“The child’s father, our son…is there something wrong with his mind?”
“Probably so, otherwise why would he be so happy to yell ‘I’m an idiot’? I’ll take him to a mental hospital tomorrow.”
“…” Yusheng froze on the spot, then sat down in embarrassment, not daring to shout anymore, but still whispered excitedly.
“It’s really great! Since I’m a fool, then others won’t treat me as a person. Although I will be regarded as a fool, it’s better than being raped as a person!”
“The battle is about to start, Yukinoshita Hachiman and Hayama Hayato have activated the accelerator, “CLOCKUP! “”
“Facing the attack of the two knights, Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion didn’t feel flustered at all. He gently patted a wonderful insect instrument on his waist, “HYPERCLOCKUP! “”
“The sword and scorpion obviously entered the accelerated state, but his attack arrived faster than Jiadou and Gangdou!”
“”what! “Following two cries of pain, Jiadou and Gangdou exited the acceleration state one after another, and fell heavily to the ground.”
“”impossible! How can you have such a fast speed? ! “Hayama Hayato endured the pain on his body, barely stood up, his tone was full of surprise, in his opinion, all knights should be accelerated at the same speed!”
“”So that’s it, is it the insect instrument on your waist? “Hachiman Yukinoshita held his heavily injured chest, and with keen eyes, he noticed that there was an insect instrument around Jianscorpion’s waist!”
“Maybe because he thought he was already invincible, Jianscorpion didn’t choose to make up the knife, but like a SB behind-the-scenes BOSS, he explained aloud, “That’s right! This is exactly HYPERZECTER (beyond insect instrument)! “”
“”With this insect instrument, I can even reach the speed of light! That is a speed that you will never be able to reach in your entire life! “”
“”Ha ha ha ha ha. “Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion laughed softly, “Do you dare to defy me who possesses the instrument of surpassing insects?” ! “”
Seeing this, Yusheng felt that he might really be an idiot… You are making up for it! Explain Nima! Don’t you know that the villain died because of talking too much?
Ah, no, if these two knights are really killed, then I will really be confirmed as the running dog of the Zerg. So, future me, you better go die!
“Looking at the two people who didn’t speak, Jian Scorpion also felt a little bored. He said that word in a calm tone.”
“”RIDERSLASH (Knight Slash)! “”
“”MAXIMUMRIDERPOWER (Extreme Knight Power)! “”
“After Sword Scorpion pressed the Transcendent Insect Meter on his waist, a blue electric current spread all over his body in an instant.”
“He turned his attention to Jiadou. In his opinion, the more powerful Jiadou is the one that needs to be wiped out immediately!”
“As for the Gangdou at the side? The sword and scorpion, who has surpassed the insect instrument and is extremely proud, has never really paid attention to these two knights! He didn’t even think about what to do if Gangdou chooses to attack.”
“However, this arrogance will definitely push him into the abyss!”
“At the moment when Sword Scorpion was about to launch an attack, Hayama Hayato recalled his family, his friends, and all kinds of people on the street who were hurt by Zerg.”
“How could you give up? ! I am here to protect all mankind, to kill all the zerg! How could I just stand here and watch! “”
“My body was covered in bruises from the attack just now. Hayama Hayato knows this better than anyone else! He doesn’t need to be attacked by the sword scorpion again. Even if he just activates the acceleration device again, the probability of him surviving is extremely low. He knows this better than anyone else!”
“But ah, Hayama Hayato still roared and activated the acceleration device, “I am the God of War Gunto! The so-called God of War is to fight to the last moment of life! CLOCKUP! “”
“”Ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! “After making a shrill roar, Hayama Hayato turned into a stream of light and charged in front of Sword Scorpion!”
“Then, at the moment when that attack was about to hit Yukinoshita Hachiman…he used his own body to block this fatal blow!”
“” Hachiman! “”
“Following Hayama Hayato’s roar, and with Tamanawa’s terrified expression, Koto leaped into the air without wasting a single bit of time!”
“No, I can’t be hit! I can’t die! Under the threat of death, the sword scorpion exploded at the fastest speed in his life! Just press that, just press that…he can enter the super-elevated time again Transformed state! With a speed comparable to the speed of light, he will never be hit by such a slow attack!”
