I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 17, the moon of 9. Arsh is

I feel like it wasn't long after that.

The number of people working in architecture grows rather, and a little more upscale houses are built around the mayor's mansion one after the other. The town was also built with smaller houses to fill the gap, and more people moved in with their families, not just construction people.

A small but independent building was built on the guild, which was rented between the barracks, and surprisingly, Mr. Just was appointed guild leader. Mr. Ray is the deputy guild chief.

"I think it's time for me to sit down."

Is it really okay with Mr. Just, who says it so obviously, but only does what he wants to do? Most certainly, I have tried the dungeon firmly for the past six months or so, and have looked at the young man astonishingly seriously properly.

Hulem also aspires to be an adventurer as a luggage holder under Mr. Just.

"Are you sure, Mr. Azure? It's a dangerous job, adventurer."

"I must be worried, but I met you guys. Those horrible hours when demons were wandering around, you were hopeful. It was bright and bright. It was you and Mr. Just who proved that adventurers weren't wandering around."

Well, Mr. Just also has blue eyes in his golden hair, only a good Merida youth to look at, no, he's a middle-aged man.

"Arsh? Haven't you thought about being rude?

"Yes, no, you haven't thought about it, have you?

Because of the inconvenience caused. I guess I just had to get a little nervous.

In the meantime, I also found time to go to Maris with Dan and find a candidate for the inn. In the meantime, Mr. Just helped me with the construction of the narrow room.

And four months later, Prince Yusuf officially came as Lord of the Hoobian Border Autonomous Region. Of course, I brought officials and people with me.

"I'm sorry I've made you do such a difficult job. I've had enough. She looks like a daughter of her age, and I want it to be easier."

It was said that he moved the task of managing the town's buildings, one by one, to the people on the Findarian side.

Nevertheless, the Inn is my possession. As in Merrill's Lamb Hall and during the creation of the guild mechanism, a certain percentage will be paid from sales, so the point is certain that you will have a steady income without having to work. Also, the size of the inn is different from Merrill's. Of course, they also have rights to cookies and donuts.

Over six months after being entrusted with the management of the accommodation, he earned considerable income from various jobs. Also, Sarah and Mal, who helped me, had income, so Sarah in particular, even when she returned to Kilik, would have accumulated as much money as she could do what her parents wanted, rather than doing what they said.

Will and his deputy in the barracks seemed relieved that he could finally unload his shoulders. But the documents that have been going through Cyril's ship show that he was officially appointed as an ambassador by Kilik's side, and in the end it was Will who would carry a great deal of responsibility.

The deputy, though young, was promoted to captain,

"I don't have much work to do."

and he's twitching his doughnuts and bumping.

Of all that, Dan would have been the one who got the most out of what he didn't eat. He was in charge of the distribution of supplies in one hand, making business partners for both Darth and Maris, and at some point he was called the merchant of Hoove, and he said it was a drawback. Sometimes they even go out to the empire, and with all the purchases, Cyril is involved and doing some business. Sounds fun and most importantly.

I was a little freed from my busy work and in the summer, almost a year after the narrow was closed, I was putting my energy into the narrow work that was left.

"Wait, stop sharpening the rocks!

Loudly, the construction stopped once. From the other side, there's a falling sound of rocks.

"Look up!

When everyone looked up simultaneously at the voice of, there stood the dark golden hair and the kirik people with green eyes.

"You were already going this far!

The people came down from the rocks when they raised their voices of surprise.

"I've been passing on mountain skin to see how things are going. There's not one more kilo left!

The scene boiled down to the report. That means it opens in a few weeks.

The people of Kilik knelt when they came to find Mal, who was with them,

"I'll take a look at you with Master Margaret. Although I only saw it from afar compared to the power of summer two years ago. Master Orlando is well, and you are in command just beyond this narrow room."

Said. I felt Mal's face shine. He still missed me because he seemed to split that he wouldn't be able to see him for the year in the first place because he was going on a journey anyway.

"Again, the magicians have worked hard, and Master Will's work has been well received. Dear Arsh, the use of oatmeal has spread properly to Kilik in a year. It's hard to carry just enough grain by sea and without oatmeal you might have starved too"

I'm so glad it helped.

The news from Kilik increased the momentum of the construction, and the construction went further and further, and the night the opening was near, I was coming to the meadows that spread before the town.

"Arsh, I'm leaving."

"Yeah, Mal. It's been a lot of fun the last 10 years we've been together."

"I really enjoyed being by Arsh. Mal had eyes to see."

"That's true. I wonder what would have happened if I'd been in Zash's group."

"Nappies, because it's a miracle that we met in Merrill"

I hugged Mal all the time. Maru hugs back. Even though Mal left my hand, he still stayed with me for two years. Now it's my turn to let go of everyone who's connected to me. Besides, I don't need me in the hooves anymore.

"Are you going?

"Yeah. I'll try my best alone"

"What about Cyril?

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

I've already said goodbye to Will and Sarah.

"Come on, Arsh, let's go"


Get in Dan's carriage gently.

"See you later."

"See you later."

I'll see you again. Even if I don't see you, my heart is with me. The carriage moved out to the meadows at night.

Then a few days later, the last rock was finally removed.



Some fiancées reunite with each other that



There was also a reunion of parents and children.

"Territory is"

"Your uncle is still alive. Nor has he ever been more vibrant, see, thanks to Cyril."

"" Cyril!

Across Kilik, Cyril was coming.


"Well done! Cyril!"


They were two people who shook hands with disappointment, but Cyril quickly looked around.

"What about Arsh?

The place was quiet celebrating its opening and reunion in the voice.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen you in the last few days.

Someone snaps.

"Oh no... I didn't make it anymore..."

Cyril kneels.

"Stupid. Remember what Arsh said."

Dan walks over.


"What did he say?"

"Look for it, find it"

"Arsh also walked away from the lamb by himself. I'll be waiting for you somewhere. It must be where you can go."

"You won't tell me"

"Find it."

Dan offered his hand to Cyril and pulled him off the ground.

"Well, I'm a little calm too, so I guess I'll go with you."


"Give me a ride, it's on your ship. Let's also make a purchase later. The ship is now?

"I'm turning it to Shrem."

"Oh, that's going to take a while. You know what?"

Lambs gathered will fall apart again, but somewhere together again. Because there must always be Arsh there. Now let's walk down each road.

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