I Was A Porter

5 Coming back (5)


“Please proceed to the Himself Plus relay. ”

I left the association building to meet the democracy and immediately took a taxi.

For taxi drivers, it was nice for guests to travel this long a distance than for guests on such short distances.

However, I drove quietly for a long time until the face of the customer who looked offended was unhappy. After some time, he seemed upset and tried to talk.

“You must be very angry. ”

“Yes? Oh, yes... There's a place I don't want to get involved in... Somehow. ”

“Well, there's nothing more bothersome than getting involved in an undesirable situation. ”

“That's right.”

The knight began to drive quietly, saying a brief victory that seemed to end the conversation.

“But, customer, if you can't get out of the flow, sometimes it's better to leave your body in the flow. I'm trying to force the flow out, but the water might just splash around... I have to think about the surroundings. Because I've lived through it. ”

“Oh, yes...”

“Haha, or you have to completely block the flow. ”

As the atmosphere became awkward, the knight finished the sentence with a cheerful smile.

And to change the awkward air, the radio volume flowing from the speakers was turned up.

As I listened to the daily conversation on the radio, the taxi arrived at Himself Plus and Seungho paid for the taxi.

- Power to add power to your life plus! Strength plus is broadcasting. Since 16: 00 today, we are selling marinated beef for 1200 won per 100 grams and 1200 won per 100 grams, so we hope you enjoy your shopping. Best regards,

Ascending inside the building where the Force Plus is situated, Seung-ho is pressed against the magnificent interior of the first floor, but asks the people around him to take the moving walkway down to the first floor of the basement.

I climbed down the moving walkway and looked around the counter, but I couldn't see the democracy.

As he whimpered around the counter like a poop dog, one of the staff members came to watch him.

“What can I help you with? ”

“Oh, I'm looking for a person. ”

At the end of his remarks, the staff surprised and led him to the Customer Service Center.

“Come this way. I don't have a child to protect right now, but can you tell me your age, what you're wearing, etc.? ”

“No, the person I'm looking for is an employee who works here. ”

When he explained to the misunderstood employee that he did not, he slightly opened his mouth and gave a big nod.

“Oh, I see. What's your name? ”

“I'm an immigrant. ”

“Oh, he's resting inside for a while, but if you wait over here, I'll get him for you. ”

“Thank you."

I was standing in front of the customer service center with my back turned to where the employee had gone, and I heard a loud voice in the staff lounge room.

“It's not the time for the boy and Shia to come. ”

I almost looked back at his voice, but I waited a little longer for a dramatic shock.

“Mr. Democrat, this is him. ”

“Who are you?”

The voice of democracy was filled with vigilance.

The person who came to know him was a stranger who did not know him at all.

The man who remained silent nodded for a moment, then lifted his head, looked up at the ceiling and slowly turned around.

“How are you? ”

“Ahhhh!!! Aaaaah!!"

Instead of answering, the democracy ran screaming and hung itself around the tide with its arms and legs.

“Democracy, it's been a long time. ”

People are surprised by the sudden screams, but they don't care about democracy or winning.

Seungho supported his butt and patted his back with one hand, so that the democracy hanging like a baby koala would not fall with one hand.

“It was hard, it was hard. ”

I'm starting to notice the eyes around me. However, Seungho whispered in his ear as he gently stroked the democratic head rubbing his face against his left shoulder, which was muddled with tears and snot.

The sovereign democracy, which was constantly hung up, stretched out its arms and legs, wrapped around the lake, and lowered the democracy to the ground.

“Knng, you haven't changed a bit. ”

Democracy only then observed the face of Seung-ho closely.

“You're almost a lady. ”

“I can still hear you! ”

Democracy blurted its eyes at Seungho's words.

The employee who initially guided Seung-ho watched the scene and slithered to the side and stabbed the forearm of the democracy.

“Mr. Democrat, go home. ”

“Oh, thank you. Just wait here for a minute. ”

“Come out slowly. ”

I told him to come out slowly, but seeing the democracy leaping into the burinake, I didn't think so.

I tried to relax and enjoy the large market, but it was a bit of a waste.

By the way, it took less than five minutes for the democracy to rush in.