“However, Hayama Hayato showed him what a God of War is! After taking that fatal blow, relying on his awareness beyond ordinary people, he did not break the transformation state! Instead, he exhausted the last strength in his life, He firmly grasped Sword Scorpion’s hand!”
“And at this time, Jiadou’s attack is coming as planned!”
“”what! ! ! “”
“Accompanied by this terrifying kick, Yu Sheng let out a scream, and the whole person flew upside down like a cannonball, hitting the wall heavily!”
“Because of this kick, the jade rope was released from the transformation state. After that, the Transcendent Insect Instrument around his waist fell off his body on its own initiative!”
“Wait, where are you going? Come back, come back quickly! Beyond the insect meter, don’t leave me behind! ! ! “”
“Yu Sheng spat out a mouthful of blood, no longer had the composure before, and roared with panic all over his face.”
“At this time, Yukinoshita Hachiman seemed to know something, slowly raised his right hand, and a small hollow emerged, surpassing the insect instrument and landed firmly on his hand!”
“”how so? Yu Sheng looked desperate, “Beyond Insect Instrument…abandoned me, and then chose you?” “”
“Yukinoshita Hachiman didn’t speak, he loaded the Transcendent Insect Device on his knight belt, and said softly, “HYPERCASTOFF! “”
“Afterwards, the armor on his body unexpectedly changed again!”
“”This is, the second transformation? ! “Yu Sheng covered his wound and stood up with difficulty leaning against the wall. His tone was full of surprise and jealousy that could not be concealed, “Why? Why can you transform twice? ! “”
“” Still don’t understand? Yukinoshita Hachiman said in a deep voice, “You have never exerted the true power beyond the insect instrument!” The chosen one is me! “”
Chapter 11 Now I am even faster than the speed of light
Seeing that Yukinoshita Hachiman not only obtained the surpassing insect instrument, but even exerted a power far exceeding that of the jade rope, Yukinoshita’s mother straightened her back again.
As expected of a cub raised by her, it is amazing!
It’s just that Chaoyue Insect Meter is somewhat ignorant of good and bad, and didn’t join the enemy as soon as she saw her cub!
“”You actually said that you were chosen? Do not make jokes! The Beyond Insect Apparatus is mine! ” Yusheng roared again, and he lifted the SASWORD blade, “Transform! “”
“Ignoring his tattered body, Yusheng chose to transform again. He roared and rushed towards Hachiman. At this moment, he forgot the power of surpassing the insect instrument, and only wanted to take back the surpassing insect instrument!”
“However, in just a moment, he fell to the ground like this, just like Thunderfly’s death, and he didn’t see Jiadou either…”
“Kamen Rider Sword Scorpion Qualified Person, Tamawa, die!”
Seeing this, Yusheng was numb. Why was he the only one among the knights who died like a clown… He was going to die anyway, so couldn’t there be some cool way to die?
“After killing Tamana, Yukinoshita Hachiman turned around and hugged Hayama Hayato in his arms. This strong warrior finally released his transformation state as if he had exhausted all his strength.”
“Spitting out blood, the dying Hayama Hayato was in Yukinoshita Hachiman’s arms, stretched out his hand with difficulty and grabbed Hachiman’s sleeve, and murmured, “Hachiman… the… destiny of this planet… and …the future of mankind…all…is entrusted to…you…”」
“Kamen Rider Steel Fighter, Hayama Hayato, die!”
“Son, I’m proud of you.” Hayama’s father slapped Hayama Hayato on the shoulder, with the word “proud” written all over his face.
At first, when he saw that the ZECT organization was implementing a plan to exterminate all human beings, such as the Ladder Project, everyone was paralyzed! Because, his son is also in this ZECT organization!
The ghost knows if his son is a traitor, a zerg running dog!
Later, when Hayama Hayato learned the essence of the Sky Ladder Project and went to stop the Sky Ladder Project, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Great, his son is not a traitor!
Until now, in order to save mankind, his son directly resisted the fatal blow for his comrades-in-arms, and helped them win the chance to fight back!
