We ran errands in Barbora. We were aiming for Urmut before heading to the King's Capital.

Or that it was at the request of Diaz, master of Urmut's Adventurer Guild, who went to the Beast Nation in the first place.

Its contents include a search for a missing Black Cat adventurer. Well, you mean Grandma Chiara.

Half of it was like pre-construction to protect Fran, who was starting to become famous, but I didn't actually meet him and see his death, so I wouldn't go without reporting it.

The impact of the militant tournament still seems to be there, and Fran's visibility in this town was awesome. If you walk through the city, people will look back, and if you stop, you'll have a hedge. Moreover, most of them are in the situation of adventurers.

But some of the adventurers came to this town after the martial arts tournament.

"Why are you paying attention to that little girl?

"Oh, you don't know?

"Yes, sir"

"That's Princess Black Thunder."

"Yeah? Oh, that one? Aren't you just an animal man's daughter!

"This is why Rookie..."

What kind of words are used there? I can't help but imitate that the rookies can measure their strength just by looking at it. And it's a long time event, outside the Adventurer's Guild.

"Hey, little girl. A newbie's got a pretty good sword, huh?

"Give me a face."

Apparently, they are bad adventurers, ducking rookies and runaways trying to get into the guild.

The exterior was more of a bandit than an adventurer. Like fur vests, defensive? Is that for cold protection? This is the look you would never want to be friends with, like, two Mohicans in one skin head.

Miscellaneous fish in ability. Even so, this ability at nearly 40...... Maybe he's the type of adventurer without any temper or outlook, who has lived for years like collecting and hunting miscellaneous fish warcraft to earn a dime.

I'm not saying that's bad. Many people will be doing adventurers for a living. But unless you're bothering someone else.

"Hey, come here."

"Come on, man."

The men are trying to guide Fran into an alley just beside the guild while surrounding him in a way he's used to. If you are a regular new adventurer, you will have to obey if you are so intimidated by the good men of Gatai.

"Hehe, Wolmut is easy to do with lots of kids"

"Not at all. Hey, what are you standing on?"

"Go that way!

Urmut's dungeons are greatly diminished by the impossibility of Dungeon Master Lumina to evolve the flan. Because of this, the rank of emergent monsters has been reduced, as has the quality of the output material.

As a result, the fruits of adventurers and guilds have diminished, but Rookie is being called in as a training ground for newcomers to make up for that loss. I guess for these idiots the prey is all over them.

"Hey little girl! I didn't stand there, Gebo!

"Holy shit! Suddenly - Gaha!


I'm glad Fran's in a good mood. It's just a piece of cake. I had just finished my meal just before I entered town. If you were upset, you'd have pulled me out, wouldn't you?

Well, the men are suffering from spitting blood.

"Hey, you misapplied your skills."

(Mm-hmm. I just got a little bit of strength)

Fran was going to do it with about one or two of his bones, but no matter what, four or five of his ribs are shattered and damaged to his gut. Due to slight frustration, the force must have gone a little too far.

I just wonder if the third one is a little less damaging than the first one? Maybe the 3rd time is just a little better at controlling my skills, where the first one kills 80%, the third one has to kill 70% or so.

You're totally failing because you're just going to smother me, but you've hurt me badly. But I'm a man who stretches with praise.

"The third guy's doing just a little better."

(Mm-hmm. Maybe he's getting the hang of it)

This place should praise the part that went better than point out the failure. Wouldn't it be possible for a bunch of idiots to get tangled up like this? After about 100 more repetitions, I'll be training Fran in skills control.

I wouldn't be able to, though. A lot of adventurers are looking at us around. Rumors will spread in no time. Someone came out of the guild to hear them bluff.

"Hey, what's the fuss?


"Oh? It's not Fran! Long time no see!"

It was Gatai's good machomen who showed up. On the same redhead afro, dark makeup. And the pitch pitch outfit.

Rank B Adventurer's Baldish - not Elsa.

He is a gutty man who made a feminine move as Knekneyna Yonayo, but his strength is certain. Given that Rank A or above is a superman in the hero class, you can call it top notch among ordinary adventurers.

Also, it didn't look good on the outside, took good care of it, and Fran took care of it a lot.

Well, it's a true pervert of spreading strike zones in the mazo with a bye in the Okama, so I won't forgive you!

"It's good to see you again!

"Mm-hmm. Diaz, are you there?

"Yeah, I'm in there. Still, could these falling kids have tried to do something to Fran?


"At all, I wonder if you don't even know the difference in strength... You deserve it! Well, fine. Eric, Kane"

"Oh, yes."


"These guys, will you split up with the other kids and throw them in the infirmary? I need to talk to Fran."


"Roger that!

As always, the adventurers of this town are obedient to Elsa. No, I know how it feels to be irreversible. Several people who were mixed up with wild horses carried the fools in charge as Elsa instructed.

"So, you mean running errands for Gilmouth, right?


"I'm here, but now you're talking to Grandpa Orrell. Can you give me a minute? 'Cause I'm gonna ask if it's not over yet."

"I need to talk to Orrell, too, just fine"

"Oh? Really? Then I'll ask Fran if I can get through."


"Ugh. It's for Fran!

Elsa winks with Bachin when she leaves. Whoa, a long time chills! I just freaked out a little bit.

(What's the matter, Master?

"F, Fran's nothing to look at now, is he?

(of now?

'No, it's nothing. Nothing.'

I knew I didn't like Elsa.

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