I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 14, on the moon of 11.

The next week, I didn't go to a knighthood club. What were you doing in the meantime, embroidery. This is taught by Florence, while he stabs a handkerchief in the initials. I originally sewed it, so I can't make it seem difficult, but I think I can handle about the initial. And a lot of fun.

I stab Will's initials in practice, and that's how I stab Cyril's initials. The last one is Dan. Because Dan is the loudest at finishing touches.

"Needles and Sword Companions"

There's no way that, but Mal looks like he's embroidered for fun, too. Even in the meantime, Cyril and Will apparently had quite a few appeals from chivalry girls. The class is different, so I don't have to know. Most importantly, we used to make mistakes in the hallway and were told quite a few things. Cyril and Will didn't even go to the club, and after school they were immersed in the talking rooms and intercultural clubs.

That's how when I was in the 11th moon, I went to a knighthood club. I train thoughtfully, form groups and chat. Looks lively and fun.


"Coming, Arsh, Mal"

I deliberately stopped by the girls as I talked to Aloys. Aloise told me.

"Because of this, let's put our swords together"

"Yeah, let's do it"

"A general child is going to get hurt. You don't have to wave your sword."

When I'm nearby, I can't help but say something. You're making fun of me in a way that's like worrying. I don't even notice the boys around me looking at what they're talking about.

Anyone who's been in the opposition the other day has been hit by me.

"Speaking of which, how was the dungeon? Nico and Blanc were sweet, weren't they? Now I'll take a look at you."

They looked blue. Uh, I couldn't.

"I don't know, dungeons, I knew it was enough after I became a knight, so that's enough."

"Even if you can't go, never mind. 'Cause it's a hard place for girls."

I said gently.

"I didn't get to go. I'm just not going."

"Really, I'm totally fine, so I'm sorry I don't know what it's like to be a weak girl"


"Aloise, let's go."



I said annoyingly.

"I'll show you if you're weak"

"Yeah, but he said he couldn't deal with a girl in general..."

"I'm a chivalry, but I can't keep my mouth shut if they make me look stupid!



Aloise told me to stop.

"It's the only way, I'll deal with you"

Originally a club for waving swords. The stage is tidy. Not only have I been embroidering and relaxing this past week, but I've actually been watching sneak sword training, both of them the type who compete with skill and speed over strength and strength. Same type of me, this is easy to do.

After all, he wasn't strong enough to be his opponent. I was impressed with coming up after many falls, but the two were out of strength. Of course we're not out of breath.

"Hey, what are you guys doing?"

"I'm an adventurer."

"You're just a demolisher!

"You're still healthy. You couldn't even dismantle that?

"Well, it's not a knight's job!

"So what's a knight's job?

"To protect Your Majesty."

"That's a Kingsguard job, but what if you can't be a Kingsguard?

"I can be. Women are precious."

"I don't think I can be what I am"

I said.

"You can be!

"I can't be."

"As much as I beat the sword!

"Hey, that's not what I'm talking about"


"You guys always come at me, but I've seen it right about us"

"I'm watching."

I sighed.

"So what are we like?

"Uh, a Merida international student, who stumbled into a surge or something, and she's on track? Let the boy samurai because he's a little cute."

There it is. Even if you lose with the sword, this is it.

"Merida's international students are the only ones who fit."

Aloise flashes and crushes.

"You know, before I got here, I took care of the Central Knights, and they followed me to the female Knights. Someone named Misha and Milana."

"My esteemed knight. I feel sorry for you guys."

"I think it also had a role in identifying Merida's international students. You have that kind of work, for knights."

"I know you don't have to explain."

"We ended up friends, Mirana and Misha."

"No way."

"Why do you think?

"I don't know."

"That's what you say when you're a knight?

"What are you saying from earlier?

Does it make sense to talk?

"Okay? Suppose you're a knight and we're under surveillance. The first time you saw me, you thought my sword was only weak."

"That's not true"

"Was the sword weak?

"Well, compared to a real knight..."

"I was with Mirana."

"No way."

"What makes you think I'm cute?

"You're always with the boys."

"You, too."

"Because that's a chivalry..."

"Cyril, Will and Dan are childhood friends. Aloys is my friend. I didn't let you serve me. It's reciprocal. Plus there's Florence and Naz, but that doesn't count?


"Like you guys, I'm not even attracted to boys or inviting them."

"That's not true."

"I am, aren't I? He's got a crush on boys."


"So, I went to the dungeon. A tough place to even dismantle demons. You can't go, but we can. I mean, we're stronger."


"Today, I didn't even use my sword. I mean, we're stronger."


"He's cute. If so, what for?

"For what?

"He's strong, but he's cute. What do you decide it's for?

"I don't know..."

"Normally, to trick a man. That's why you guys are coming at us."

"Yes! So!"

"Were we deceiving?


"Did you say yourself that the sword was weak?


"Were you sweet on someone?


"Who doesn't try to see that truth by looking at it with prejudice and observing it because they don't like it from the start?


"And if this is your job, do you report to your boss that you're observing people who are weak and just crazy?

I shut up.

"I may not care for you guys. But for me, too, you guys are nasty girls who keep saying nasty things with their own assumptions and don't admit losing with their swords, and they don't want to bother you by saying goodbye."

"Oh no..."

"If you don't know now, you can do whatever you want. But stop telling us you don't like it. Stay away from Cyril and Will."


"Aloise, shall we continue our training"

"... ok"

Everyone resumed their training as if nothing had happened, and the two flew home.

On my return that day, I called the Cylons to a halt.

"Um, this..."

"Handkerchief? What's wrong?

"Florence taught me to embroider it last week. Will you get it?

"Are you sure? Thanks!"

"Aren't you a little snoring for me?

"Will's was an exercise"

"Isn't it terrible?

A laugh arose. Mal gave it to the Aloys.

"Really, I made this to compete with the chivalry kids."

"You had a settlement today, didn't you?"

"Yeah, but, you know, if you're a little caught off guard, you fight with women's power! Because they were going to say,"

"Uh, you're about to say"

Aloise said.

"So I thought I'd talk to Florence and practice from the start..."

"Arsh, you seem to be flushing it, and you're going to be surprisingly thorough."

Will said.

"Yeah. But, you know, I was wondering what kind of battle you're in, and you're acting stupid."

"What do you mean?

"Cyril, if those kids were just embroidered better than me, would you choose those kids?


"What if those kids had stronger swords?


"So this embroidery, I didn't want to be a battle, I just wanted to feel it"


"I'm practicing."

"I feel like practicing."

"It was embroidery fun"

Mal also said.

"The point is, I just need to make sure those kids don't bother, and I think that's cleared up. So."

Me and Mal smiled and said.

"Thank you for always taking care of me"

A voice of gratitude and laughter began.

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