I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, the 14-year-old, the moon of seven, to the Empire City again.

I hardly tourist in Dean because I worked so hard at the hospital. And Teito. When it came to Imperial Capital, there was a lot to talk about in the carriage, talking to Mal about what to eat, talking about which dungeons to dive in, and not being able to slow down.

I suppose we should continue this activity in Imperial City as we are. However,

"Don't forget to come as an international student. Remember what your people tried to protect you for."

And Earl was telling me, so let's switch from here and good luck with the dungeon and the study.

Mr. Gregg and his men said they have been taking a good look at the guild around the sixth and seventh dungeons and, just like the first and second dungeons, acting like demons and adventurers.

"The dungeon was large. Compared to Burkhardt, the adventurers were motivated, and the guild worked normally. We can't deny we're understaffed, but we just need to excavate there from the sick. Exactly 8th to 10th are too far away to go. Then it finally became only a dungeon of the Empire City. Don't you dare."

"Oh, my God, that's your job."

I saw this exchange a lot on Merrill. You were working with the deputy guild chief. It's tough under Mr. Greg. I was lazy, but as soon as I got to Imperial Capital, things changed. That's Karen's brother. Certainly of the deputy captain of the Central Knights...

"He told me it was time to pick you up. The quarters will be set up inside the Knights."

"Uh, there's plenty to stay in."

"I definitely mean inside the Knights. We will also have a direct carriage to the dungeon"

I'm worried about the little ones.

"The adventurers are with us."

Hey, Nico, Bran, good luck!

"The international students will also be kept in the Central Knights until they enter the school."

Oh, us too?

"I've been wandering around for just over three months, and if I was also involved with the East and North Territories, I hear the center felt the crisis, too. He was expecting trouble. And there were stories of Merida's remaining adventurers."

When I said what I had to say, your brother was quick. Wait, were you expecting trouble?

"Because you're an international student originally, and you won't even pay for your stay. Even though I was a student, they threw me out of poy without money. Whether it's East Territories or North Territories, you'll take care of them if they tell you to take care of them. I don't care if they tell you to keep it."

I said bump. I didn't like anything.

"What kind of captain are you in the first place?"

"Uh, the real captain is my royal brother. But I've been out of government for about two years now, and now I'm acting captain. son of the Marquis family in the centre"

"The title is hard."

"The Empire has three marquises in the region and two marquises in the center. Later there will be a little more counts, and I wonder if the Viscounts and Barons will be so polluted that there will be knights as honorary positions."

"What are they doing?"

"The provinces rule their respective territories under the Marquis. The center is involved in politics and business."

"Business? Even though you're noble?

"Yeah. Because the central aristocracy has a small territory"

Your brother taught me politely.

"Karen will take a carriage every day from home."


I have no choice, do you want to go? It was the Knights' quarters on the side of the castle that we were all probably taken to. Exactly, Mr. Greg and Mr. Ted were getting a captain-class room, but what a room we were! It was a four-man room. Plus, each room comes with surveillance, no, with a fellow roommate. We have two young men from one of the few female knights. There is one for each boy, and one for the younger one after all. Bathrooms are co-located. Rice is served in the dining room. Yeah, can I think of it as early dorm living.

The same roommate says she's a graduate of school, one of whom is a casual Misha with brown hair close to redhead. Green eyes, cheerful beauty. The other one, Milana. He's a beautiful guy with shiny, light brown hair and eyes, a little smaller than Mal for both of us. If I thought she was a beautiful person, I heard later that the female knight would also be judged for her appearance to some extent because she would be attached to the royal family.

"I heard you were an international student from Merida. While we're here, we're in the same room, so ask me anything you don't know."

Misha told me.

"I'm Milana. Unlike students, training is our job. Don't make me go through any trouble."

That's what Milana said.

"I'm Mal."

"I'm Arsh. Stay free, don't worry about it."

Mal was as usual, and I greeted him with a word. Misha looked a little troubled and Mirana, um, took it.

"By the way, I'd like to rendezvous with my people, but where should I go"

"This is a women's quarters. You shouldn't go to a man easily."

Mirana told me to be picky.

"They suddenly brought me here, and I'm not talking about the future. I'll have trouble starting tomorrow, so I'd like you to let me go."

Misha said,

"I heard you only have a month to go to school. Though I think it's best to stay locked in and study as much as possible."

I said gently.

"By and large, it's not like we got to the empire in April and we've been playing. Why don't you get serious?"

I said it like Milana was upset. Uh, someone's giving out information halfway through. I saw Misha. I looked away awkwardly first. Misha, too.

"You know."

I said quietly.

"When I arrived at the port in April, the school wrote to me that I could only get into the dorm from the third week of the month of August, and I only got the money for the carriage to the Empire."

I saw Misha. Misha said in surprise.

"I didn't ask you that way."

"A selfish international student from an island country is playing around without even studying, so you want me to monitor him?


"If you look at your attitude, you'll see. But, you know, I happen to have an Alliance guy coming with me, so I had that guy protect me, but if I hadn't, I might have gone and fallen. That was the situation."

"Oh no..."

"Misha, what do you believe? Take a look at them. Good clothes, clean, nothing troubling you. You're not in trouble because you're going to be studying abroad!

You're right about that, too. I wasn't in trouble. But that's because it's us. Now Merida's adventurers are in trouble, but no one knew.

"Misha, let me go. We came to study in the Empire. You're not studying abroad locked in a room."

Milana is ignored. I'm saying something about a scan, but I can't hear you. Tons.

I wonder what it is.

"Meet international students."

That's right, Dan's probably the one I came up with.

"Then I'm coming, Misha, Mirana"

"Wait, I'm coming too"

"Go ahead. Mirana can go to training, right?

Mirana came with a prick. Will it be so easy to understand and serve as protection for the royal family? By the way, during this time, Mal stays out of my way. That's Mal's.

Outside the quarters were Dan and Cyril and Will. It also comes with one soldier who seems to be in the same room.

"I thought you might not be able to come out."

Dan said nigga.

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