I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, the 14-year-old, the 13-year-old moon, the whole body, the whole spirit.

The next week, Florence avoided me even at school, didn't try to talk, and was alone. I told Naz the situation as far as I could and tried to get him to stay on Florence's side, but Naz,

"I don't care what you hear, I don't feel like just taking Florence's side."


"I'll stick with both Florence and Arsh as usual. If you want to stay away, I'll wait till you calm down."

That's why.

Priority should be given to the disease over participation in the cause of the disease. But I know what Florence feels like, a 15-year-old maiden. I want my fiancée to be concerned, not someone else's. It's natural to think so. That's why I didn't even feel angry, and I thought Alec was a blunt idiot. I thought it was because of Alec that I was screwing up, and I wanted to be mad at Alec. Is it around him?

Apart from that, we must do everything we can to make sure that we take on the job: more than 200 patients. How to prioritize. It will be a battle with time. How to use efficient people. It became more thoughtful, more naturally and wayward empty.

"Hey, Arsh, what's going on, it's not the same as usual"

"Hugo, just fine, we need to talk"

Hugo. In relation to entrusting the demonic butcher, it is supposed to be okay to tell Hugo the contents. Also for good friends Aloise and Isaac. Looks like Dan rented an empty classroom, not a talking room, and gathered friends. I follow blurry. I have to think. Efficient procedures. To help one or more.

Florence was also in the classroom. Cyril said he was pissed off that Florence was on Arsh's side because he was already working. Aloys, Theodore and Abel both know that I have cured Mr. Cullen. Florence also learned about it the other day. Dan was calling Bernort, Liner, Naz and Hart.

Cyril talked. About the illness, about how it was cured, about what we could do in the East, North, about Alec, and about this request. It's been a little long.

"Arsh, you did that until you came to school, you busy bastards"

Hugo said it like it was over first. Bernort and the liner are:

"I think it's a good story. I want Arsh to hang in there."

That was the feeling. But Isaac said:

"Isn't that strange? Why are you still letting your student Arsh do that? If you know the cause and the cure, take a moment, but isn't it something that imperial doctors should work on?"

"I think so, too. It's strange not to announce such an important thing to the people, but to do it only in part. Sickness also happens to ordinary people. Speak up to the merchant and I think it'll work pretty well. I always have a disease in me or someone I know. Even if we rely on Arsh, we're graduating and going back to Merida in a year. I hope you don't go home."

Hugo went on to say this, too. When he heard it, the liner looked stiff.

"I push people to take responsibility again without thinking! Think about it, I, yes, can't just strain Arsh."

"Arsh is an international student. The Empire should be responsible for the Empire."

Bernort also noticed. Cyril nodded:

"Florence, look at this. Give me Arsh. You know?"

"What are you talking about? It just seems so blurry."

"No. It's already started. In Arsh."


"As many as 200 patients. Some are seriously ill. We don't have enough people, we don't have skilled doctors."

Mal said.

"How can I be efficient? How can I help many people?"

and Will.

"We know exactly what Arsh is thinking. It's already starting to work in my head."

"Oh, no."

"As much, it's a hassle, it's a big thing, this is... I'm not blurry. It's extremely concentrated. I don't know how many months this tension will last. This is what spirits are all about."


"I am, Florence, angry."

Florence was annoyed.

"Not to you. To Alec."

"Dear Alec..."

"It's sweet on Arsh. And I haven't noticed that. Florence, Alec is like a brother to us."

"My brother, Alec is 23."

"I know. Because we met when we were weak, and we took too much care of it. I felt like a handy brother, and I spoiled him."

"I can't believe you're spoiling me."

"Even though Arsh is only 14, Alec admires him like his sister. I think it can be sweet. But, Florence, can you carry 200 lives?"

Florence got upset again.

"Do you take it for granted that Arsh has the power to carry 200 lives? Take a good look at Arsh. If you take it seriously, yeah."

Florence looked up.

"Why have we all gathered here? Not to be sympathetic."

Cyril said clearly.

"I need your help with this."

"I don't care if you cooperate."

Aloise looked difficult.

"I guess the fathers are in there. Is there something we can do?"

"The East Territories, the North Territories may know a little. But neither Alec, nor the Marquis in the center know anything. Aloise, this time, if I leave it to the grownups, I'm going to run out of people on the way."

"Isn't it faster for adults to get people together than we do something, even if it's not enough"

"I don't want to make that vague bet. Look, even if the point of treatment is to focus on Arsh, we need to take care of the debilitated patient, not treat him."

"Take care of him?"

"In other words, the patient is weak with a fever caused by magic. Allow 200 vulnerable patients to drink and eat seriously, change clothes, do laundry and stay clean. It takes a lot of work, not one person per person. You can just do it after school. Anyway, I want the numbers."

"Move the club. I can't tell you what's going on, but if you say you need a manual labor service, the chivalry guys will move. If this happens, it helps that I served downtown as a punishment."

"General medicine is a little difficult. The fact that it's not a hard job would be to take care of the sick. Whether or not students with no experience working underneath move..."

Isaac is also thinking.

"I hear the treatment center is never a privileged environment. You'd better have something as well as a service. I don't know about old clothes, food, clothes, buckets, anything to deal with heat. What about having this brought from the house? Hey, can't you decide to practice comfort and service to the treatment center and make a long-term effort to do it across the school?"

Hugo says.

"Take that!

Florence said out loud.

"Let me do that! If you are a nobleman, the status of my house will help. If me and Isaac's house take the lead, things will gather from the nobles! Condolences are good for your physical condition as an aristocrat. Of course, I will also participate in the treatment with Arsh. But if there's anything else I can do to help, I want to do that too!

"We give our voice to the Findarian merchants within the Empire"

Naz said.

"The number of people is small, but we also have this disease in Findaria. Please cooperate, if you can bring back the cure, it's a plus deduction."

"I will strike my hand on the common man's side."

Hugo said.

"The South will do it with me, Abel and Bernort!

Before the adults knew it, the youngsters moved out.

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