I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 8 years old, moon, serene days.

In the end, the tea and doughnut bills were fine because the Marquis Cosal served them more and more, but it was a little hard when he asked me to give him a water bottle to cool the tea. Think ahead. I have a spare, but I don't know if I can use it here. Finding out that Findaria also has Gaga, in the long run, because I also want to think about the deployment of the Lamb Pavilion.

"I'm ordering, but I can't keep up."

"I don't have much trouble concentrating my orders on Merida."

After consulting with Dan, I eventually refused this time because I had ordered and had even more spares.

Mostly I have to stay in this town on the border for about two weeks. Yet, "central permission has not been granted," which means that people who accompany you to sightseeing nearby follow you, and you can't do anything nagging.

"Then open a donut shop thoughtfully"

It was Sarah's suggestion that, in the end, she was left unable to take a step forward from the border to open the store in disintegration. Rent a large area in front of the border barracks to sell donuts and tea mainly to those who come across the border. The soldiers came to buy it, and the people in town came to buy it. Some merchants had eaten donuts in Imperial Capital, and they were missed.

Training in barracks early in the morning, selling donuts and tea when people are about to cross the border. The town's downtown area is just off the border, so visitors are plentiful due to its rarity. They are staying at the Lords' Palace, so there is no cost of lodging, and after lunch they spent a squirming day looking around town, renting a horse and going out into the suburbs, until the results arrived.

Naz's father was only the first to be a buffer with the Findarian side,

"Come and see Naz soon, too. I haven't forgotten what drives the business."

So I went back to business.

"Would you like some tea?"

"It's cold."

The face of Findaria, including Kenan, has a clear eye on Cyril and Will, who are welcoming guests.

"I don't care at all if you're so strong, busy, and you've never even lowered your head to a person, selling things with a cheerful face and lowering your head to a customer. What the hell is that guy?"

Kenan, who is still uncomfortable with you losing with his sword, is losing by trying Cyril every day. Even if you were epistled, it's a one-generation build-up. Sometimes you can catch a glimpse of the rough hips. Plus, he's a freshman out of high school. And yet I don't feel like I'm losing in anything as well as a sword.

"Cyril, Will, get some rest?

I hear the girl's cool voice.

"Arsh is the one who can't do it. It's hot."

Maybe it's this girl's fault. Girl with rare powers. Even though she only looks like a beautiful girl, her sword is strong. Yes, a busty young man with such a girl in his fiancée. We don't have it, we even have it to freedom.

"Mr. Kenan, would you like a cup of tea, gentlemen?"

Cool voices can also be heard here. Wouldn't you have any choice but to flutter away? Even if those busy eyes look at this one funny. Kenan couldn't stop himself from being fascinated by the young people.

Such a peaceful day lasted for about 10 days, and one afternoon I was wondering if it was time for a messenger from the centre to come, the ground jumped, and after a while I felt a slightly loud noise from afar. Is it an earthquake? This is the first experience in the world. But the shake was momentary, and then there was just a little vibration.

I didn't really care because I'm used to earthquakes, but it was a lot of noise in town. This has never happened before. Instead of settling down after one night, there are even people who rely on their relatives to leave, even though they don't know what caused it. A traveler who was coming from Kilik,

"There was a time when the mountains collapsed after the heavy rain, and the ground swayed at that time"

We were talking about the inheritance that Findaria has only plains and low mountains. I haven't had heavy rain lately, so that's what I meant. But I think I heard the sound from Kilik. Will, Mal, and Sarah had a difficult face, and an atmosphere that wasn't a commercial place.

"Hey, guys"

Will gathered us together that night to talk about it.

"It might be time for a messenger from the center. At a time like this, I'm really curious about this shake. Merida doesn't have a creepy experience of rocking the ground."

We had a nod. I felt a little different from the earthquake.

"I'll do it alone. I'd like to go check on Kirik for a second. When you say you're going to Kilik, you don't have to follow the Findarian guys either. I'll take my horse to the border with Kilik and I'll gather some information anyway. If a messenger comes in the meantime and gives you permission, you can just leave first. Maris anyway."

"Do we all go together?"

To Cyril's words, Sarah said:

"If you're riding a horse, I'm more used to it. I'm going, too."

"But Sarah's health..."

"Because you can't have a sword doesn't mean you don't have the strength. I grew up in the plains of Kilik. I work out differently than someone who's only been on a horse for a year."

Sure, Sarah doesn't snag at all, even if she does stalls and works from morning to evening. Always working in a good mood. Though I may just like donuts.


"Will, you two go. We feel safer about that, too."

"Right. It's not a quick journey to Findaria either. 'Cause I'm waiting here."

To Cyril's push, Will looked at Sarah and finally surrendered to his strong eyes.

"You're more worried about your hometown. Okay. I'm leaving with Sarah tomorrow as soon as I'm ready."

But Will and Sarah alone didn't end up leaving.

The next morning, it was five soldiers at the border with Kilik who had reached the border. Marquis Kosal rushed to the five men who fell out of breath.

"There is a massive collapse between the entrances of Kilik"

"Oh, my God! On that narrow road!

"I have no idea how collapsed. I'm totally cut off from contact with Kilik right now."

"The damage!

"What was going through the narrow space was probably... more from the collapsed mountain skin, full of demons"

"He said it was a demon!

"There are few soldiers on the border with Kilik! I also ask you to send soldiers from here! And contact Findaria and the Empire immediately!

Marquis Cosal almost gave up thinking for a moment about the impossible, but the faces of the busy young men came to mind. Demons. Adventurers.

"Young men of the Empire! Call it in now!

That neither collapse nor demons are inherently immediately involved in this side of the border. But the border with Kilik is also under this northern jurisdiction. The reason why soldiers have been sent must be because things are so big. Use anything you can use. First of all, we have to set a policy. Marquis Kosal shook his sweaty hand.

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