“”and many more! “Baiyin Yuxing quickly summoned the golden experience, trying to stop the substitute, but it was too late!”
“The stand-in opened his mouth, stretched out an arrow in his mouth, and pierced fiercely into the soul of the sanitation worker!”
“”what have you done! “Baiyin Yuxing was terrified, and quickly caught the sanitation worker who fell down, “Hey, are you okay?” Wake up! Wake up! “”
“”This soul is not the chosen one! “After speaking, this strange double left.”
“”Not the chosen one? “Baiyin Yuxing read this strange sentence, tremblingly moved his hand under the nostril of the sanitation worker, without breathing!”
“”Dead…dead! There were no injuries, but he died! Because of me, an innocent person died…” Baiyin Yuxing’s face twisted, “Polpo! Yah! “”
“”lighter. “At the same time the next day, Baiyin Yuxing placed the burning lighter at the door of the cell.”
“Oh, the flames are still burning. “Borbo was very surprised while eating the banana, as if he had choked, he coughed twice, “cough cough, sorry, sorry…””
“”By the way, do you believe in God? “”
“”It doesn’t matter. ” Baiyin Yuxing said expressionlessly.”
“”Hahaha! It’s really like the answer of young people nowadays. “Polbo smiled, “You have to listen carefully to what I say next. “”
“”If the most important thing in this world is trust, then the most taboo thing is insult! Fighting with people is boring, only fools do it! Our organization is not like the one in the TV series, fighting with people for bus seats. “”
“”but! “Bolbo’s expression became extremely serious at this time, “Facing the act of insulting, it is a risk of life!” Even if you kill someone for this, God will forgive you! This sentence, I hope you can keep it in mind! “”
“Polpo suddenly laughed, “Hahahaha, congratulations, you can join our organization. “Then Baiyin Yuxing left the prison without saying a word.”
“”It’s a shy guy… Hmph, such a brat is easier for us to control. “Polbo chuckled, picked up a banana, put it in his mouth, and then…”
“Bang! The gunshot rang out, and Polpo’s huge body fell down! He still had a puzzled expression on his face, as if he was thinking about what happened to him.”
“Outside the prison, Baiyin Yuxing walked on the street calmly, “Indeed, as you said, in the face of humiliation, even murder will be forgiven… You insulted the old man’s life!” “”
“So, I turned your pistol into a banana, you like it, don’t you?” “”
Seeing this, the bananas in Shinomiya Yanan’s hand instantly lost their fragrance! He kicked the bananas that fell on the ground and yelled, “Throw all the bananas out! From now on, the Shinomiya family is not allowed to buy bananas!”
Chapter 26 Isn’t this thing better than a gun?
“So handsome! The president is so handsome!” Kaguya Shinomiya frantically tugged on Hayasaka Ai’s sleeve like a woman who eats, “Hey, Hayasaka, the president is so handsome, isn’t he!”
In the video, Baiyin Yuyuki’s style of a real man who never looks back at the corpse undoubtedly hit Kaguya Shinomiya’s high point, and almost made her so high!
“…” Ai Hayasaka didn’t want to talk, taking care of Kaguya was definitely the most troublesome job she had ever done.
silver home.
“Brother, why don’t you hurry up and turn yourself in, maybe the police will come over soon!” Bai Yingui grabbed his brother’s hand and advised him earnestly.
Her eyes were full of worry and despair, just like an old mother who suddenly heard her son get into a fight and beat someone to death.
“So why do you treat me like a murderer? I never did that kind of thing! I don’t even know who Polbo is!” Baiyin Yuxing shouted in despair.
It is also the hero exposed in the video, why is Hikigu Hachiman violently beating the knight, killing the zerg, and pretending to be B crazily.
When it was his turn, he would be in prison at the beginning, posing in all kinds of weird poses, and even become a murderer? !
“”Old man. “Baiyin Yuxing returned home, sat in his seat, put one hand on the table, and there was no slight emotional change on his face.”
“” It’s Miyuki who’s back. “Silver Dior, who was cooking in the kitchen, heard the voice and said, “Wait a minute, the dishes will be ready soon.You can eat when Xiaogui comes back. “”
“Old man, let me ask you, what exactly is a substitute?” How did it come about? “”
“…” Baiyin Dior’s cooking hand paused slightly, “What’s the matter, why did you suddenly remember to ask this? “”
“Baiyin Yuxing frowned slightly. Although his father’s pause was only for a short while, he was still keenly aware, “I saw a substitute today, and that substitute inserted an arrow into a person’s soul! He also said that this is not the soul of the chosen one. That arrow has something to do with the double, right? “”
“”arrow? There seemed to be some doubts in Baiyin Dior’s voice. He turned off the fire, walked out of the kitchen, and sat down while unbuttoning his apron, “Yu Xing, are you sure, what you saw was an arrow?” “”
“Yes, without a doubt, it was an arrow! I’m not too young to be presbyopic and unable to recognize arrows. Baiyin Yuxing looked at his father, “So, old man, what is that arrow?” You should know. “”
“”I do know something about arrows. Silver Dior nodded, “That was a long time ago. In order to fight against three super creatures from ancient times, my brother-in-law Jonathan Joestar and I dug up arrows in a certain desert ruins. “”
“”Stand-in is a powerful image produced on the basis of the individual’s soul and maintained by life energy. Some people are born able to awaken their substitutes on their own…but some people need some help. “”
“Baiyin Dior picked up the kettle, poured two glasses of water, and passed one of them to his son, “No one can know who made the arrow. Awaken the substitute! “”
“However, this approach is flawed! If the person shot by the arrow does not have the qualifications to awaken a substitute, then… this person will die immediately! “”
“”Yu Xing, what you see is probably this kind of arrow! “Silver Dior’s face was very gloomy, “The arrows that Jonathan and I dug up at the beginning were kept in the ancestral house by us and did not go out. They probably dug this arrow from somewhere else! “”
“Yah! “Baiyin Yuxing clenched his fists tightly. At this moment, he has already straightened everything out.”
