I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, eight, thirteen moon bets.

Well, for the sake of realizing my resolve, I'm going to bet.

"Use soap."

"Soap? Sure, I have a good reputation."

"Next Sunday, help me?

"" "Okay" "

Guild length Guild length.


I need to talk to you about something important.

"Say it."

Uh, if possible, I'd like you to ask Dan's father, the lord, the factory manager at the demolition plant, and his wife.

"... what are you up to?

Bad listening! I won't let you lose it.

"... bad merchant, you are"

No, it's not.

"That's an important story, isn't it?


"Well, you guys are making it quite impossible."

You knew, didn't you?

"Well, no, no, no, no, no, no. Goho, anyway, just try to adjust it."

It was decided on the first week of the month of 13, the day of 7.

The day before, we all polished our bodies to shine. Especially me and Mal, who become role models. Wash hair with soap, salad with vinegar, and finally with olive oil. I have lamb hair. Wear a yellow and pale green piece to the Lords' Palace!

First time in the Lordship Hall. A real butler, probably put me through to the reception room. Already, everyone was waiting.

Thoughtful, breathtaking.

"Today, thank you for coming together"

Like a child.

First the lord.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Demon Stone always helps."

"Welcome and thank you for letting me use the church"

It's Dan's father.

"Cyril, Arsh, how are you?

"Thanks to you"

I'm the factory manager.

"Beast fat is going well, come and help"


Guild leader.



"Well, I'm here today for suggestions and a favor"

"What's a suggestion?

"Yes, take this first"

"Soap it!

and guild length.

"What is soap?"

"It's something that takes dirt."

"Cyril, please"

I'll show you a sample soap and wash your hands.

"In this way, even oil stains will be clean"

"Ho oh."

"Gentlemen, why don't you do it?


"Well, you're gonna be stuck in a waaaaaa"

"You can grab it all over your body, not just your hands, but you can use it for laundry"

"I've always wondered if you guys have that hair..."

"Yes, it's soapy and finished with Dan's father's olive oil"

"Well, that's shiny..."

"You, I want this!

"Me too!

"Looks like you could use some meat oil."


"So, were you, Arsh?"


"You're here to sell it."


"No, you, what are you doing?"

"Suggestions," I said.


"Yes, I'll unveil the method of making soap"

"Manufacturing… I see, there you go…"


Grab it, okay.

"Well, let's hear it again"

"Compare these two soaps."

"This one smells a little like beast fat, this one is olive oil"


"Why two?

"The soap ingredients, as you can guess, are oil."

"I see."

"At cost, it makes a difference"


"Beast fat is usually based on, olive oil should be luxury oriented and sold"

"Ma'am, what about the smell of olive oil soap"


"You can also scent this."


"How about that?"

"I'll buy this, even if it's expensive. And I'm proud of your friends."

"With excess veterinary fat," said the factory manager.

"Olive oil," said Dan's father.

"Build factories and create jobs too......", Lords.

"In the Wang capital, I think it's going to be popular," his wife said.

"So, what's a favor?"

"First, it's a patent fee."

"Normally, it's 30%, but it's totally original, you're willing to fish it out?

"The other way around."


"I'll lower it to 10%."

"Arsh, think about it properly, it's important!

"Yes, I thought. Instead of lowering it to 10%"

"Conditions, what?

"I'd like to ask you to renovate the church and the pastoral hall."

"That's all..."

"By next March, we want it to be built as a home and lodging."

"Arsh, perhaps the patent fee will multiply that? On that condition, Arsh loses money!

"Yes, in the future, you will. But we need a church in the next three years."

"I can use the patent fee as collateral and lend..."

"That's okay. Even 10%, by the time you grow up, it should be enough wealth. Realization of hope now, and if it helps Merrill, so be it. Besides, he's my friend's father..."


"I like it! So I'll hit you with my hand!

"Thank you!

I won the bet.

"Well, why don't we go to another room with Arsh and Maru and the aunts"


"I want to know the secret to my hair."

"Yeah, but"

"There's snacks, too."



"Oh, I still need to talk to you, uh"

"Give it up"


"Is that the lambs?"




I wonder who it is.

"Come on, good boys"

"Looking forward to it."


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