After that, he stood up again, walked to the window, and prepared to close the curtains.
Suddenly, he froze.
A burgundy beetle is flying in the air near the open window with a knight’s belt on the windowsill and beyondInsect meter.
“I, am I dreaming?” He wiped his eyes vigorously, and looked intently again.
Well, things are still there, it’s not an illusion.
Trembling, he stretched out his hand and grabbed the Jiadou Insect Instrument, and inexplicably uttered a second-time off-the-charts sentence, “Is my mission not over yet?”
In a daze, he seemed to see a girl with donkey ears whispering devilishly in his ear, “Mr. Savior, you can’t rest yet.”
Chapter Fourteen The Kindling of Fire is Coming
In the early morning of the next day, when Hikigaya Hachiman came to the door of the class with his schoolbag, he heard the noisy discussion in the classroom before he opened the classroom door.
“Hey, did you watch yesterday’s video? I’m super handsome, right? Really super handsome!”
“Stop talking, Hubu, you are not as handsome as Hayama. Saying such things in front of Hayama is purely asking for trouble!”
“Hahaha, no, the performance of the Ministry of Household Affairs is also very exciting… Speaking of which, did you read the news on the Internet last night? A hacker really found out from the computer where the government department’s confidential video files were stored. A video of two meteorites colliding.”
“Maji Yabai Kunei?”
“This… is it possible, is the video really true? It’s scary! It doesn’t say in the video that the Zerg has been exterminated. What if they come again?”
“It’s okay, it’s okay, when the time comes, I—Kamen Rider Queen Bee, Sho Tobe, will definitely protect you!”
“Hahaha, instead of looking forward to you, it’s better to look forward to Hayama’s transformed Kamen Rider Gangto?”
“Yes, I am really afraid that you will be deceived again.”
“Ha ha ha ha.”
When the persecution of Sho Tobe was mentioned, everyone burst into laughter. For a while, the classroom was filled with joy.
Even that kind of confidential video has been dug out, the hackers are too fierce. Hikigu Hachiman sighed in his heart, then pushed open the door and walked in silently.
However, unlike usual, this time, everyone in the class turned their attention to him. Being watched by a group of people, he only felt hairy all over his body.
He could even hear the whispers of those classmates.
“Is that the man? The savior?”
“No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like it.”
“Yes, yes, he is so handsome in the video… But this one is just a salted fish with dead fish eyes, blinding his handsome face for nothing.”
I’m a dead fish eye, I’m really sorry for you. Bi Qigu Hachiman complained in his heart, and then the dead fish rolled their eyes even more.
“Hitoriya-san.” Hayama Hayato suddenly came in front of Hikidani Hachiman, looking at him kindly.
It was obviously a kind expression, but Hikigu Hachiman shuddered, no way, no way? I won’t really beat Hayama Hayato and the others because of being too crazy in the video, so I’m going to be beaten to death now, right?
That’s not right, it was Yukinoshita Hachiman who hit him, so what’s the matter with him?
Also, my name is Biqigu, not Biqugu!
“Well, what’s the matter?”
“Did you watch yesterday’s video?” Hayama Hayato didn’t answer, but asked first.
“Ah, I saw it.” When Hikigu Hachiman replied, his heart was trembling, it was over, it was really because of what happened in the video!
“Since I’ve seen it, it’s easy to say.” However, Hayama Hayato didn’t mean to hit someone, but said a little embarrassedly, “It’s actually like this. Aunt Yukinoshita knows that I am in the same class as you, so I invited you You go to have a meal outside the school at noon.”
“Auntie Yukinoshita, the one who adopted you in the video… She is very interested in you, if you want, she wants to adopt you as a foster child. Of course, if you don’t want to, you won’t force it, just Let’s have a meal together.”
Hiki Valley Hachiman: “…”
Watching a video, there is an extra pair of adoptive father and adoptive mother for no reason… oh, there are also two extra sisters.
However, there is one thing to say, my sister is really fragrant!
“Well, not bad, very energetic!” Cheng Yang looked at the three zerg that Ah Xing had worked on overnight with a smile on his face, looking very satisfied.
Look at this ferocious appearance, look at this powerful forelimbs, look at this thick and resistant body, and this green skin full of the strength of the tauren!
No matter how you look at it, it is full of miscellaneous soldiers!
“By the way, Ah Xing, you should find a way to send these three Zergs to Biqigu School, and let them lurk in the school first.”
“Oh, good.” A Xing nodded, without asking why, he directly opened the space and sent the three Zergs to Zongwu High.
Cheng Yang clasped his hands together, rubbed them lightly, and smiled, “Biqigu, the kindling fire is coming, I hope you can upgrade me to level 90 after finishing these kinds of fire!”
“Can I get promoted to level 90 with this?” Although Ah Xing didn’t understand what Cheng Yang meant by planting a fire, he still understood level 90.
Can you upgrade to level 90 by fighting these monsters? This value is exploding! Or is this the legendary one-knife 999?
Then, seven days passed like this.
Compared with the beginning, the discussion heat caused by the video has dropped a lot, although people still come to Sobuko from time to time, looking for Hikigu Hachiman to sign something, or go to that cliff to find knight belts and insect instruments.
