"Come on, let's get some rest today."

"I know, Ricardo."

"Good night, Tony"

"Good night."

The door closes with a pattan. The door of the adjacent room opens, and the voice of man, and the battan, and the sound of closing. I suppose you would have said goodnight to Felicia, too.

Ricardo's a little overprotective. Tomorrow we'll be adventurers. Well, I'm still far from being a 14-year-old.

One more year, having a college is a pain in the ass. I can't help it because it's in the form of studying abroad, but if I were an out-of-school student like my mothers, I could always train and go to a dungeon. That way, even the wings of the king's capital won't lose. I still haven't lost. Let's get some rest for tomorrow.

I'm Tony. I'm 12 years old. Wake up as usual and open the curtains in the room. It's been two years since I left Findaria's house and came to Merida. My father comes to see me once a year, but I've never been back in the country. Findaria had no dungeons, and my magic was a treasure rot.

Of course, there was a hand to go to the Empire, a hand to get involved in medicine, and a hand to say I would take care of you at Uncle Will's in Kilik. But the Empire is too influential for my mother and father. Kilik specializes in swords more than magic. It was my mother who suggested we go to Merida.

"Will you take care of your father's relatives?"

Dad said, "I'm sorry about the Chancellor's house. I said you'd look at Uncle Dan's home, Aunt Maria and Aunt Sophie, but I chose Ricardo and Die. Ricardo likes his mother too much and everyone else treats him the same way, which is why he's fair to everyone. It's cold on my father. Die takes care of me the other way around, but she doesn't spoil me. Father, mother, brother Leo, sister Carla. I wanted to go somewhere no one could compare.

That's how I came to Merida, with Aunt Mal's daughter, Felicia. And he has lived together in an orphanage run by Ricardo and Die, attended school, and worked as a luggage man, while training as a magician.

Felicia will say, that is, the princess of Kilik. It's just a childhood thing for me. When I was studying abroad, I was admitted to being a social escort and not being allowed to carry the luggage of adventurers, but there was nothing safer than living with Ricardo and Die.

Dark, long blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. Little magic, but a brilliant swordsman. Or sword idiot. It is not common for women to wear swords yet in Kilik. I came here admiring Merida of the land of swords and magic. It's a girl, but we're all in the same mood for strength.

And it's finally my adventurer debut today with me, Felicia, and Jean.

"Yo, you ready?"

Jean came at a relaxed pace, as usual. Jean is big like his father. Because of this, a college girl rumored that she inherited Aunt Maria's beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes, but her father-like sharp eyes were ruining it.

Ricardo often says I look nice like my mother, but I'm not happy about that. I can't help but be jealous of that sharp, supple sarcasm like Jean's big demon, but I won't talk about it. Jean and Felicia are swordsmen and avant-garde, and I'm the back-garde, a balanced party.

"Come on, let's go!

That's what Felicia says, but for once, I'm the leader. Everyone in the orphanage drops me off and leaves the house so I don't understand how nervous I am.

Come on, let's not lose to the wings of the king's capital, it's a start.

We run down the dungeon where we were diving as luggage holders until yesterday. Self-weight? I don't care about words like that. Felicia and Jean hang up. I reduce the number of demons, sometimes change the spearhead of an attack, and support them to make it easier for them to fight. Of course, if there was any slime, it would be this way. That instantly went down to the 10th floor and everyone was breathing on their shoulders when they noticed.

"10th Floor...... Too Down"

"You got off more than I thought. Well, let's have lunch."

I made soup out of hot water and everyone chewed on the sandwich that my mothers thought. Sweet stuff is best at times like this. This also grabs the cookies my mother thought about for the magician.

"It's amazing what Aunt Arsh thought, it's still being used as it is."

"Yeah. But I think I know what my mother would say if she saw this."

"Oh, you'll love it."


Maybe Mother will look happy. And with a slightly sad face,

"I'm glad you've come up with more ideas to change it," he said.

"I don't want anything good."

Jean made a face that this was fine. But my mother,

"If you don't have an idea, you're going to stagnate. I wonder why there aren't so many people in the inn."

I said, "Don't you think if they deceive me, I won't be able to sell it?"

When we had lunch and managed to regain strength, we ran up the dungeon. I managed because I had fewer demons than I went, but the truth is my strength was pretty close to the limit. It was quite late and everyone in the guild gave us a warm round of applause for finally coming back. Felicia proudly gives out her demon stone.

"Forty-eight thousand gills! Well done for the first time and for the three of us!

My sister at the reception praised me. You've done so well, even with so much hard work. I was a little disappointed.

"Well, you and I are not going to be 50,000 gills of legendary lambs."

Father! Felicia and I looked up to heaven together.

"It's not about comparing you to people. That's more of a reflection today."

"Okay, Jean."

There came the young ones of the wings of the king's capital. The wings of the king's capital are the biggest clan in Merida, full of powerful men. The orphanages of Ricardo and Die also serve many excellent adventurers, but they are somehow small in size. I was a magician, and I was taught how to fight by Justo of the Wings of the King's Capital and Graham of the Alliance because Ricardo and Die of Swordsmen alone have limitations in teaching.

That seems to have disturbed the young guys, and this is how they tease me. Justo is so annoying that he can ask me to do it again and again and sometimes tell me. These guys don't even make that effort, it's a pain in the ass that they naturally think they'll tell us just because they're in the same clan. If you have time to make fun of us like this, use your time to ask Justo.

"It's so late. That's it, man."

"Felicia, let's go"

"Wait, you guys, you're totally weaker than your parents"

Better than your father? Of course, it's weak.

"Lamb Ash is famous for not beating her."

Is that your mother? Mm-hmm. Truth is, I know my mother was a brilliant adventurer, and I've heard that she had a surge of empires. But I've never seen it. So even if they say so.

"What about ourselves? Are we all stronger than our parents?

"That's right."

"Were they all adventurers?

"Well, that's not what I'm saying..."

"Will you not ask people for what you haven't been able to do?

Instead, Felicia got angry. Felicia, you like your mother.

"But it's true you're not that strong. And yet, even though I'm not in the clan, I stick with Mr. Just, and he's annoying!

Right there. Me and Jean got sick of it.

"It doesn't matter!

"I'm blind!

"You're not strong, either."

"Then it's a battle!


Yeah? Felicia's out early. From there began a battle over how much Demon Stone could earn.

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