Arsh, have you finished your tour or join us?"

Mr. Greg spoke to me. Now, will you get the demon stone from?

When we entered the reception room, everyone was already there. When I try to stand after the Marquis, I ask the Marquis

"You're a party, too. Take a seat."

I was told, I took a seat. There are three people on the side of the Chamber of Commerce, the one who guided me earlier, the one who is young and the one who seems to be Mr. McKenney. Certainly similar. He was a tough looking guy, like he grew up with Will as he was, minus all the brightness. Conversely, the gaze of the three Mr. McKenneys is toward Will and Mal. An uncomfortable silence is usually present in the room. Mr. McKenney cut the fire.

"A lot of people, but before we talk about Demon Stone, would you mind?"

And I spoke to Will and Mal in words I don't understand.

'Which tribe is it from? Are you getting permission from the chief of the tribe'

Will and Mal don't answer bewildered. Mr. McKenny turned his inquiry to the Marquis.

"Those in our country do not leave the country easily. But these people don't even answer questions. I think there are circumstances. Earl, under what circumstances are we taking him around?"

"I'm not taking you around."

The Marquis smiled bitterly.

"You don't think I jumped out like you"

"Too young. Not to mention some girls."

"I don't know what to say, uh, it's Will"


Mr. McKenny snapped.

"Mr. McKenny, we are international students from Merida. I don't understand the language of your country. What did they ask you earlier?"

Will asked firmly.

"What is Merida...... Few people leave our country to go to other countries. If you are a young man, only one with permission from the chief of the tribe. I asked about that permission."

"We are adventurers. I have no parents. Consequently, permission is not required either. This time, I came with the Marquis to talk about demon stones."

"Aren't you from my country? But the colour..."

"Aren't you a relative? Surprisingly similar to the chairman."

Said someone who showed me earlier.

"No, not my tribe..."

Mr. McKenney looked at Will and Mal again. And I said to Mal, looking away.

"Celestia...... no way, no way"

"Oh, I remember you."

"Mal, don't!

"Mal? Are you crazy?


Will pounded his tongue, but Mr. McKenny stood up rattling his chair.

"William, Margaret, is it?

Mal said to sing a little cheer.

"Children of the McKenney family, sooner or later, we'll go all over the world."

Mr. McKenny's complexion changed clearly.

"We're not picking him up, so Mal's hanging around with his brother and his crew."

"Mal or Mal, but he was exposed, searched, searched, and still found nothing!

"It was too late then!

Will went away.

"Because you haven't been here in years, your heart is broken. In the first place, I didn't need a new clam or anything! How could you not take me home with you!

This! That this was caught in Will's heart?

said Mr. McKenney.

"That's what Celestia wanted. We need to get the kids out of Merida until they're a little older."

"Oh, you weren't there anymore. Then why didn't you come back!

"The tribal chief council overlapped in the time of the ship and I couldn't really, really go home..."

Mr McKenney said weakly. Will slapped Dan, and the table,

"Enough, it's over now. We were alive. That would be enough. Now I don't have to avoid you anymore."

That's what I said and left. Cyril glanced at me for a moment and followed me out.

"Oh, my God..."

Mr. McKenny was stunned.

"McKenny's Lost Children,"

The Marquis snapped pompously.

"Earl, you knew..."

"We met in Merida. It looked like you. He said he didn't know about his parents, but he didn't think so."

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"


"The mares stopped it."

Mr. McKenny was hazy. Yes, Will isn't the only one! It was like a doll, cute, cute my daughter.

"Mal, is it Mal or did you remember me?"

Mal stared at Mr. McKenny. And I said.

"Are you surprised? I'm confused. I feel guilty. Don't know what to do?


"Hey, good day. Are you happy Mal's alive?

Yes, it was. I'm surprised, I don't know what to do, I'm stuck with myself all the time, what was I doing? My daughter, who I thought was gone, is back.

Tears flooded Mr. McKenny's eyes.

"I'm happy. I'm happy! He was alive! He was alive!

Mal lowered his hand.

"It's okay to be glum."


Mr. McKenney glanced at Mal's face and hugged him with horror.

"Mal, Mal, you lived well"

"They took me away, they threw me away, your brother and all of Meryl raised me."

"Meryl, so far away! What was I doing!

"And, you know, I met Cyril, and then I met Arsh."

"Cyril, Arsh"

I glanced lightly.

"And I live happily ever after."

Mal, you've skipped too much.

"Mal, well, good"

"Happy now?

"Yeah, yeah"

Mal tonned Mr. McKenny's back.

"Arsh taught me. I feel safe doing this. Don't cry?

"Yeah, yeah"

Mr. McKenny cried more. Mal never takes his essence off. It's so good to see you alive.

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