I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, eight years old, harvest month.

Oatmeal was also commercialized before the month of 9. Oatmeal.

This was, to be honest, helpful because it was a hassle. I was told patent rights, but I said no to this. Because I thought low-cost, nutritious cereals would reduce the number of children who were allowed to quit like Cyril and Will. Instead, I asked them to cover it with a discount.

And then came the nine months, the ten months! Harvest month.

The church grounds are semi wild with fruits such as none, grapes and apples. One walnut too. There were also scuffs in the mountains; in the ten months, Elderberry will also replace the blueberries that had been taken all summer.

By this time the playground for the children of the city had moved from the market to the church. Mountain games and harvest. Instead of taking as much as you like, let them help you with the harvest (livestock), dry it, and make a fuss. Amelia complained about the magic being used for the harvest, but the preserved food is important.

the middle of the month of 9,

"You know."

says Dan.

"Lots of olive trees, huh?

"But I can't help you."

I have an idea.

I'll take care of it.

"Dad, I need to talk to you."

"Oh, my God, that's unusual, Dan"

"Friends, at Cyril's"

"Oh, you're an orphan."

"I have an olive tree."

"Sure, we've had quite a harvest before."

"I wonder if I could harvest him instead"

"Well, those are the kids Dan motivated me to study,"

"Yeah, I'm hanging in there"

"I appreciate it, but isn't it weird to rely on your parents that much?


"Do they rely on adults to live?"

"! No!

"So, what can you do?



"Me, I can't harvest, but I can hunt the weed! Prepare to harvest, good luck on your own, please harvest!

"Well said. I'll give you a week."

"Yeah, thanks!

"... Cyril, thank you..."

From there, Dan took a weed all by himself. Don't even play, I didn't stop making cuts. Five olive trees, when they showed up,

"Hey, Dan, Cyril, Will, and oh, what beautiful kids you are lambs of rumors!

"It's Arsh and Mal, never mind your father!

"That's terrible, Dan. You should praise women."

"Come on, come on!

Dan's father and the men came and handily harvested the olives.

"30% of the olives I bring in are fees. Olive oil, wait and see."

"" "" Please ""

"... those are good kids..."

"By the way, this mountain grows hoof mushrooms, you know?

"Huff mushrooms?

"It's a good smelling mushroom, I'll buy it when I find it, so bring it, I'm a member of the Hufu Club in Wangdu."

"Huff club?"

"You bring a good huff every year and you compete for quality, you keep losing here."

"Well, I'll bring you some olive oil if you can."

"Thank you"

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