But overall, it has been considered calm.
After all, for the public, no matter whether the video is true or not, no matter whether Kamen Rider and Zerg really exist, life still has to go on!
As for the neon government… under the watchful eyes of the great river crab beasts, even in a different world, they seem to not exist.
At this time, Cheng Yang’s eyes flashed, “The time has come! Now is the time to make trouble!”
“Huh?” Ah Xing looked at him blankly, not knowing what to do.I don’t know what nerves he is having again.
But Ah Xing didn’t care, he just asked curiously, “Speaking of which, why didn’t we continue to play the video after waiting for so many days. The SSR card was only practiced. If I didn’t practice a few more, I wouldn’t What a sense of security.”
“Don’t worry.” Cheng Yang waved his hand, “People’s moods are very strange. For example, if you let them eat food non-stop, they will get tired of it in a short time.”
“But if you don’t let them continue to eat after they finish eating a delicacy, then they will be haunted by this delicacy.”
“It’s the same with making troubles. If we keep making troubles one after another, once they get used to it, their mood will be completely flat. Watching these videos again, it is estimated that there will be no waves in their hearts. At that time, the information they provided me I’m afraid the imagination is very low.”
“So we must give them time to calm down. Even leeks need to grow taller before they can be harvested.”
“Oh.” Ah Xing nodded half-understanding, “Then let’s make trouble now?”
“Right!” Cheng Yang smiled and nodded, “The leeks have grown taller, it’s time to cut them!”
So, it’s time for Hikigu Hachiman to plant a fire book!
This time, he didn’t even make a video, and directly made troubles in reality. There must be someone who is not afraid of death to shoot a video and post it on the Internet!
Chapter 15 What the fuck did I just say?
It was another sunny day, if it was used for sleeping, it must be extremely comfortable… But unfortunately, I couldn’t sleep. Not only can’t sleep, but also physical education class.
“Hey.” Hikigu Hachiman sighed, he was playing single tennis in the corner by himself.
Originally, there were other people who wanted to invite him because they watched the video and developed curiosity about him, or admiration or something… but he rejected them all.
“How dare I play tennis with others like I am now.” Hikigu Hachiman looked at his wrist, still looking as thin and weak as before.
However, only he himself knows that his current strength is simply terrifying!
All this is because of the knight belt… That night, after he saw the knight belt, the Jiadou insect instrument and the surpassing insect instrument on the window sill, the knight belt turned into a ray of light and flew into his body.
Since then, he can feel that his physical fitness is constantly improving!
He’s transforming into a metahuman!
And for some reason, he always felt that he…wanted to say something flirty, and especially wanted to point his finger at the sky.
Cheng Yang said that it is estimated that when making the Star Artifact, everyone was too impressed with the hero in the video, so even the language template and action template were forcibly included.
Because of this, Hikigaya Hachiman rejected all the invitations from his classmates.
He was afraid that the tennis he played would directly evolve into killer tennis, and he would beat his classmates into a mosaic, point to the sky with one hand, and talk nonsense.
“Ah!!! Monsters… there are monsters!”
Suddenly, from the grove not far from the playground, there was a terrified cry.
“Huh?” Hikigu Hachiman was stunned for a moment, then quickly dropped the racket and ran towards the grove.
“What happened?”
“I don’t know… It seems that there are monsters?”
“Huh? Monster? Isn’t that scary?”
The whole playground became noisy in the blink of an eye. Some people felt scared, so they stood in place and hugged the crowd. Some people thought it was a prank and just ignored it.
Only a very small number of people wanted to check the situation.
“Well, I’ll go and see what’s going on. You play first, don’t wait for me.” Hayama Hayato dropped his racket and ran towards the grove.
“Hey, what happened?” Hikigu Hachiman was indeed strengthened by a knight’s belt, and he rushed to the grove like a gust of wind.
And when he saw the situation clearly, he was dumbfounded for a moment… Here, there are two identical elderly men!
Both of them were wearing school sanitation uniforms and holding a broom in their hands. They were exactly the same in appearance and body shape.
The only difference was that one of the sanitation workers was sitting slumped on the ground, trembling all over, with a frightened expression on his face. The other sanitation worker stood there in a daze, as if he was frightened.
“…Is it a lie?” Hikigu Hachiman swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the name of a creature appeared in his mind… Zerg!
“Hey, I just heard someone shouting, there is a monster… Is it one of you who shouted?” Hikigu Hachiman tried to ask.
At the same time, he kept praying in his heart, it was twins! It’s twins! Must be twins!
“No! No!” The sanitation worker slumped on the ground rushed to the back of Hikigu Hachiman and said tremblingly, “I just cleaned the fallen leaves here, and suddenly, this monster rushed out .”
“He looks just like the Zerg in the previous video! Then, in front of me, he changed into my appearance!”
“He’s a monster…he’s a monster!”
“No, that’s not the case!” At this time, the sanitation worker who was standing there finally responded.
He waved his hands quickly, and said in a panic, “I was cleaning just now, and this monster suddenly rushed out and took my shape, then fell to the ground and started shouting, there is a monster!”
“He is the real monster! Believe me, stay away from him!”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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