I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

621 After the commercial fleet

Returning to Seftento, the town was already in havoc. A lot of people are going right and left in the harbor.

Small and large ships docked in the harbour, some of them with broken masts and burnt marks.

Must be a commercial fleet ship.

But for that, the numbers were small. It would be about a fifth of the total. No way, all those numbers of ships have sunk?

At the corner of that harbor the adventurers gathered to stare at the Great Warcraft with a stern face.

They only look pretty small from here, but the adventurers who know the lake know exactly how big it is.

Looks like they noticed Fran right away. Well, obviously, you're back on the big wolf from where the anomaly happened. It would be natural to stand out.

"Ooh! Could it be Princess Black Thunder?

"Ah! It's true! The Black Thunder Princess!

"Hey, what happened! What's that?

He calls out to me mouth-to-mouth.

"There's a big warcraft out there"

"Well, if you look..."

"I don't know the details either. More than that, I'd like to hear some."

"Yeah? What?

"Have you seen Sierra?


"Oh, that kid, right? No, I didn't."


After all, I couldn't ask what Zelaisse did with Sierra. I guess Fran still cares about Sierra's whereabouts.

But it doesn't seem to be witnessed in the seftent. I'm not caught up in our perception either.

I couldn't look any further now.

"And what happened to the commercial fleet?

"It's terrible."

"I didn't know the fleet was going to be there."

The adventurers taught me with a dark face.

It seems that quite a few ships were damaged and quite a few people died as a result of Modoki's raids and the Big Bang.

Still, he said the ship, which was safe, managed to dock dispersed in the surrounding towns, allowing a large number of humans to disembark.

There were many particularly damaged ships berthed in Ceftento, and until earlier people were rescued.

"Now, I'm checking the identities of the deceased. That's the square there."


I'll show you around.

We went to the square.

The square is lined with large numbers of humans and a dozen bodies. It hurts to see people crying over the bodies of people they were close to.

Especially the screaming cries of children, they don't do it.

I could see Fran holding his fist and quietly pushing his anger to death. I feel the same way.

Seeing this sight once again gives rise to a willingness to kill Zelaisse. When I was getting out of the temple, I did a little pushing, but I should have just punched Kannakamui in.

However, whatever you put down then, Fran's escape was your top priority. I couldn't afford to act extra.

"I hear some of them haven't been found yet..."


"Oh, you're right."

We speak to the officials of the ship that was in the square and arrange the bodies of the victims we were storing in the square. We don't have time for this, but I thought we shouldn't neglect this.

Apparently some of the crew who were here had friends and relatives, and more moaning was to be heard in the square.

(Zelaise......! Be sure to knock it down if it happens next)

"Oh, you're right."


Then we quietly said a silent prayer and followed the scene.

Heading up is the camp of the college where there are signs of Wiener Lane.

Returning to the camp, the students were assembling anxiously. I guess I haven't figured things out yet.

As Fran descended into the camp, the students stopped around. It is Carona who has been the first to speak.

"Mr. Fran! The town is noisy, don't you know what happened?

"... the commercial fleet was attacked by the Warcraft"

"Well! What's the damage?

"It's so awful. That's why I have a report for Weena Lane."

"Really? I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

When Fran came up with the name of Weena Lane, the students gave way to nature.

That's the student at the academy. You understand it doesn't make sense to panic at times like this.

"... it could be dangerous to be here. Get ready to evacuate."

"Huh? But..."

"Instructor's Order"

"Oh, I see."


At times like this, it's convenient to have power. Well, I don't have the authority to give orders like that if I were you, because it's an emergency right now.

'To start evacuating everyone, let's talk to Weena Lane first. He should know something happened.'


On the contrary, it's not strange that I was grasping everything through the Spirit.

"Weena Lane!"


The face of Weena Lane sitting in her chair was dominated by such a sense of sadness that it would be pathetic. I may have ripped my head off many times to see where my hair is messed up.

It seemed so convincing to me that they did that that Wiener Lane was now being hunted down.

"Why is the Lake Warcraft coming back to life! The breakdown of the seal shouldn't have been huge yet...? Lane's gonna disappear like this!

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