Tea sales will continue on the day of celebration, and we will have done it for 10 days. In the end, I gave Arsh minute rate of 120,000 gills, Dan minute of 140,000 gills, of which 30,000 each as part time pay to Mal. By the way, Captain Dongmen, as always, had found time to come.

"Actually, I'm going to college, so it's gonna cost me a lot of work."

"It's important already, but now I want to look for a lot of forms of commerce that I can do. Besides, I'm going to hire as many orphans and young wives as I can."


"Arsh also hires people with low incomes first."

"Did you notice?


"Life without bread tomorrow is tough."

On his last day, he was called to the West Alliance Commander.

"Good job selling tea."

"Thank you for the opportunity"

"I have a good reputation, and I want you to keep going."

"I need to talk to you about that."

"What is it?"

"I'm coming to the college next April. At that time, I'd like to sell tea again."

"But it's going to be hard to reconcile with schooling."

"I hire people"


"This time we have a model for the sale. I'm coming to King's Capital next March so I can sell it without me."


"That's what Arsh is doing in Merrill. Everyone moves to some extent, even without Arsh now. I hope that when the West Alliance goes well, each Alliance will be able to expand how it works."

"You guys go that far..."

"I really want to make and sell these in Wangdu."

"Mr. Arsh, it would help if you did."

"But it's hard to get the raw materials, and it's expensive."


"Okay. Dan, I'll take your suggestion. Starting tomorrow, I was prepared to push up from adventurers and staff why I don't have tea, but if I told them to wait until the third month, it would subside a little."

"Thank you! If possible, I'd like to hire a young wife who can cook and as many children as we..."

"Oh... thank God, can we just relax here?"


"And give this letter to Greg. Tell him it's because he's going to Merrill in the third week of the 13th month."

"Wow, Mr. Graham, are you coming to Merrill?

"Oh, I have a guild chief meeting in the month of January, to pick up the one I don't want to be in. Can you stay at the Lamb Hall?

"It's not fancy, and it's noisy with a lot of young people"

"I'm still gonna be young."

"Uh, yes, of course, you're welcome!

"Um, nice to meet you"


In this way, they were all able to win the pass and permission to sell tea and go home to Merrill.

In Merrill, as soon as I left, I made plans for my studies. Wang Du Group also combines to take charge of one subject each of his specialties, breaking up into teacher and student roles and repeating classes and self-study. The twelve months went by in peace with nothing really happening, not being asked or done.

The 13th moon is the middle of winter even in Merrill. In that cold, in the third week, Mr. Graham came.

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