"Hey, you guys"

The guild leader is back.

"Dispatch to the King's Landing, decision made."


"Sorry, it's nice to meet you"

If that happens, we need to make a lot of plans!

"Exactly. You want to spend April here, how about from the month of five?

"I'd like to be back here by the" surge "of the seven moons."

"That helps, but in the month of August there will be classes in the King's Capital"

"But it's hard not to go from the fifth month to the eighth."

"Is that okay with Maria, Sophie and Mal"

"I want to come back because I care about the Lamb Hall"

"Don't take the burden of studying, I'm sorry"

With Dan, Zash and Cliff were to go with him. They're going to make money diving into the dungeons while spending time at Dunn's house until the college starts. It is also to sell your face to the West Alliance.

Also at the end of those two months, at the launch of the factory of Veterinary Fat and Oatmeal, the factory manager of the demolition plant was to go with him.

"I don't know how to start a factory this year. Well, the demolition station is similar everywhere. I'm going to make it work."


"When you're done launching tea in the West Alliance, I'll be ready for you in the East before the Ashes get here."

and reliable.

"Discuss with Mr. Graham to keep a simple kitchen in the guild and a meal space. And a refrigerator with demon stones."

Yes, yes, Mr. Amelia called me!

Mr. Amelia. Mr. Amelia.

"Oh, Arsh, Dan, it looks like you finally made it."

It's a magic cold water bottle!

"The principle is the same as in the fridge, but it was difficult to cool it down to a certain temperature."

It is firm.

"Can you keep it up for a little bit"

"It's tough until you can have one, and then you'll be fine."

"Um, Mr. Amelia"

"What, Arsh?"

"Amelia, you like meat dough soup, don't you"

"Love it, it feels juicy spreading when you put it in your mouth, I can't wait to wow anymore"

"So, the machine that finely finishes the meat moves with its magic stone..."

"I get it! So many meat dumplings!

"Also, you can move the foam machine at such a high speed..."

"Those two things, as long as there's a machine, the Demon Stone just needs it as a power, so I'll talk to the blacksmith and make it. I think we can do this by the time Arsh and the others get to King's Landing."


This makes it a lot easier to prepare breakfast!

And then we take over.

The Lamb Hall, in consultation with the guild chief, was to be seen by a couple of retired adventurers throughout the year. When we are here, we tend to stay a lot, and when we are not, we do it as much as we can. The lord also told me that he would build employee quarters on church grounds as well.

The Lamb Museum won the bet, but in a year I got a little out of hand.

"Arsh, it's your inn. It's the seventh moon, and you can stay all the way from the ninth moon. We're just protecting it while we're gone. Just think of it as a precautionary stick."

And, says the admin.

"I'm retired, but I have the skill, and I'm happy to work among the young."

"Thank you"

Two months will be over in no time. The day of the Dans' journey has come.

Okay, I'm on my way.

"I'll study hard"

"For the holidays, I'll be back"

Go away!

I'll see you in two months!

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