I want to protect you in this hand.

Arsh, 10 years old, 3 months old, Merche, day two.

Well, the second day of the sale started with 50 ready, two women in their late 20s who came to help. Exactly, are you used to your chores, and you helped me out well. Maybe we can add a little more to this from tomorrow...... that? I have a little girl.

"Smaller, you say, as small as Arsh, right?

Rude! You're 11 years old now.

"I'm sorry, you left for home."


"Is that your child?

"Yes, I'll be eight in four months"

"Want to go to school?


"Do you want to be with your mother?


"So can we work properly?


"Yes. Wake up early, work, eat dinner, and go to school when it's time. Can you?"

"I can!"

"Mother, when you get permission from the guild manager, you can work with me. But I need you to work hard."


"He's a little kid, so he's 100 gills an hour."

"I don't mind the money. I'm worried about leaving you alone..."

"Can we, too? I'm nine, worried..."

"I don't mind. Officially, since April."

"" Yes! Please!

So I added a chick, even 50 wasn't enough, but I also feel extra at 60. Anyway, for the next eight days, I decided to go for 50.

By the way, I've been selling tea since yesterday and it's going well. Cyril and Will were still sellers and it was funny.

"Guild chief, the tea sales themselves can make the system even in the last 10 days. As long as we can secure a working person, I think we can continue to do this, in a way like Merrill's branch. You can buy tea or something from Merrill, so the profit margin drops somewhat, but what do you do?

"Uh, nice to meet you."

"Yes, hey, Arsh, why don't you come in your spare time and make sure you can keep your purchases in Merche, because you can't always seem to rely on Merrill"

"It'll be after summer, won't it?

"I'm probably not coming."

"Okay, fine."

"Well, I'd like to secure someone to work for three hours in the afternoon,"

"Wow, okay."

"Guild Leader"

"Oh, my God, Arsh"

"I'd like to hire a working child in the morning."

"Can you go?

"We, too, worked around that time, so I think it's okay. It's 100 gills an hour."

"Oh well."

"Then write to Amelia with additional water bottles and additional materials to Merrill's tea department"

"Then add oatmeal and beast fat to the nash"

"What is it, this"

"If it moves, it won't be long."

"I'm gonna get caught up and move all the way over here"

"Maybe I should work for Merrill's guild, too."


It's been such a week. Three more days, we leave it to Maria and Sophie, we pack, and Cyril and Will return to the adventurer.

"I knew you were an adventurer."

"All right, let's do it! Arsh, Mal, I can't go with you yet, but good luck with your stuff."

"Thanks. Good luck!

"Good luck!"

"Oh, you guys, I've got a luggage for you to make Meryl's tea! Why did you go to Merche?

"Oh, thank you for your help in Merrill's dungeon. I was here on a business trip sale, but I calmed down, so I only had three days."

"Can we still have tea today?

"It's a different fee, isn't it?

"I know, don't ask me"

"" Yes, thank you!

"Slow down, huh?

"Quick, you win."

"Hey, why don't you come with us tomorrow?

"But hey, can I take a day off?

"" Yes, I'm fine ""

"Well, with us today."

It was an unfamiliar dungeon, but good luck. I made tea, and I knocked the rats out. After all, to be an adventurer, your experience with luggage is important.

And the day came to stand the Merche. The old lady at the inn said, "I'll be waiting for you in the fourth moon."

He told me.

"Well, it was as popular as I thought, and I'll officially beg you from the fourth month"

"Then we'll try it with Nash, and then we'll come back to the four months"

"Be careful. Go."

"" "" "I'm going!

"Feels good, you were windy kids"

"It's not just kids, though."

"I had a sister, but she was so sweet and relaxed."

"Everyone had a role to play, and it was weird to be looking in different directions,"

"Come back soon. I look forward to the four moons"

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