In this room now, it's Ursi and Zero Thread who are in relatively decent condition. No, I mean decent, I'm just saying I'm not dying.

Still, these two will be the only ones who can afford to supply us with magic.

How do we get them to supply us with magic later? Take it by magic robbery? But in the case of Zero Thread, it's evil to be staying.

Even if you absorb it directly, you don't know if you can successfully convert it into a force.

No, speaking of which, you had the evil domination skills you just got. Can you use that to convert evil into magic?

But that will require Zero Thread cooperation. I explained to Fran and decided to attach a zero lead copy.


Fran! I know you don't like it, but can we talk a little more politely?


But even to Fran's blurry words, Zero Thread responded with a sincere look. The tone is hard to say polite, but it's an attitude of listening to Fran firmly.

"We don't have enough power to help the Lanes. Give me your strength."

"Okay. Use as much as you like."

That said, Zero Thread nodded instantly. Maybe I was going to snort no matter what they said from the beginning.

That's about it, it was fast.

But some are not convinced.

"Wait. Uncle - is there no danger to Mr. Zero Thread? Besides, it should be difficult for ordinary people to manipulate evil."

While Sierra says so, she turns her worried gaze to zero lead. Well, for Sierra, saving Zero Thread is what you can say it's all about. I won't have a choice.

Even I'm definitely worried about Fran giving magic to someone I don't trust.

"Sword Ability"

"... I knew it wasn't just a sword, but are you capable of that?



Sierra is really not convinced. But there's no way you can explain me, and let's go a little hard on this place, okay?

"Sierra... you call me that? It's okay."


"Besides, I'm keeping my life with Fran. I don't care what happens."

"What's this all about?

Round your eyes and surprise Sierra, Zero Thread talks about his promise to Fran.

Later, instead of Fran taking Romeo to an orphanage in Barbora, I don't mind liking Zero Thread's life. However, since the contract that has been signed between Romeo and Zero Thread has been cancelled.

Already, the contract between Romeo and Zero Thread has been cancelled by Weena Lane. Then his life belongs to Fran.

Zero lead, I don't care how they treat me because my life belongs to Fran. I hope Sierra doesn't resent Fran because even if she dies from it, she can't help it. Maybe that's what you wanted to say.

But the flimsiness in the minds of Zero Thread people has turned out to be completely bad. I don't know this guy in detail, but there's no way he's good at decent human relationships, no matter what you think.

Naturally, Sierra can't be relieved to be told that.

"Oh no..."

Sierra glanced at Fran.

Well, I guess so. Whatever, Fran resents Zero Thread. Sierra should know that.

If so, there's no reason to think about Zero Thread's life. In other words, I should have thought that there was a good chance that I would absorb all the evil magic from Zero Thread and kill them.

Even if I'm in the opposite position, I definitely doubt it.

Fran approached Sierra like that. And make me look good.

(Master, can I say it?

"... you mean I'm an intelligence wepon?


'So, I don't think Sierra would be convinced right now...'

(Daijibu. If you find out about the master, you will understand)


(Mm-hmm. Totally daisy)

"Well, I hope Fran says so..."

You're trying to tell me I'm okay because I control my skills, not manipulate them? But I don't think Sierra's suspicions will clear up after all.

I don't think it's a problem to talk about it. The Sierra are the same Intelligence Weapon and its users. I wouldn't imitate it like a rose.

"... what?

Sierra has a suspicious eye on Fran, who has shut up while showing her sword to herself. But Fran opened his mouth again, without a problem.

"The name of this sword is Master"


"Mm. Master of Intelligence Weapon"


It makes Sierra's face look palpable and surprising. I guess he's still a kid around here, even if he's strong. The poker face collapses every now and then.

"Yo. My name is Master. Make it Fran's sword. He's the guardian. Nice to meet you. '

"Ho, really...?

"Mm. The Spirit's hand is used by the Master"

'In the meantime, I'm not willing to give the Zero Thread guy an interest back here. The Lanes are our top priority now. Besides, Romeo's gonna be sad, isn't he?

In the meantime, I'll tell you how I feel honestly. I thought we should be honest here rather than lying.

Then, Sierra's attitude changed surprisingly. After a moment of confusion, he gave me a strangely happy look.

"Oh, really? Intelligence Weapon..."




Sierra shuts up for a moment. Maybe he's in conversation with the Demon Sword Zero Thread.

"Okay. I trust you now."


Why? I just greeted you lightly, and suddenly you believed me?

(Intelligence Weapon buddy, so I thought you'd understand if you spoke properly)

I thought it was such an idiot, but maybe it really is. Only Zero Thread, the Devil's Sword, can be skipped from different times and talked to or relied on. For a Sierra like that, it's the first of its kind.

Besides, between children who are very similar to themselves and their situation. It wasn't surprising that Fran and Sierra were feeling sympathetic to each other.

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