I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 15, from the month of 10.

"Almost a year after I started treating the disease. Treatments have not yet been delivered to all the empires, but for now no one has died of disease near the Empire. I really appreciate it."

Alec bowed his head with Mr. Fritz. You've done so much already.

"At last, there will be a reward"

Again? Alec laughs bitterly at us for not floating faces.

"It's about you guys who don't like brooms. If you don't want to stand out, it may be annoying, but as an empire, it's hard for a girl to think you've taken credit for it."


"Because I'll try to keep it as discreet as possible. Huh?"

"Dear Alec, it's a good experience to have to ask for a reward."

Mr. Fritz is nicking.

"Each of the five of you will be given something of hope. By the way, Arsh has a mansion and a title in the Imperial City."

"Yeah? I don't need it."

"You want me to think that the Empire is an asshole"


"That's all I did. You may not be conscious, but how much you saved so many people and gave me hope for the future"


"Take it, Arsh"


"We should all use the mansion. Guests are coming to us from all over. You can have a place to get together."

"Right, let's do that"

"See you in detail. Think about it if you want something. So let me talk to Kirik."

We had fun talking about majestic meadows and power comparisons.

Dan said later that the Empire managed to hold me back. The demon butcher, the stall, the patented, the lamb pavilion this time, he probably knows I'm involved. That would have enriched the empire, he said.

There are both Mr. Karen and Mr. Greg in the empire, though I don't know where they will eventually live. Aren't there Aloise, Theodore, Abel, the Knights, Hugo, Florence, and Alec? Even though I don't have to pull anything apart, I want people in the empire to be happy.

"I guess you can't believe how I feel about that. But if you turn this down, you'll be surrounded even more forcefully. Let's be clear when we get it, I don't like being held captive."


Mal's engagement, of course, went to report to Mr. Greg. Greg said he will be able to almost manage the three guilds in the center, starting next year he will first go around the North Territories and rebuild the rest one by one.

"The only thing that was bothering me was the center. But I want to raise adventurers at the local level. Northern Territory is Karen's home, and there are many dungeons. Little by little, even for the baby."

Greg, who's been taking care of us, is finally going to be a real father.

"I've calmed down the trouble you guys have to wake up. I'm going to bury my bones in Karen and the Empire. But if you have any problems, you can always come. I'll give it back to Merida at all costs."

But I was stuck with Mal's engagement.

"No way Mal... Will is the next chief of the ministry? Well, that's no surprise. He's got a big bowl. But Mal..."

Congratulations Karen, of course, are delightful. But Mr. Greg,


I still disappeared somewhere after taking Noah and the others to congratulate me and leaving Mr. Cullen with a giggling grin.

"See you at the tavern."

I think I just want to drink it for a reason.

When I got back, Dan and I were a little preoccupied with preparing the tea and cake lamb pavilion. It took me a year to decide to do it. While I was at Kilik, the interior of the store was over, so I was introduced to the trusted store manager by Hugo's father, who let it open less than a month later. I used anything I could use, and when I spoke to everyone in Florence's house, Aloise's house, Isaac's house, the ambassador, the Marquis house and school who was offering me butter and cream, it was very popular from the pre-opening for the first day nobility. Parents who said they were looking forward to it since last year's school festival also came. Of course, I also made a corner of Naz's Findaria, and many people looked at herbs, essential oils, cloth products and more with interest, and some bought it and went. Also, I knew from my experience in Merida that many people would buy cakes for me sooner rather than later, so I lost a lot of cakes I prepared.

The townspeople who watched him do so also pushed him to the next day, and the third day was for students only, with students coming not only from Central High School but also from other schools. Feels good.

When the store officially opened from day four, it was a big day every day. We periodically looked around the store and were busy re-educating storekeepers who tend to be Tengu because of what they sell, and getting ready for Store Two, and the usual Knights School Festival quickly grew old.

And at the beginning of a month, he was to stand before the Emperor again.

"Thank you, Arshmalia, for discovering a cure for a disease that had afflicted the Empire for many years and for sparing no effort to spread it. He saved the royal family with his own hands. He did a great job with his students."

It is already a well-known fact that Alec has recovered from the disease. I guess emphasizing this means trying to convince the nobility as well.

"Give the Marquis, even with its merits"

She's a 15-year-old girl, isn't she?

"There is no territory, give a pension. Give the Empire Mansion and take whatever reward you want. Honorable Lord, but shall be treated as Marquis in any official place. This title shall be subjugated as long as the blood of Arshmalia continues, and as long as no harm is done to the Empire."

I couldn't say anything. Per Dan, I would say that the Empire is definitely not going to let go of Arsh. But there is no territory. That means there is no responsibility. You won't be able to say no to that.

I finally got it.

He said he would send a thanksgiving envoy to the royal family for the contribution of international students to Merida as well. I just got caught up in it, but it's been a whole lot. Since the rest of the lamb also means that I get what I like, I decided to get the right to open the inn to any city, Cyril the ship and the right to use it to sail to each port, and Dan the right to do business in any city and one carriage. Seems like we only got a little bit more Cyrillic rights, but we were allowed to do nothing negative to the Empire. Seems like the only thing you could ever do business with was spill your eyes. I'm glad the Lamb Pavilion wasn't crushed. Will and Mal were getting paid because they didn't have anything in particular they wanted.

Of course, Mr. Karen and Florence's accomplishments were greatly accomplished. The Central High School and its students were also assessed for their contributions, and a new arena was to be donated to the school.

"We're graduating, aren't we?

is the word of Hugo.

It turned out to be more exaggerated than I thought, and more untied than I thought.

Because of this, we got a mansion in Imperial City, so we got out of the dorm and we all got to go to school from there.

"The pension I got is going to be spent on maintaining this..."

It was big enough for us. Alec sent me the personnel needed to maintain the mansion. Fine, then, let's hire an orphanage kid at the pension to learn his skills as a servant.

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