“Your face is so sweaty, it's sweaty. ”

At Seung-ho's words, the democracy pulled a toilet paper out of the bag that was tied next to him and patted his face and wiped his sweat.

“Brother, let's go to the cafe upstairs and talk. The boy and Shia will be here soon. You should see their faces. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

The democracy climbs to the first floor on a moving walkway, with its arms folded and legs crossed. The democracy arrives on the first floor and leads to the cafe.

“This is a coffee shop, right? ”

When I entered the cafe, Seung-ho said the wrong thing.

“What? A funnel, in the olden days, is a tea room. They call it a cafe these days. ”

“Oh, really? But there are so many girls. ”

“Is that what caught your eye first? Okay, order up. ”

At that moment, Minju wondered if his brother would look at the menu and place an order, or if he would place an order the old way.

And at the counter, I ordered my brother first.

“I'm two, two, three. ”

“Yes? Two or three? ”

The democracy that was watching behind me burst open when I asked him again if he heard Seung-ho's spell wrong.

“Hahahaha, brother, hahahaha. Oh, that's funny. Just a cappuccino and a cafeteria. I'm going to eat. ”

“I have an order for a cappuccino and a cafeteria. Let me help you pay 8700 won. ”

Seung-ho was dumbfounded by the democracy of taking the card out of his wallet and looking at it, he put the card he gave back into his wallet and looked at himself.

A democracy with vibrating bells sticks out its tongue, and Seung-ho's face is red with the shyness that flows like a flood.

“You didn't tell me on purpose. ”

While tapping the temples of democracy with his fists, when playing pranks, the democracy always played pranks when it was a child, the image of his older brother scolding himself slightly like this overlaps.

There were tears in his eyes that he thought were all gone.


“Huh? Huh!? Sorry, are you okay? ”

Seeing the democracy bursting into tears, Seung-ho was embarrassed and quickly calmed down.

He seemed to have adjusted his strength well, but it was not embarrassing to see him crying.

“Brother, no. Knng, let's sit down. ”

I pushed my brother's hand, which wipes his tears with my sleeve, and grabbed the window and sat down.

“Are you here to see Mom and Dad? ”

“Yes, I came back yesterday. ”

“Wow, that's too much. You came all this way so late without calling me? ”

“I was trying to surprise you. It feels good to have a successful reaction. ”

“What? Ha, wait... But I'm back, so I'll take care of it. Talk to me. How did you get back here? How are you doing back there? ”

Seung-ho narrowed down the story I told his parents yesterday and told the democracy.

“Well done... You've been lonely for 20 years, right? Were you alone?”

At the words of democracy, Seungho nodded briefly and put down the coffee he was drinking and wrapped around Seungho's hands.

The democracy that was focused on Seung-ho's story did not find the daughters who were coming from the entrance.

As she passed by the cafe while chattering, she was surprised to see her mother.

“Ugh! Sis! Look."

Inside the cafe indicated by Shia, my mother was holding a man's hand and staring at him with one glance.

“Don't you have a stepdad? What's that vibe? ”

“Let's go.”

It's been three years since my father died, and the two daughters haven't forgotten about their father, and my mother suddenly cheats on me (?) I was furious as I smoked.

As Seong opened the cafe door roughly, the bells hanging on the door burst open.

The eyes of all the people sitting in the cafe were crowded with Seong-goon and Shia, and Seong-goo graciously approached her with her head raised.

When Seungho turned to look at the sound of his approaching feet, he saw two girls deliberately pounding the ground with their long, raw hair.

Even the girl who looked pretty, even though she seemed angry.

The first thing I noticed was white skin and a large pair of eyes that contrast with Angda's lips, what was discontent under the pudgy nostrils that popped up among the slim faces.

And even the eyebrows that had risen up to see what they didn't like, it was a face that was worth turning around once more to look at the ten men.

Rather, the angry face gave me life and showed me what living beauty is.

The child who followed closely behind him looked like a younger brother, but he was small and fat. After a few years, he seemed to resemble his older sister.


I deliberately thumped on the floor, stopped at the table where Seung-ho and the democracy were sitting, looked at Seung-ho sharply, and then looked at the democracy.