Even he, a middle-aged man who should have been grieving for his son’s death, felt his blood boil!
“Dad, you think too much. That is the future me, not the present me.” Hayama Hayato smiled slightly, but he was still in a good mood. This kind of heroic death poked the heart of his adolescent boy!
Presumably, when he arrives at school tomorrow, no one should make fun of him being instantly killed by Yukinoshita Hachiman.
At this time, the scene was harmonious.
Until, a girl’s voice suddenly came from outside the restaurant.
“Oh! Hachiman X Hayato! I’m on fire! This pair of CP is locked! I said it!”
“Wait, Ji Cai, you have a nosebleed again, don’t watch TV, wipe it off with paper.”
Suddenly, the atmosphere at the dinner table fell silent.
The Yukinoshita family and the Hayama family cast their subtle gazes into the video again, and saw Hayama Hayato smiling, peacefully lying in Yukinoshita Hachiman’s arms.
Isn’t this… the scene where the heroine dies in the arms of the hero in the finale of a dog-blood romance drama?
What a cheat! Hayama Hayato immediately cursed in his heart.
Suddenly, it occurred to his mindThe super rotten girl in the class, Ebina Himina!
Just now, the voice outside sounded like Miura-san, and then she mentioned the word Ji Cai, right? !
Oh Nori, Ebina! You bastard is plotting against me!
“Yukinoshita Hachiman gently put down Hayama Hayato’s body, but with an extremely firm will in his soft tone, “Who do you think I am? I am the man who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything! “”
“He stood up and walked all the way to the room where the zerg had pulled the meteorite. The zerg who was working saw the person who broke in, and immediately spat, “Tsk, useless sword scorpion! Holding the Insect Surpassing Instrument, you will lose! “”
“Hey, get on me quickly! “Following the sound of this zerg, a dozen zerg slowly came out of the room from the darkness, all of them were adults that had molted their skins!”
“If it was before, a dozen or so adult insects would indeed be a great enemy to Yukinoshita Hachiman, and they might even die here!”
“But for him who got the Insect Transcendent Instrument, all this is nothing worth mentioning!”
“”HYPERCLOCKUP! “Accompanied by a mechanical sound, Kamen Rider Kato turned into a stream of red light, and quickly shuttled through the room!”
“In less than a second, the Zergs didn’t even have time to scream, and they exploded into mosaics!”
“However, the last remaining Zerg who was responsible for pulling the meteorite saw this scene, only panicked for a moment, then regained his composure, and he laughed out loud.”
“”Woo ha ha ha, it’s useless! That meteorite, containing countless eggs of our compatriots, has now come to the outside of this planet! You humans are hopeless! “”
“The camera was switched to the meteorite, and huge insect eggs were densely packed all over it, without even leaving a single gap!”
“This is too much…” Hikigu Komachi saw that her scalp was numb, and she felt that she might be suffering from trypophobia.
“Bang! Yukinoshita Hachiman didn’t continue to listen to that Zerg’s nonsense, and just kicked him into a mosaic.”
“”Whether human beings can be saved is not decided by you, but by me! “”
“”HYPERCLOCKUP! “Yukishoshita Hachiman pressed the Transcendent Insect Instrument, the armor on the chest opened, and the armor on the back turned into a pair of huge rainbow wings!”
“”The me now, even surpasses the speed of light! “”
“Yukishoshita Hachiman raised his head to look at the huge meteorite, a flash of determination flashed in his eyes, and then he turned into a stream of light and flew directly towards the meteorite!”
“What does he want to do?” Yukinoshita Yukino looked at this scene in surprise, “Could it be that he wants to kick this meteorite? Can he do it with such a big meteorite?”
“Probably not.” Listening to his sister’s speculation, Yukinoshita Yono slowly shook his head, he said that he could surpass the speed of light…
What can be done faster than the speed of light? Time shuttle!
No wonder we never hear about a large meteorite fall, turns out, time has been changed by you?
Yang Nai’s heart was full of shock, as expected of my younger brother.
Chapter 12 The rampant acceleration finally surpassed time
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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