Dan's mansion may be the first time he's been here when it comes to it.

"Look, because women are always at the lord's"

"Right, ah! They're all coming back."

"That, Will and Mal, is something wrong?

"Follow me, I'm on my way to the West Alliance to train my sword."

"Uh, Mal, so you're glad?

"I don't know, but I ate a lot of meat. Full of skewers"

"It was a lot of skewers."

"I was happy."

"Mal, aren't you a girl?

"Arsh......, I don't understand"


"Ribbon's beautiful."

Cyril bought it for me.

"Nice hobby, looks good on Ash. Your brother should buy it from me too."

"Oh? I'll buy you one, you can choose for yourself."

"I don't understand."

"Come on, let's make it dinner"

and Dan. I was just using olive oil and it was delicious.

"Come on, we're done for dinner, and let me hear what you're doing today."

"Right, Dan, that's the king's capital. There are lots of clothes stores, grocery stores, lots of nice stuff, and hey, Arsh, where did you buy that ribbon?

This is Cyril.

"No, Sophie, Arsh, don't distract me, so, how was lunch or something?

"We're like college kids. We went to a cheap restaurant."

"It's the first time I've had a student. Sometimes."

"No, Maria and Sophie, you were totally calm. We're better off."

"There were quite a few students at the college, and they said, 'Who is that?' Like."

"They tell me to definitely introduce you later or something. Not just Maria and Sophie, but Nico and Blanc."

"... we're not happy."

"Zash, Cliff, so how was lunch?

"Hmm? Compared to a lamb house, I guess, it falls, but it's cheaper and more expensive."

"It was too much for me, and it's crowded, so you couldn't take it slow."

"And then what?

"Bluff around Central Square and hang out to see the store"

"Eating wheat rolls in stalls"

"Like that."

"So what about Will and Mal?

"Yeah, skewers, meat rolls, sword training in the West Alliance, skewers"

"Uh, okay."

"You didn't do tea on seven days."

"Lunch, too, right? I didn't think Will would say tea or anything."

"Sure. But after a day of playing, I wanted a drink."

"Well, there was nowhere to rest."

"Meryl can't play for a day in the first place, and I didn't have to worry about it."

Maria and Zash say.

"What about Arsh and Cyril?

"Well, I guess I didn't sell sweets."

"I had no particular problem. But I thought there was no place for women or family members to rest or eat."

"I knew it."

"After all?"

"I don't sell tea or sweet things for a lot of people, and most importantly, I don't have a place to rest."


"That's why I get a tea sale for my guild. Sometimes I'll buy something other than adventurers."

"So, selling tea in the square?

"I thought about that, too, but I'm thinking about a tea shop."

"And a meal?

"I don't serve meals. Sit down, a shop where you can have a slow cup of tea. I want to put something sweet on it if possible. You got a rate, didn't you?

"Can you think of a place to make money?

"Yeah, Arsh, that's why I'm going luxury oriented"

"I wonder if we can get in"

"Cyril, what if I told you I wanted to rest?

"I'll come in even if it's a little expensive."

"What about Zash?

"I'm tired of guys shopping with me, too, oh, stay! So rest even if it's expensive."

"I'll never come in alone."

Me, too.

"Can't Cliff, Nico, Blanc"

"We're sweet."

"All right, I'm opening a store in Wang Du!

"" "" Really!

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