I Was a Sword When I Reincarnated

668 Lady Blue Departure

"Fran. I've been waiting"


One boy showed up before us diving the main gate to leave Lady Blue. He's been disappearing the last few days, Sierra.

They had asked me to call them Sierra in the future, so neither Fran nor I would call them Romeo.

"What's going on?

"I thought I'd thank you again. Thank you for missing us."

That's what Sierra said and bowed her head.

When the demon sword Zero Thread was discovered, Sierra promised to deal with him when it was all over. This meant accepting Fran's vengeance and setting up a place for battle.

But Fran misses the Sierra's.

I still have a grudge against Zero Thread, but that's against Zero Thread over here.

I don't have that negative impression of Zero Thread over there, which has turned out to be the Devil's Sword.

Instead, I feel sympathetic to Sierra, and I don't want to fight any more now. Fran told Sierra that it wasn't all over yet because Zelaise had fled, and he was avoiding the fight.

'Maybe you've been waiting to thank me?

"No. No, of course it's to thank you, but I remembered something. Trying to tell you that."

"What do you remember?

"Oh, that's the information I got over there"

Over there. That means the information we got on a different timeline than here.

"What information?

"It seems that Fran over there was talking about his master as a divine sword. He says he heard such a conversation before his uncle was still a sword"

"Huh? What, am I the Divine Sword?

"Oh. Exactly."

What's this all about? Was I the sword over there?

"Don't you mean the Abandoned Sword?

"No. Uncle, he said he didn't have to open his sword to his opponent,"

That's certainly an impossible word for an abandoned divine sword. Obviously, it is an active divine sword.

"So maybe the master will evolve into a divine sword?

'Fran is right...... Is that possible?

"Yes. Yes, I can. God is involved in the birth of individual names and masters, and his vessels are well stocked, such as Fenrill and Kelvim. In some way, it is possible to get a name as a divine sword. However, there is a lack of detailed information and the method is unknown."

"Mr. Annunciation, you said you shared information with Mr. Annunciation over there, right? Didn't they tell you anything then?

"Yes, I do not have any information regarding the Divinization of the Master"

That's a mystery, too. If you were able to exchange information on your skills, could you just give me some simple information? Master over here, it's a divine sword. - Maybe for a moment.

"Couldn't you even afford that?

"No. We had plenty of room to share information."

Then why didn't you tell me? It could be a sword. Oh, my God, I think that's pretty important information. I don't even think Mr. Annunciation would be mean or spared.

"In that case - didn't you dare give me information about the Divine Sword?

"It seems likely."

"So you're saying that Mr. Annunciation over there decided that it's better not to be a divine sword"

"It is likely that there will be some price for an individual name/master to gain power as a divine sword"

"Maybe that price sucks......"

Mr. Annunciation over there would have known we were fighting the Great Warcraft. Even if I don't give you the information on the Divine Sword there, I guess the price is really terrible.

Is that what changing my name makes me not me? I was made into a sword, and I can think of a reason why I became a sword.

I admire the divine sword quite a bit, but this seemed like a better idea to be cautious.

"Thank You for That Information"

"No, I'd be happy if it helped at all"

"Enough, Useful"

The same is true of the possibility of a divine sword, and we were able to get information that it might be dangerous.

"What will Sierra do after this?

"I follow the Devil's Sword Zelaisse. He's my true enemy."


"What are you gonna do?

"I received a request from Weena"

Fran and Sierra exchange information about each other's future actions.

In Sierra's case, they're going to find out for now if there's any way to legally enter the Reids kingdom. At the same time, they gather information on the undead damage in the vicinity.

Demilich's nameless, the current owner of the Demon Sword Zelaisse, had named him the leader of the Black Skeleton Soldier Regiment, which belonged to the Reids Kingdom.

In other words, he leads the Undead Legion and is likely to be leaping everywhere.

In the case of Fran, the most recent destination is the King's Capital of the Kingdom of Verios. It will likely cross the continent of Goldicia as it is.

So I'm going to go see Trismegistos while I do Weena's request.

And then, the long-term aim is to decurse the entire Black Cat family. Well, this is gonna take a really long time.

"A curse on the Black Cat Clan?


Apparently, Sierra doesn't know that information. Well, I guess it's like that if you're not interested. Fran will give you a brief explanation.

"I mean, only the Black Cat clan, and you have to defeat evil people with more than threat s?

"Even the family of the evil gods"

"Either way, it's gonna be a tough fight"

"But I'll definitely un-curse you"

"Right...... I hope we can achieve our goals. I'm here for you, too. If we find a strong Black Cat somewhere, we'll let you know."

"Please. Me too, look for Zelaise"


The last time we shook hands, Sierra jumped on the horse she was taking. Apparently, it's a subpoena. He's a junior, but he's a horse type. The leg looks pretty fast.

"Sierra. See you later."

"Oh. See ya!

That's how Fran, who kicked off Sierra leaving, jumped on Ursi's back. The face is full of motivation.

"Let's go, too"


"Oh, you're right."

"I can't put you on Sierra."

"I can't beat any other intelligence Weapon either!


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