I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, the 10-year-old, 2-year-old moon sheep, go ahead.

At the beginning of the month of 2, the water bottle I had asked Amelia for was also made up. The principle itself is simple, he said, but he never thought about using demon stones for such a small thing, so it was difficult to change the idea. I talked to Dan and was thinking about trying it out in the West Alliance, so I have ordered about 100 for now.

Dan came back on holiday before going out to Merche critical. Zash and Cliff didn't come back because it meant making money in the dungeon. Dan listened to Merche and Nash,

"Tea sales would be breakfast, lunch and set"

He said, calling the guild chief, he had Merchet and Nash's guild chief write a reference.

"You guys work too much..."

Though he was told to bump.

"Hey, you must be home. I need to stay for a little while."

"You know, Arsh, my father and mother come to King's Capital all the time, so I'm not here to see my father and mother. You're back in Merrill because of this, so you can stay with everyone for about the rest of the day, okay?

"We're a dungeon, aren't we?

"You're with me at night."

"No, you're right, you're looking forward to it"

Cyril and the others were back a while ago, so we could all talk.

"Nash, that was an interesting place"

"Will, why?

"Anyway, there are a lot of magicians. Because there aren't many originals, there might have been a lot, so I feel like there were a lot of good lodgings."

"Oh, magicians, you're weary."

"Yes, because you haven't worked out as well as a swordsman. Later, this is what I thought when I observed Cyril."

"Yes, the day I got up from the dungeon early, with Will, I was looking at adventurers with the intention of becoming Dan or Arsh. He's so tired, he's got a pretty throat."

"Better than elsewhere?

"I can't compare you to Meryl. In fact, I tried to go, but all the slime is so draining. I've been told to split up among the dungeons on the day I took the rate. I took more, so I split it it for you, but I was happy. I thought you wanted something sweet, not hungry."

"Heh, what a surprise."

"That, I thought I could sell"

"Which one?"

"Arsh's Molassed Oatmeal Cookies"

"The one that came under the Ration?

"It wasn't a rhythm because it wouldn't be sunny, but it was popular with tea offerings, wasn't it?

"It's so sweet, my taste depends on people. Making itself is as much of a hassle as a lation, isn't it? The days are a little short, and then I have to get permission to sell them in my guild."

"So you want to test and sell tea with a water bottle, too? But if you do, you can't even use it in Wangdu. It doesn't mean you can use a water bottle just by Nash."

"Dan, water bottles are hard to try and sell, try it in Wangdu first. You'll get a pound cake too, but I'd like to make that a lamb pavilion only for a while."

"Hey, Cyril, Will, if that's how you see people, why don't you join us and sell them?

"You mean, like, a rate or something?

"Yes, Cyril's recommended guy"


"I don't like stops."

"It's not. I'd like to be stronger in the shortest possible time..."

"Class D, can't you do that?

"That's okay because I've already been recommended"

"Let's think ahead of the Empire"

"Ahead of the Empire?

"You, you were just gonna go with Arsh?

"Mal's coming, too."

"It's me."

"Of course, I'm coming."

"Mal, Will, Dan...... nice! I want to go with you! Hey, Arsh."

"Of course!"

"If you go to the Empire, is that it? You're not."

"After the Empire?

"I don't even know. But I think we can do a lot of things until then."


"Then help Dan make lunch, too."


"You can do a lot of things."

"Ugh, I get it"

Cyril and Will, too.

"" Yes...... "

Go to Merche!

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