My name is Tanya, and I'm 22, and I won't be expecting you to be 23. Looking at the ceiling of the inn, blurry I think so.

"Kaa-chan! I bought you some bread!

"Well, Arsh, thank you"

I don't really have an appetite anymore, though. I don't want to grieve Arsh, who sparkles my eyes, but I just mouth a little black bread.

I have extremely little magic. It's really rare in Merida. In the meantime, children with little magic will die weakly by the time they develop magic fever, he said. So grown up Merida people are something with more or less magic. I guess this physique resembles you from a distant country. When I faintly remembered her, she had the same color of hair and eyes as me. Tocha died when I was five, so there's only a few things I can remember. Like Arsh right now, I remember worrying about her being weak.

There are extremely few settlers from other countries in Merida. Two weeks of sailing is too far away to come with dreams. While some travelers have been here, they also go back to their homeland because they get sick like Tochi. But people like you don't even have to pay to go home. I just have to disappear in the corner of the king's capital. That's what the odd pharmacist aunt, who also sees the orphan's disease, said.

It's like you were there. But when I went to the business instead of Tochi, I heard that he was no longer caught up in the surge. Though I thought I'd have to tell Arsh someday.

Pathan. I woke up when the door sounded. He seemed to be asleep again when he noticed. I can barely stay awake anymore. Arsh was coming back with his hands in bright red. You were doing the laundry. How much help I and Tonia have been able to get to this kid who won't have to say anything to make anything solid. The tonia is gone, too.

Fortunately, my magic wasn't zero. Luckily, I managed to survive. Tonia, Ricardo, Die, and their orphans. I often go to bed with fever. Although I did nothing to help, all the orphans let me spend time with them without throwing them away.

Hey, Earsh, you were Ricardo's brilliant deputy with Die. Even when you're an adventurer, you're weak in battle. The weakest knight was even nicknamed, but if Tonia had been cautious and crisis-conscious, the orphans' operation would never have failed. Behavioral and thrusting Ricardo tends to lose sight of what's around him. Die is excellent, but I never disagree with Ricardo. We checked the escape route and did not fail to be vigilant around, because there was such a tonia that we were kept the largest group of orphans in the Wang capital as well.

After I was 12, I became beautiful, and I was proposed by a lot of people. I thought it didn't matter if you were beautiful or something. What matters is how you feel about your people. I want to be with you. Someone who doesn't know me, who just wants to look outside and praise me is just disgusting.

But when I finally turned 14, my husband from a big store came to talk about the surrounded. An orphan. He said he couldn't be his official wife. Instead, he said he'd take care of the orphans' work.

I don't know when I'm going to die. I only have a weak body. If it's for everyone, I thought that might be okay. Ricardo or Die, who was already an adventurer, is fine. There are still a lot of little kids in the orphan group. Ricardo and the others were taking on all of that and diving into the dungeons to cut their lives.

But everyone disagreed. At the very least, orphans, craftsmen, adventurers, they want me to marry properly and be happy. And Ricardo asked me to marry him.

Ricardo is like his brother. Always worry, you take care of me and protect me. When you marry me, you're sure to take care of me, work harder than now, and I can't abandon the other orphans, and one day the limits will come.

And I'm afraid of merchant retaliation. If the major merchants start to ostracize orphans, they won't be able to live in the Wang capital no matter how hard the Ricardos work.

That's how Tonia laughed mischievously and said this to the merchant when she tried to reply to her consent.

Tanya, let's go.

I loved Tonia. Tonia, who was always quiet on my side. Though discreet, Tonia was always attentive to her companions. Whoever you marry can't live long, though that's why you gave up and pushed your feelings in.

"If you run outside the king's capital, you can't say it's the orphans' fault, can you? Ricardo cannot abandon the other orphans. I can handle losing it."

"But I haven't for that long..."

"That's why we'll have that time together. Tanya, I've always liked it. Will you think about being happy together?"

Can I be happy?

I didn't let the orphans know anything. Trying to get away with betraying Ricardo. That way, because Ricardo is also a victim, Tonia said. Three people who were better friends than brothers. There's no way it's hard.

But we both traveled softly. Towards Nilm. So, Arsh, you grew up looking at the ocean when you were little.

At the west gate, I felt like Ricardo was there. Tonia, out of the carriage, watched the West Gate forever.

And then again, it was tough. Traveling costs more money than I thought, and Tonia is not a great adventurer. I'll be feverish and asleep soon. That's how I was given a child that I didn't think I would give for the rest of my life. Arsh, it's you.

Births are tough, too, and your maternal grandmother tells you to choose between the life of your child and the life of your wife, and Tonia cries for you to help them both, so good luck, me. So, Arsh, the days I spent with you are like an extra treasure to me.

If I was worried about you not crying too much, then suddenly one day I started crying like a job. Once in the morning, once before lunch. Once before a nap. Once after dinner. I thought you were looking at the clock. Arsh's voice tells me he knows the time. I was quick to take my diapers off, but I didn't really have to talk. It's something you talk about like an adult if you think you've spoken, so go crazy already.

I even snuck back to King's Landing to see Ricardo once. Though it was a quick trip because I knew I had trouble in Wang Du.

Still, life keeps diminishing a little bit. I came to Merrill to spend the last part of my life.

Arsh, what you want most now is my life. But, you know, even if Tonia didn't go first, my life was almost over. I'm sorry I couldn't make your wish.

Wish, may Tonia, Ricardo and Die for me also appear to you. I don't know if I need a deer. You're messing with me. I wonder if you could make it to your grandfather's sieve someday.

I'm going to fall asleep again. Tonia's waiting for me when I'm asleep. Arsh, I'll go first. I was happy to have you.

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