I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 16, 9, moon, Merida magician.

Inspiration is as touching, what to do with the narrow space.

"It's best to ask where I'm building the streets, but honestly I can't think of a place where I work to sharpen the mountains and pave the way..."

Alec roared hmm as he looked up into the narrow room.

"That's why I called the mining technician. If you're going to sharpen a rock, it's going to be a treat, if you're naughty!

Lord Kosal's anger seems to have turned back.

"Well, there will be some shredding of large rocks in street maintenance. So the question is, how do we get those rocks?"

To Alec's words, Dan said:

"You can use a storage bag."

"But storage bags are valuable. I can't think of anything like putting rocks or dirt inside."

"I've got the demon body in there."

"It is! Sure, is that right? The way we use our storage bags and the way Merida's adventurers use them is completely different."

Alec looked at the bag on everyone's hips and looked up again at the narrow space,

"But how do you get in"

And I expressed my doubts.

"Yes, it's not like anything goes in, and big things don't go in honestly. So even in Merida, big furniture was carried by manpower and carriage."

That's what Dan says.

"Shall I try it"

and approached the narrow space.

"Pebble, goes in, of course. Something to hold, go in."

The surrounding people stared with surprise at Hugh's stone sucking into the storage bag.

"Sand, doesn't go in. Apparently the bag doesn't recognize it unless it's something of some size. That said, the water was also put in a container..."

Dan tries and goes one after another.

"Big rocks, and don't go in. You basically make it for demon storage, so you don't seem to fit a size larger than an auga. Soap factory equipment doesn't come in big, so break it down and put it in."

When I said that, I stepped a little away from the narrow room and rocked and stoned one after the other out of the storage bag into the meadow.

"What a luxurious use..."

Dan returns to the people of Findaria who are open or impressed,

"Hey, Arsh, Will, and then Mr. Greg"

and named the magician.


Answered by Mr Gregg on behalf.

"Can't you do something with magic?

"With magic. Sometimes I fly crushes, but it's the magic of the wind, and there's no magic to interfere with dirt or stones."

Right. Lights, fire, water. The wind. That's the combination.

"Do you want to try and beat the magic of the wind? Demons blow up, but rocks do."

With that said, Mr. Gregg...


That said, he shot out a heavy chunk of wind. Dawn, and when I hit the rock, the vibration caused the smaller rock to collapse, but there was nothing I could do about the larger rock.


If you can't do it with great magic, let's figure it out.

"I'll try to drain the rock's moisture"

Put your hands on the big rock,


and a small voice. and a large amount of magic is sucked into the rock, and the rock collapses safely from hand.


A moving voice went up, but my hand sucked on the rock and I couldn't leave. Cyril noticed me on the way back to me in a hurry.

"Thank you, Cyril. The magic was endlessly sucked into the rock, and it almost ran out of magic."

I was cold sweating. The rock so sharpened, as far as the elbow of the hand.

"This is inefficient. Don't drain the moisture."

Disappointing air flows.

"If you can't hit the wind, you can't hit the fire."

That's what Will said looking out at the rocks. If it's glass, it'll break when I cool it down after I warm it up, but I don't know about the rocks. I was remembering as I endured sloppiness.

Wait a minute. It's a temperature difference, can't it get any worse?

"Will, that glass will break if you heat it up and cool it down."


That I spilled vegetable soaking water on a glass I left in the flush, and I broke it in a hurry and chilled, it's everyone, right? Huh? Don't leave it, wash it? Fair enough.

"Wouldn't it be easier to crack if heated with flames and cooled sharply"

"Do you want to try? Better share. You can't have Arsh. It's out of magic. Mr. Greg."

"Whoa! Fire or water"

"What cools the water?

"I'm not good at honesty"

Mr. Greg strained his chest for some reason.

"Well, Mr. Greg, on fire. I'm in water. Everybody, stay as far away from me as you can."

Everyone walked away from each other. I want to see it nearby so I stay. Both Cyril and Dan. By this time Sarah had come back and looked at me from afar.

"Aim for Arsh's sharpened hit. Flames, smaller. At high temperatures. Let's go."

Mr. Gregg declares so,

"Flames, one, two..."

and counting, shooting down high temperature flames. When I'm done counting ten, I'll take turns for Will.

"Water, one"

Gang, sounds like when water enters hot oil loudly, and the water vapor rises again from the rock.

"Go slow. Two, three."

With every count, the water vapor boils, eventually the noise stops, and a little humid air pushes in.


Mr. Greg performs extensive loose wind magic. Towards a rock where water vapor has disappeared, I approach it in awe.

"Hot, but not enough not to touch. What do we do, Arsh?"

"Try to tap it lightly with something"

To Mr. Greg's words, when I answered, Cyril tapped lightly with a sword. Bollocks and rocks crushed and fell.

"Somebody, bring me something to slap!

To the words of the deputy officer, a man runs into the barracks. Eventually, with the gesture I brought, I was able to collapse extensively, to a depth of about 50 cm deep.

"Is this 50 cm? I don't know how long this rock will take."

That's what Mr. Gregg said as he got sick of it.

"Besides, if you concentrate on this level and use your magic, you can only shoot about five times a day at most,"

"Using two magicians, a few meters a day..."

Will put his arms together, too.

"Wait, wait, you guys really are"

Marquis Cosal raised his voice as if it had been revealed.

"It's the horror of the people of Merida. It's just a fairy country."

So crushing, I said this with a serious face.

"A mining technician would have said earlier. That it would take a few years. angry guys, but that's probably true. But with this approach, we can probably reduce that period to less than half. It's a big deal in the long run."

"Do you mean we should gather adventurers?"

Prince Yusuf turned a blind eye to expectations. Alec shook his head to the side.

"Unfortunately, the magician is only in Merida. Honestly, we have to rely on these young people"

"Really? That's what I have no choice. Now, it's important to gather the personnel to crush the rocks and carry them."

"Exactly. What can the Empire do as personnel gather on the Findarian side…"

Alec thinks. Of course, we can send workers. But you can't have too many people in this narrow space. But it's better to open it quickly. What to do.

"Mr. Connors."

"Huh? Mal?

"Could you call Mr. Connors?"

"Tighten up the lower town."

That's what Mal said to Mr. McKenny with a serious face. Mr. Connort is the former boss of Shimocho in Teito, and he's the one who's taking over the monster meat restaurant with him. What are you going to do by calling this border town?

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