"I really wish Will and Mal were here, too."

"You're too flirtatious to be free. You can't help it."

Mom and Dad are relaxing and talking about that before we get together the next day.

"Okay, so we're training today. First, we reaffirm the purpose of the adventurer. Felicia?"

"It's a steady supply of demonic stones and demonic meat."

"Great. So, that young you"

"Yes, sir"

Even though my mother is the smallest of all gatherings, she looks the greatest.

"What's your personal purpose?

"Huh? Individual?

"I mean, what am I going for?"

"I'm a swordsman, that's why I want to be stronger than anyone else! Yes."

"That's good. So what do you do in the dungeon for it"

"What, hunting demons?

"That's all?"

"Yes, sir"

"Well, that's no different than just training outside the dungeon."

My mother said it like it was out there.

"The purpose of the adventurer and the purpose of the individual. We'll go to the dungeon, thinking about both. It's my tour of Cyril today."

When I said that, I turned to the dungeon.

"It's the first time I've seen Aunt Arsh fight. I should be so small, I guess I'll be okay."

"It's just Uncle Cyril and the two of you. Let's stick together behind us."


The three of us swore each other an oath. A mother who's smaller than me. Protect it.

Sometimes I thought that way.

Shortly before I went into the dungeon, my dad turned around, and I got nasty.

"It's been a long time. Follow me properly."

What's this all about?

In conclusion, my father and mother were amazing words.

"Take turns on each floor."

If you wonder what that means, there's one father on the ground floor and one mother on the second floor, so you do it alternately. We don't have time for this. Even if I think it's at least demonic demolition, my father and mother are just finishing it. There's nothing left after the two of us.

It wasn't if it was taken lightly. There's not that much you can do to visit a magician. I watched my mother fight desperately.

Mother depresses seemingly powerless magic, but it is closely calculated efficiency. The magician's fear is out of magic. I don't hit any wasting balls, when I came to the 10th floor, lunch was still a long way off.

"Can I go a little further?"

Saying it so cute doesn't deceive us anymore.

"Mom, you don't have enough, do you?

My mother strangled me a lot. No, I'm just happy for my father. Totally. My father just looks at my mother with the face that nothing is so important when it comes to him.

From there he showed me how to fight with the two of us. How to follow up with swordsmen. How to share roles. Every moment was precious.

Coming up to the 15th floor,

"Come on, let's have lunch"

said, one food after another out of the porch. Looking at the wings of the king's capital that were about to be done with bread and water,

"Make it this today."

I'm giving you sandwiches and soup.

"Justo was obsessed with a good meal, I wonder what happened"

and has his neck clenched.

"Sure, there were times like that, but the idea that adventurers endure misery is a recent one, and we were taught that a qualitative meal is fine."


My mother looked sad.

"Overeating is not good, but eating properly is the trick to empowering. And Justo will be eating a decent meal."

"Yes, but the swordsman"

"Even more so if you're a swordsman. I need a better meal than a magician to make my body."

You don't seem convinced when they say that.

"Well, I'll prepare for noon while I watch. Judging by your body movements."


One day we sucked on everything we saw, and we all went home fluffy so as not to spit out one thing.

The next day, we'll rent the King's Wings Training Ground to train.

"It's a mock fight."

A mock fight? I tried to pull back.

"Hey, Tony, what are you pulling in?"

"No, because magicians don't do magic to people."

"Oh, I'm serious. And Graham?"

"I did the objective, but not the interpersonal"

"Ah, uh. I think so. No, it's an experience, too. Let me tell you something first. Tony, I'm sorry."


The opponents are mother and father. This is Felicia, Jean and me. No matter how strong your father is, I don't know about three on two. A lot of people were coming to visit.

"Magic shouldn't be directed against people, but I'll admit otherwise"

The game began with my mother's declaration.


The soil at my feet rose with that word of my mother. We lost sight of each other for a moment, and we're done with our father. In the meantime, two seconds.

"Mother, you're cowardly!

"Dastardly? When a bunch of demons arrive, you're asking me to wait because I'm gonna deal with them one at a time?


"Simulated warfare is not meant to give you strength! It's a simulation of how to dive into a dungeon and move efficiently to defeat the opponent in that situation. Don't be sweet!


The people I was visiting were taken lightly and I can't say anything. Then we don't know how many times they took turns with the wings. Honestly, I couldn't stand at the end of the day.

Then they took lunch properly and made me think about what to do with stopping the game in the afternoon. I was so tired I didn't even remember if I had dinner, I slept like mud. That's two weeks. I'm glad I've barely had class in three years. My mother and father were out after dinner.

The end of the second week. We were just a little bit ready to fight our mothers. Still leaves you undefeated. I had a lot of discussions with the wings of the king's capital about how to attack them. Having gained a common enemy, the obsession disappeared at some point.

On the last day, the operation decided on a thorough mother aim. My mother and I can't have a magic match. That's why I'm gonna hold my father down with me and Felicia and get Jean to tail my mother. Dastardly, I guess. No, it's a simulation.

I don't usually use a sword. I take the sword and I head to my father with Felicia. Even the sword trains properly every day. My father raised one side of his mouth to see it. Go, Jean!

But we were quickly defeated by our father. Jean!

Cassin. What. My mother is pulling out her lower back sword and accepting Jean's sword.

And the sword was pushed up all the way from the bottom, and the sword of Ka, Khan and Jean was jumped. We were stunned.

"I'm telling you, if you're an Imperial Knight, Mother, you've never lost."

I don't know, that's not true. We dropped our hips disappointingly. Complete defeat.

My mother was giggling. My father is nibbling. That's how your mother told us.

"Fine, adventurers strive for their own heights. It's not compared to people. I don't mind if the purpose is for a living. Money is important too."

The wings of the king's capital were listening seriously to the others as well. No one fools their mother just because she's little anymore.

"I hope you train well for a month off and be a good adventurer."

"Oh, thank you"

My father and mother tell me I have to go home to Findaria now that I have two unscheduled weeks in.

"I'm so glad you and Tony had an unexpected time. I thought you'd become an adventurer and forget about your mother."

"That's not true. My mother is always my mother."

"You go for your heights. And sometimes can I come see you?

"Of course!"

"From now on, we will be able to come and go several times a year. Arsh's lodging has settled down a lot, and let's not go over there."


You're changing your purpose! What happened to me!

"I wanted to go to the slime dungeon with Tony."

"You can come back."

I didn't know that. That my mother was actually a root adventurer. My father showed me, with one eye closed. I really don't think so anymore.

There is one path before me, just as my mother's, my father's, has his way. Walk away without hesitation.

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