I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

517 Knights and Adventurers

It was Fran, who took on the Carnas' escort, but the sun was soon falling.

I'm in the middle of a camp on the way down. He creates walls and other things with earthly magic and builds defensive positions surrounding the camp.

'Well, it won't even get in the way of traffic from the side roads here, and you'll be fine'


This is not a complete main road. There are dozens of side roads, and they say those roads lead to various places. They also have paths that lead to the Reids kingdom. Naturally, there is no free passage, as it is monitored at the checkpoint and at Seeing Zhang Jun.

"So much magic..."

"Ugh, that would be a lie......!

Deane and Sheller are flabbergasted to see the position Fran has created.

You knew Fran was a powerful warrior, but you didn't think his witchcraft was this much. Carna and Deane were stunned. Wouldn't that surprise you more than it did when I showed you how to maximize your wolves?

The atmosphere on the road wasn't worse than I thought. I barely spoke to Deane, who was completely heartbroken, and Sheller, who was still afraid of Fran. In contrast, Karna actively talks to Fran.

During the camp, Carna was sitting directly next to Fran and tongue-in-cheek to curry-flavored soup against Deanne, who was trying to kill signs slightly away from Fran and Ursi.

Exactly, Sheller was poisoning and so on, but Karna eats the seemingly crude dish served by Fran without complaining. Well, it looks rough, but it's a fancy dish with plenty of warcraft meat and spices.

Rather, they enjoy eating skewers and the like as they are. The brightness of that expression would not be an act.

"Fran is an adventurer, isn't he?


"Fran, I think, is as old as I am, isn't that how rare an adventurer is?

"Mmm...... Yes."

"Really...... Um, Fran, why are you being an adventurer?

He doesn't seem as hateful as the Deannes, but he's interested in adventurers. Is that so unusual? There will be several people in any town. Or so boxed that I've never seen it at all? You can use magic or not complain about the camp.

"To be strong"

"Strong, is it? Isn't that supposed to go for knights and soldiers, for example?

"I can't do it with a kid."

"Really...... Um, isn't the adventurer's job hard?


When he heard Karna's question, Fran asked back in a heartfelt wonder.

"Wasn't it very hard to be that strong at my age?

"... I became an adventurer because I wanted to be strong. So I never thought it would be painful to get hurt or fight a strong opponent"

"Oh, really..."

Stared straight into Fran's eyes, Karna missed her eyes like she was barometric. Well, each other's values are too different. I'm not saying we can't understand each other, but we won't be able to meet and figure everything out overnight.

Even if it seemed like a hell of a day to Karna, it should have been an irreplaceable day for Fran.

Conversely, Fran doesn't understand Karna either. I'm sure this young lady has the spiciness that only they can understand.

That's what people are for.

"Adventurer's job is to defeat warcraft and bandits, right? And then there's the merchant escort."

"Hmm? No?

"Huh? Really?

Huh? Really? I was surprised, too.

"Adventurer's work is adventure"


"Yes. Adventurers are the ones who adventure"

"Who catches bandits or hunts warcraft? Isn't the adventurer doing better?

"I'm doing it. But the truth is, a knight or something a soldier does. But you won't do it, so the adventurer's just doing it."

Um, I don't think there are too many adventurers of the same opinion as Fran. When Fran says adventure, he should be referring to entering a demonic realm or dungeon and fighting in general.

And he is simply saying that policing defeating bandits and warcraft is inherently the job of the Knights. But the boundaries were pretty vague there. They are fighting warcraft in the dungeons, so they can fight outside, and fighting bandits and so on is considered an extension of that.

"... but those with power must have a duty to protect people!


"That's right! Power comes with duty!

"Hmm. I'm not sure"


Carna controls, but Deane's words don't stop.

"Oh, while you're so powerful, you don't think anything of seeing the weak? You're not going to save me!

"I think so? So you helped, too."

"... now I need to know..."

"Hmm? I help because I want to. That's all. Nothing, because I try to help if I want to, even if I'm weak. You help people because you're strong? Forsake me if I'm weak?

"Oh, that's..."

"Deane! Shut up!

"... Huh! also, sorry......"

Deane, yelled at by Karna, silenced with a blue face.

But it's a difficult problem. The duty of power is a convenient rationale for the weak to use the strong. Or I think it's the pride of a strong man drunk with power.

I wouldn't be thinking such a difficult thing in Fran's case. In the first place, if there's anyone in trouble in front of me, I won't be long to figure out why, because I'm going to help you for now. As I said myself, help because I want to help. That's all.

If they were annoying guys, they would either abandon them normally or demand help and extrajudicial rewards.

This may also be said to be the difference between adventurers and knights. Knights are people who are fed by taxes, so to speak. I guess I'll be tapped in on my duties and rights around there from the time I joined the group.

Oh, unless it's the Rotten Scum Knights.

It's just, "Work for your paycheck!" Then you can't raise your morale, and you can't keep your pride. So I guess expressions like salvation of the weak, service for justice, will be used. If that kind of education goes too far, a knight like Deanne will be born.

By contrast, all adventurers are at their own risk. In other words, the power you get should also be your own, and the idea of using it for your own good should be normal.

"I don't have Deanne's shoulders, but I heard some adventurers do bandit stuff."

"It's not because I'm an adventurer. Even to knights and nobles, there's scum. There are no evil men in your country?

"That's... right. It's true. There are bad knights and nobles."

Karna listens to Fran and snorts deeply. They have something on their mind. Come to think of it, it's unnatural for a lady to be traveling in a small number of places like this, and I guess there's something about it.

"Then the adventurer..."

Are you interested in adventurers for the rest of your life, Karna's questions went on and on until you went to bed.

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