I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, 10 months old, father.

"Arsh, you had a mother when you were seven."

"Yeah, I died of illness when I was about to turn eight."

"... missed you"

"Yeah. But I was right with the Cyril guys."

"Have you been with me since then?"

Talk about skewers and bread.

"Anyway, I thought that Cyril, Will and Mal would stop and do something about it and not turn it up."

"I'm desperate to feed Will and Mal anyway"

Cyril says, Will,

"Well, I'm desperate to feed Mal."

We all saw Mal.

"Mal is."

What about Mal?

"I didn't think about it."

I laughed at him. Looks like Mal.

"At first it was just bread. But when we get back from buying bread, there's a lot of soup and jam coming out."

Will continued.

"Is that it? Arsh always says that we fed him, but it didn't have to be us..."

"I knew there was always bread, so I could do something else."


Will laughed furiously too.

"I'm not gonna let Arsh get hurt again."


Dan beside us with a nice vibe,

"I'm making more money from Ash than from Cyril."

and explains to the Hoogos. Feelings matter.

When we were talking about Merida's school, etc., people on horseback with three people down the street wanted to go through. I asked the liner.

"People on horseback are rare."

"With so many people, horses are dangerous. Within the Imperial capital, only those with permission can ride the rest of the Knights."

"I see. That?

That blonde... Turning this way, the man descended from his horse, leaving his reins with his neighbor, and hurried over.

"Will, Mal!

That's what I said and hugged Mal.

"Oh, Dad, you're home."

"Will! School, no. That's... Get rid of the dorm and go through the mansion. It's hard to see you."

"But the dorms are free."

"Even ours would be free! I didn't know you wouldn't see me right away when I got back because of you... What, Mal, let go? It's been a long time. During dinner? That's the only way."

Ha, it's Mr. McKenny.

"The troublesome tribal chiefs meeting is over. They told me to bring you next year, so I'm coming with you next year."

"That's a pain in the ass."

"The tribal council fold has young people trying, no, there are strong ones this year."


Yes, it took Will.

"Look, Cyril, if you don't want to come to the land of the horseback riding nation, to the tall meadows, where sheep and deer are herds, when it comes to the bravery of chasing them with horses,"

"I'm going!

Yes, it took Cyril. Cyril saw us.

"Hey, Arsh, Dan"


"Shall we?"

Yes, it took me and Dan, too. Mr. McKenny saw Mal.

"You don't have to be caught by Arsh to go."

"Ugh, right, sorry"

The laughter began. That's right.

"Will, let me introduce you to my friend."

"Oh, Dad, school friends, Isaac, Liner, Hugo"

"" "Nice to meet you" "

"Oh, it looks like Will and Mal are taking care of you, thank you. I'm Steven."

"Um, maybe from the McKenney Chamber of Commerce"

"Yeah? Yeah, but you look familiar, you sure are from the Herman Chamber of Commerce..."

"Yes, this is my son Hugo"

"Well, get along with the kids."

"Of course it is"

"Yes, let me introduce you to this one, Andy, Louis!

Two people came after pulling a horse. Wow, they all have green eyes on their blondes.

"He belongs to the McKenny clan. Andy, well, something like a manager, Louis, hangs out at the headquarters in Teito to study commerce. Andy, Louis, this is my son and daughter."

Mr. Andy is the same age as Mr. McKenny. Is Louis a little older than us?

"Oh, you look just like me, hello, Will"

"If you're a clan, you can call me a relative or an uncle."

"Oh, of course. This is, oh, Mal, beautiful, say hello."

Mr. Andy laughed gently.

"Steven, next year's meeting is rough, sign up for a dowry, be prepared."

"Huh? Mal is 14. I'm not gonna do it to anybody yet."

Something is happening.

"It's Louis, nice to meet you"

"It's Will, nice to meet you."

After that, I introduced myself.

"Come to the Mansion!

and left.

"Hey, wasn't Will and Mal an orphan?"

Hugo asked. That's Hugo, I can't even tell you if everyone cares.

"Oh, when we were little, we were kidnapped and dumped."


"My father and I have been reunited since we came to the Empire. You look just like me and Dad."

"Yeah, they looked so much alike"

"So we found what we lost, so, well, you're happy. I don't care."

"I can't be bothered!

"Hugo, calm down"

Isaac, but...

"There's no way you know a lot at the top. We just need to get to know each other slowly."

"... yeah"

"But don't get bored, with you guys"

The liner laughed.

"Come on, I'm free this afternoon, and I'll see you at the butcher's uncle"

There's plenty to do.

That day, Hugo talked to his father about his homework. The father said with admiration.

"I wouldn't have had to go that far and let Hugo know."

"Yeah, I think you could tell by mouth. But bringing home demonic meat, how to take demonic stones, how to sell them, and the value of 300 gills"

Hugo continued.

"The bad thing about black bread! But there are people who can't even eat that. Still, as long as you work, you can buy your own bread. Ash said he'd be able to live and buy things eventually."


"Yeah. Dad, I, of course, think about profits, but I want to help the Arshes think about getting more jobs."


"You can really help yourself. But even my fortune was earned by my father. I don't care what my powers are, but right now, I think it's important that the orphanage kids put a little bit on the job so the guild works. I'm not ashamed to use your father's name or your power to do that!


"Next time, will you meet the Arshes and the Guild Leader"

"Okay. Hugo."


"Nothing. You'll be tired today, rest well"

"Yeah, get some rest"

I always thought I was a child, but I grew up sometime. How long has it been since you've talked to your father like this? If Hugo asks you to help him, use all the power of the Herman Chamber of Commerce.

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