Finally, it's exam day. We'll meet by 8: 00, and it'll be exams starting at 9: 00. In the morning, it becomes Mandarin, Arithmetic, History, Lunch at the Ha 'aretz, Geography from the afternoon, Composition.

They gave me a lift to the college entrance and I accepted it nervously, but I have eight friends, so it was easy in the classroom. but I felt like I was being watched from around.

Until yesterday, I would have thought the Zashes were cool, or Maria and Sophie, but from today on, they have different women's abilities. When I smiled back at the child with whom my eyes met, I was blinded. I didn't seem to have women's powers. Cyril pissed me off not cheering me off.

There are about 30 people in one classroom. After the explanation, the paper was handed out, and now, it's the start of the exam.

That's easy. It was over soon. It wasn't long before lunch.

Geography? Easy.

So, what's the composition?

"The title of the composition is' About the Use of Demonic Stones'. Write one hour and one or more copies."

I'm sighing. Right, you don't like composition, you know!

Well, the use of demon stones? Even in the matter of magic replenishment, let's think about it, how to squeeze magic from adventurers semi-permanently. Hehe.


Time, it's time to wrap it up.

"Yes, it's over. Good luck. The acceptance announcement will be made at 10: 00 in three days' time, at the place of acceptance."

It's over. How'd it go?

"Well, is that it?

"How soon, I wonder, have you passed?

It's more than 70%.

"I wonder if I can handle it"

Come on, lord, let's go home to your mansion!

"Arsh, in the meantime until you pass, get permission to sell tea in your guild"

"Yeah, but then you'd better have a tea sample and a ratio."

"Well, you can't today."

"Do you want me to just make an appointment"

"Where's the West Alliance?"

Then I'll show you around.


"I'm sure you'll come to the exam, I've been waiting for you. How was the exam?

"I don't think it was that hard"

"I guess, in the month of seven, it was a marginal, passing line."

"I hope you pass"

"It's okay, come on, let's go before it's too late"

"" Yes! Lord, I'm coming!

"By the way, what are you going to do?

"I started selling tea in Merrill's dungeon."


"As soon as you get up from the dungeon, you'll be happy to have tea


"It's quite popular in Merrill, so I wanted to take this opportunity to try it in Wang Du."

"I see."

"So Merrill's guild chief says if it's the west guild of the king's capital,"

He said, "And sell me the lamb rate."

"Can you buy that in the West Alliance? I have to go buy that."

"I'm going to make it."

I made it to the West Alliance. When I say branch, it's twice as good as Merrill's. Once inside, the reception form is with Meryl.

"Excuse me, I'd like to see the guild chief."

"Well, the kid's in a place like this, no, I'm not gonna see you without my word."

"This, please, is a letter from Merrill's guild director"

"What are you talking about? You're saying no."

"Just show me the letter"

"You think you're a child, you're not selfish."

"Uh, you."

"Well, Noah."

"I need you to put these kids through to the guild chief."

"Noah, if you know me... wait a minute, look, give me that."

I thought this was happening.

"Not with Meryl at all."

"Merrill is quite free, the king's capital is tough."

"Oh, thank you for waiting, the guild leader will see you."

"Okay, I'm coming."

"Noah, can't you?

"Why? It's their errand, isn't it? Let me wait until it's over."

Wangdu says you can't go with a single string.

Come on, Dan, do you want to go?

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