I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, 7, moon, basket thoughts.

Maxim, Misha and Milana took them together and headed to the captain's office. When we got to the captain's office, there was a surrogate captain and a deputy captain. By the way, there are two deputy captains. Mr. Karen's brother is not here. First, the deputy captain opened his mouth.

"So, how was the international student?"

The three of them couldn't answer right away. What should I report from? The deputy raised one eyebrow,

"Was it that hard to report?"

I said, the three of them looked at each other and then Maxim said on his behalf.

"It's not hard to report. However, what can I report from? Too much has been done."

"Hmm. Now, in order of action from the time of arrival"

Maxim started slowly reporting on whether he was putting it back together in his head.

"When we met, we greeted each other, then we packed and so on, and then we went to see the girls. For once, you are advised to stay in your room and study, but you cannot impose it."

"Do you mean you have a strong sense of companionship?"

"After rendezvous with the girl, I don't know what she was saying because she spoke in Merida. There was nothing wrong with eating, fumigating, studying, and going to bed that day."

"How's the girl?"

"It's pretty much the same as Maxim. I am gentle and Milana treats me in a mean role, but meanness is almost done and doesn't open my mind because I'm gentle, I'm courteous and at a certain distance. He said he was thrown out in the harbor town with no cost of staying."

"That's not me. That's what the school side did on its own. Well, you're going to be in a good mood for our house. That's why I framed him for giving up to that Merida man."

The captain's deputy said a little bitterly. He doesn't seem interested at all in what happened to young people who don't have the cost of staying.

"Fair enough. Doesn't seem particularly problematic to behave..."

"Haven't heard about today, how was it"

The deputy captain asked further.

"Sword training from 6: 00. After meals, women wash dishes. Then tea sales in the square. They were selling out quickly."

Acting captain, the deputy captain was taken lightly.

"You think it's dishwashing? Whatever."

"He said it was for me to lend him a cup."


"To sell tea."

"I did give you permission yesterday, but just now! That, what, yesterday today the tools and ingredients..."

"I had one table in the blue sky, a demon prop for tea, and it was quick. I've never had cold tea or anything, but it was delicious. Seemed pretty popular. Can I go on?"

Maxim said.


"Then to the dungeon. Seems like only four adventurers, one of the boys stayed in the guild and the four of us dived into the dungeon"

"You still seem to be pretty sure that women are adventurers, too. But it's a pretty bad place."

Misha answered.

"I didn't care at all. At our own pace, we defeated and dismantled all the demons that were ahead and returned in about four hours."

"Four hours in the afternoon."

"Then we sell demon stones, we sell meat in Teito, we eat, we study, we go to bed."

"Oh, my God, that's not a quiet place."

"When it comes to quiet, it's quiet. It must still be 14 and 16, but there's no such thing as a quiet, naughty place, and if you keep quiet with that look on your face, you can even say noble."

"Sure, you looked beautiful. But one with the family name is the son of a merchant. Others should be civilians."

The deputy captain nods. Misha continued.

"So do women. I'll listen back until I'm convinced, but the way I talk and act is calm. But in the dungeon, I was surprised. I guess you're used to demons, calm, strength, guts, and no one else's adventurers in our country. With the sword, you can beat the smaller one, but not the bigger one"

"That much?"

"Yes, today alone, I was making about 250,000 gills for five people combined in tea and dungeons..."

Misha laughed.

"In the afternoon, you said something like this."

Silence fell. said the deputy captain.

"Well, it's not going to be as big a problem as selling tea or going to a dungeon for an older young adventurer. Keep watching."

"" "Okay" "

As the three of them walked out the door, acting captain sighed.

"Why is there a problem in my place?"

"I guess it's because I changed my mind."

"But didn't it prove in the last two years that the guild would be profitable if it was run well? There's no point in buying away any more demon stones. One of these days, I want to sell demon stones without going through the McKenny Chamber of Commerce."

"McKenny apparently puts his shoulder in Merida, too."

"You were dowry in Merida, something you should be quiet in Kilik."

The deputy captain carried a temple.

"Fair enough. All you have to do is make sure the good guy moves the guild. Merida, I've had enough of this mess."

Three of my escorts sighed in the hallway. Maxim spoke up.

Mirana, are you okay?

"The dungeon was tight. I wonder why those kids can stay flat. I can't even be mean."

"Get used to it, I guess. But you don't look like you're having trouble with the money, why are you working so hard?

Misha snapped as she walked.

"I don't know. I did report it, but I don't think the captain's deputies knew one thing right now."

"I see you, I'm surprised to see you waving your sword, too. You don't know how insane those kids are until you actually see them."

"It's my job to tell you that."

"Child surveillance is what knights do!

"Shh. All that is required is surveillance and reporting. They didn't tell me to stop acting."

"I wonder if we're going to the dungeon tomorrow."

Milana is going to be depressed.

"I just have to get used to it. I'm also quite excited. I wonder what we'll do next."

"Isn't that cute?

"I don't deny it"

Tomorrow morning will also be training. Though at work, I'm tired today; the three of them hurried back to their rooms to rest. I didn't realize Dan and Mal were awake.

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