“Mom, are you in a good mood? ”

I looked at the face of the girl and looked at the face of democracy.

“You look nothing alike! ”

“I'm sorry! ”

Seung-ho pulled out his democracy wrapped hands and began to grind the democracy and the girls who stopped.

Democracy was also ashamed of his appearance. If he blushed his face, he shouted.

“Haha, there's nothing like it... Do you know your last name? Heard a lot about you. You must have worked hard. ”

Seung-ho gets up and tries to hold the male child's hand, but Sung-ho slaps the back of his hand sharply.

“I'm sorry to hear that. You look so young. Why are you meeting my mom? ”


Seung-ho and the democracy mutter at the same time.

The gaze of a boy looking at such a victory was not too cold, and it was filled with contempt.

“My mom doesn't have much money. Don't be absurd. Get out when you say something nice. ”

Gosh, it's a goal.

Seungho turns his head to look at the democracy as he hears the sound of the wind, and the face of the democracy rises red.

He seemed to hold his breath as he desperately laughed, and the democracy must be enjoying the situation.

“Sung-ah, that's not it...”

“Don't say my name like you're close. ”


I coldly hung up on Seung-ho to explain, and the democracy burst into laughter.

In a dramatic situation, the eyes of all the people sitting in the cafe were focused, but Seung-ho was too ashamed to leave.

“What are you laughing at right now? I got caught cheating on you with your dad. Did you pass out? ”

“Aha, haha... Yoyo. She's good, isn't she? ”

A democracy who was smiling and breathing heavily finally opened his mouth, but instead of solving a misunderstanding, he wanted to make more jokes.

Seung-ho was just sipping coffee because I didn't want to know anymore.

“Mom, isn't it too much? It's only been three years since my father died. But what?"

Seeing Seungah yelling at the democracy with her red ears, I thought I knew how much she liked him.

When he lost his father, she must have been a very emotional girl during puberty, but I thought how much I missed the bones.

“Democracy, stop fooling around. ”

“I played a little prank because the kids reacted so funny. He's not your stepfather, he's your uncle. ”

Despite what the democracy has said, Seong-goon and Shia have not let their suspicions go.

Seong-goon and Shia whispered in their ear, "Did your mother have a brother? I thought you said he was dead." No, "I think he said," Missing. "’I whispered in my ear the story of my back, but I heard it well in Seung-ho's ear.

“If you don't trust your children that much, do you doubt this much? ”

Seung-ho, who overheard Shia and Seong, said something to the democracy, but it didn't care at all.

“You have to have a lot of skepticism to survive in an impatient world. Good job, girls! ”

Sitting there, I grab my fist and raise my hands, and the boy and Shia start to look strange.

Sung-ah frowns and looks impressed. He almost raised his hand and stroked his head to see how cute he looked. However, he raised his hand as it looked and scratched his back head.

On second thought, I realized I still have my Social Security number in my pocket, and I took it out and gave it to the boy.

Seeing the grip with your fingertips as if you were holding something dirty when you were holding your Social Security number, you sat down, frowning.

“Grandma, you know Grandpa's home address? ”

“… isn't this fake? There's no such thing as a Social Security number. Look at this."

You put Seungho's Social Security number on the table, took his wallet from inside his uniform jacket, and immediately showed him the National ID card.

“Better real than a picture. ”

“Of course... It's more fake than that, right? ”

“Daughter, you're my uncle. But can I use your ID card? ”

In the words of democracy, Seungho smiled bitterly.

Whether he was too joking or not, his nephews still couldn't accept the fact.

“I'm going to change it tomorrow. I've been busy wandering around today. ”

I looked at the adult and Xia, who had not yet been alert, sighed, took the National ID card that was on the table, put it in my pocket, and stood up.

“I'm going to go to the same office tomorrow and I'll come with my parents. ”

“Brother, give me your phone number. ”

“I don't have a phone. And I don't know how to use it. ”

“Wow... I feel like a grandfather, let's go live together. Nowadays, beggars carry cell phones."

Compared to beggars, there was no pride in winning.

“… what do you need to buy a phone? ”

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