I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 10, 5, week 1 of the month.

Well, the next day. The ingredients have been delivered in a hurry for 40 minutes the day before. 6: 00 in the morning. Five people gathered to help. From older, it's Maya around 30, Julia in her mid-20s, Stella, Camilla at 15, and Hannah. They say the top three are widows.

The introduction was there, too, and I quickly went to help with the soup. The two young people are asked to enter the manufacture of lunch. The widows were just quick cooking hands, but seemed overwhelmed by the abundance of utensils, meat dumplings, and the amount. The two youngsters, on the contrary, seem to have no pressure and are having fun making sandwiches.

Lunch groups make up 40 meals for now, but let Nico and the others take care of it.

Me, Camilla and Hannah, we rushed up the lunch and rate outlets and at 7: 00 we started selling. At the same time, use snacks and tavern locations to serve breakfast to Nico and the others.

Then comes the adventurer, little by little, following the smell. They also kept the publicity, so some people were looking forward to it.

"I drink tea every time, but breakfast is served, so I've been looking forward to it, it looks good."

"Thank you!

If anyone is eating, they keep dropping by. Many people who have finished eating also buy lunch in the process.

"How about a lamb lunch - for lunch, there's also a lation -"

to Camilla and Hannah of Kachikachi,

"Come on, speak up!

When it comes to

"How about a lamb lunch?"

and it does it right.

The calculations I was worried about seem ok too.

And like when Merrill did, it quickly sold out. And, of course, lunch.

"Oh, my God, just the smell."

I was looking forward to it.

"I'll get more out tomorrow, sorry"

It came to that. Clean it up, tell me what to make tomorrow, a week-long menu, and so on, and it ends today.

"Maya, Julia, Stella, how did it go"

"Well, Maria, I was in a hurry, but I think I can manage. Breakfast is really good."

"We fall out little by little, but what about the manpower"

"You want some more, some of you will want to rest"

"So shall we add a little more"

"Um, I'd like you to call me, if you don't mind."

"So shall we, ladies and gentlemen? Starting tomorrow, I'd like to get a rotation, one menu and experience selling."

The next day, 60 meals. I couldn't get more than that, and they complained, but apparently they're coming from other guilds after hearing the rumors. More deliveries, more people, 70 meals starting next week. I'll have Mr. Maya as my leader, even if it's a partition.

On the fifth day of planning, Ricardo came to breakfast with the East Alliance chief. I ordered breakfast after a while of watching the bustle.

"Well, 500 gills, only soup and bread, or soup. This is a lot of equipment."

"I'm new to you, too, but this is good"

"This bread, what, put this on, hmm, don't fit, this is what I want to teach my wife too"

"Good morning, Mr. Ricardo, chief of the East Alliance"

"Aash, you're right."

"It was pretty good."

"This is service, it's cold tea."

"Oh, I miss you, this, it's good, Guild Manager"

"Hmm, you can have it. Yeah? This..."

"It's subtle when it's only five months, but it's really good when it's hot."

"Sure, it'll be good after the dungeon"

"You can also serve something that's not sweet."

"Well, that's good."

"Whatever your breakfast, why don't you just serve some tea, Guild Leader"

"Uh, I can't tell you apart from being guild leader, so, Connor and I don't mind calling you"

"Mr. Connor?

"Um. Well, it won't be a bad thing, but I'll consider it a little. It's just that there are so many hopefuls..."

"When it's ready for mass production, shall we turn it to the East Alliance, too, and it sells well with tea?

"That's good, let's talk to Graham too"

"Yes, please come back"

That's how six days come.

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