The months of 6 and 7 passed like rage in sales, but if I didn't buy them out in the morning, it would have been an easy afternoon. Once I worked hard at the demolition station, I waited for Cyril and Will to return home and until the sun set, I often played in the market.

At the market, the city kids come and visit. A child with parents goes to school in the morning and helps and plays in the afternoon. I had no contact with the orphan children, but this was the first time I was going to bump into them here.

"Go away, orphans!

Some easy kids, for example, but in reality, Cyril, Will and Mal, who work as luggage carriers and also train in guilds, are much stronger. I... yeah.

It doesn't matter if the weak one makes a scene. So I did, modern Japanese play. This is it, Cheat. First Mr. Tamara fell. There was no sign of him, so by that time, he turned "guild chief," "king," "lord," etc. And colored ghosts.

Come on, we caught it, the kids. In the end, neither the city's children, nor the orphans had anything to do with it. The most exciting of them all was Dorokay. Is that Cairo? It's hard for the police and Drobow to understand, so I decided to call it the Knights and the Bandits. Knights? I've never seen them, have I? The Knights were popular at first, but it was also interesting and antagonistic for bandits to get out.

The city people were watching me warmly, too.

In the meantime, one day, Cyril,

"What kind of school?

I said out.

Daniel, the leader of the city child, shows me the textbook.

Writing, calculation, history, geography. Daniel is the same age as Cyril and Will, so he will be advanced in elementary school.

A child who can go to school becomes advanced at the age of eight or nine at the age of elementary, 10 or 11, and learns to read, write, compute, Merida, that is, the history, geography, etc. of his country and the world.

From the age of 12, if you pass the exam, you can go to the college in Wangdu. Three years there.

But orphans and poor kids don't go to school.

Literacy is not very high.

Cyril looked at the textbooks of geography,

"I want to read this..."

I said. Yes, Cyril wants to be an adventurer and go far. He had admirable eyes.

Let me tell you something.

Daniel said.

"Are you sure?

Cyril's eyes shone.

From there, Blue Sky classes began.

You should also be able to read the Alliance's request form.

Guys, I wanted to learn how to write.

A slight old lady who saw it, or someone in town, gave me an old textbook.

Daniel, known as Dan, is the son of the city's best merchant. I grew up with no particular disabilities, no rewards, and I don't even like school studies that much. Just follow my father's trail anyway.

Even when I was busy, I was jealous of the Cyrils who seemed to enjoy themselves every day. I also wanted to be an adventurer. How about we all sleep in our futons? I don't even have a window.

Such Cyril relied on me.

But I'm trying to tell you, I even forget about elementary school. I can't answer Cyril's questions well. No, not now.

When Dan got home, he re-studied every day. In particular, history and geography are often questioned by Cyril. They also ask me what I didn't learn at school. At home, I also asked my father to study. I also read the book and taught about it.

If you're aware, in August, the first two years were well taught. School grades were at their best.

And thanks to you, I'm done until elementary, too. I wondered about Mal, but the way Dan taught was good. On the day I couldn't go to class, the kid who went there taught the other kids and all the orphans were able to learn elementary school. Dan, Cyril and Will's friendship lasted a lifetime.

I don't have to carry everything.

Put your hands together and you'll fall apart everywhere.

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