I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

414 Devil's Sword Foot Scratch

It was Hamulus, who continued to fight fiercely with Fran, but his fate was about to be exhausted.

Fran, who has become accustomed to Hamuls' unusual movements, has completely cut off the attack, and his vitality continues to diminish due to the effects of potential liberation.

But Hamrus' face, even though he says he's being hunted down, still has no emotions whatsoever.

"I knew your sword was suspicious."


In fact, while fighting, he tried several times to destroy the demon sword held by Hamuls in a major move. But all that aim had failed.

For example, even after aiming at the sword itself with an air knife extraction technique with multiple activation of attribute sword/fire and vibrating fangs, Hamulus became a shield as if to protect the sword, and it was prevented.

The next thing I knew, I tried to paralyze him with thunderbolt magic and let him go of his sword, but no matter what, he didn't let go of only his sword.

The question I've always had.

Aren't there beings manipulating Hamuls who are losing their reason? If so, where are you and how are you manipulating it? Are you hiding somewhere and manipulating with witchcraft? Are you wearing something like an allusion beforehand?

Or is that sword manipulating?

Yes, that's where my question was. Is there any chance of that sword being anything like me? Whether it's Intelligence Weapon or not, that sword seems to be manipulating Hamulus. Moreover, as far as the movement of Hamulus protecting the Devil's Sword was concerned, he felt to have some intelligence.

On the contrary, don't you even have feelings like rush and anger? This, too, is only a guess after watching Hamulus move.

Immediately after the slaughter was unleashed against the Devil's Sword, the attack became more intense as if to distance or retaliate with vigilance.

Even though Intelligence Weapon is legendary, there's no way it doesn't exist other than me...

No, fighting is your priority now. That said, there will be no further resistance. The life of Hamulus will soon run out.

Even if the Devil's Sword itself had the will, it would not be able to act autonomously or be good at it if it saw how it had been so far. That's all they're hunting us down. If you can really move alone, it's odd that you're not going to launch an ambush attack with your sword alone.


I guess you know the limit of activity is close over there. Go on the last offense. When the enchantment of the Devil's Sword increased further, the enchantment blade fell upon him like a serpent.


Even if Fran dodges it, he stretches and persists in chasing it everywhere. But this is your chance. They're focused on chasing Fran.

"Ursi! Do it!



It was an ambush by a wolf that had been so far kept warm. He jumps out of the shadow of Hamulus and jumps into a fist holding the sword. His hand was chewed to pieces by Ursi, and Hamulus just let go of his sword.

The Devil's Sword loses support and falls to the ground, causing the Magic Blade attack to disturb. The basement ceiling has been heavily decided, but let's not see it.



I'm not gonna miss this gap! Fran, approached at once by my metastasis, releases an air blade extraction technique with full force.



Me and the Devil's Sword bumped into each other hard, and a tall sound sounded.


"This guy is hard!

As far as we're concerned, we were going to make it two in one blow. Enough magic, too. Skills are also activated multiple times.

However, Fran's attack, which was swung down from the upper section, only partially defeated the already broken and shortened torso. You're still someone who's not a glimmer!

Shortly afterwards, Fran had squeezed his expression all at once and was flying off the spot.

"q ● s/., ox4q ◇ n7 @ -!"

The presence of the Devil's Sword has suddenly increased. And something like an unspoken scream echoes in the basement.

"Damn it! What!

"Shut up."

Besides, it's not just a scream. Like a reading skill, it was like being hit directly by a scream in the brain. Fran also holds his head and faces.

The source was the Devil's Sword. Are you hurt and raising your voice of anger? I didn't know you looked like me to this point... At last, you're more likely to be one of my kind.

But so will these guys' resistance. Hamurus' life, which has been tortured, has reached its limits.



Like a threaded doll, Hamulus collapses on the spot. Lightly, as if the fierce fighting had been a lie until then.

"... dead?


I don't have to appraise it, and I can't feel the vitality from that body. My heart would be stopped, too. Skills are out of effect, don't let your muscles shrivel. It's a shame.

When dimensional storage was activated to confirm whether or not he had died, he was able to act without any problems. Hamulus is still dead.

It's the Devil's Sword that stays. I'll do the appraisal one last time. The slightest scratch on my body made me wonder if there was any difference. Then, the results of the appraisal appeared different from the previous one. Appraisal became advantageous because of the loss of abilities caused by the injury.

"… can you barely confirm the name"

Name: c % s: ● hj/n ■ P

But it's typing. Yeah, I didn't see the ability. Once we know the official name, we can also explore the origin of the Devil's Sword.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I never typed or anything. The same goes for the Divine Sword and so on. Only minutes of appraisal, such as names, are displayed, and the impossible parts are simply invisible.

I thought my name had been typed as a result of this demon sword preventing my appraisal... Could this be your real name? No, you mean you had your original name, but your body was severely damaged, and as a result, you went crazy to your name?


"Oops, nothing"

Well, I don't care anymore. This guy is going to be destroyed here.

"Fran, I'm gonna smash this guy."


Now it's time to do everything you can. Damage to surroundings? Somewhat obtainable. Shake me up as Fran concentrates. It was right after that.



A tremendous light and magic were emitted from the Devil's Sword.

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