“The reason why the Sigong family strictly controls the recruitment of gangsters under its command is to build a huge army of substitute messengers! The lighter has been tampered with. Once it is re-ignited, it will attract a substitute with an arrow to test whether the opponent is Has the qualifications to awaken a substitute!”
“Just for this kind of thing, wantonly playing with other people’s lives! Sigong Yan’an, I really can’t spare you! “”
“Desert ruins? Arrows?” Sigong Yan’an’s eyes gradually lit up, and the stand-in messenger army, wow, this is wow! Isn’t this thing better than a gun?
“I’ll give you an order to collect all the information about the ruins from today, and form an archaeological team so that they can find the arrow for me as soon as possible! Be careful to control the families of these people, don’t be afraid to spend money, the most important thing is speed!”
This video was broadcasted all over the world, who knows how many rich people have thought about this arrow, he must find the arrow before everyone else! time is life!
Of course, what he was looking for was in vain, and it was useless except wasting money! After all, in this world, such a thing as an arrow…it really doesn’t exist!
“”President. “”
“This afternoon, Shirogane Miyuki, who had just returned home from school, received a call from Shinomiya Kaguya, “Sinomiya? It’s rare to call me, what’s the matter? “”
“Hehe, President, have you forgotten that you are now a subordinate of our Shinomiya family, especially mine. “”
“The other side paused for a moment, then continued, “Don’t joke around, there is a mission. If you want to fulfill your dream, you must continue to complete tasks and improve your status in our Sigong family. “”
“Baiyin Yuxing did not deny it, and asked directly, “What is the mission? “”
“Well, don’t be so anxious, I’ll send you an address later, come here quickly, just to introduce you to the members of my team. “”
“Squad members? After Baiyin Yuxing hung up the phone, he opened the door and walked out, “I hope it’s not some useless teammate.” “”
“Four Houses. “Baiyin Yuxing came to a coffee shop according to the address, and at a glance, besides Shinomiya Kaguya, there were three other people, two of whom he knew!”
“Yeah, secretary Fujiwara, accountant Ishigami, I didn’t expect it to be you. “”
“Huh? This, it’s me?” Chika Fujiwara tilted her head, and then her eyes lit up suddenly, “Oh, oh, do I have a substitute? That’s great! In this case, I can talk to Hui at school tomorrow. Show off at night!”
“Maybe, it can also be used to do some pranks, such as when playing cards, use a substitute to peek at other people’s cards! Hehehe…”
“It’s a lie, why is there still me…” Compared to the cheerful Fujiwara Chika, Ishigami Yu looked very worried, “I won’t become a murderer inexplicably like the president, right?”
Chapter 27 Let me go back to the age of dinosaurs to survive
“”President, I didn’t expect you to have such power, hehehe. “”
“President, please sit down. “Yu Ishigami is like a dog’s leg, helping Shirogane Yuyuki to open the stool.”
“”I don’t think I need to introduce these two, the president is also very familiar with them. Shinomiya Kaguya walked behind the last girl with a smile, and put her hand on her shoulder, “This is the one I need to introduce to you. “”
“”Although it is the woman who is by my side responsible for taking care of my daily life,Servant, but she is indeed a person like my own sister, Hayasaka Ai. “”
“”Presumably this is the President Baiyin who Ms. Kaguya often talks about and is full of praise for, right? “Hayasaka Ai stood up and saluted with no expression on her face, “It’s my honor to meet you. “”
“Before Baiyin Yuyuki replied, Hayasaka Ai continued, “By the way, actually, I am very confident in black tea. Please allow me to make you a cup of black tea as a congratulatory gift for you joining our team. “”
“Afterwards, Ai Hayasaka picked up the teapot, poured the tea into the cup, and spit into it openly, “Come on, drink it. “”
“”…” Baiyin Miyuki looked at the teacup expressionlessly, but didn’t pick it up.”
“Hayasaka Ai’s expression became horrified in an instant, “What’s the matter, drink it quickly, this is the Hayasaka black tea I specially made for you!” Are you looking down on me, bastard? Or, you don’t want to join our team at all? “”
“Hayasaka, don’t do this. “Kaguya Shinomiya frowned slightly, and spoke to stop him.”
“No, nothing. ” Baiyin Yuxing stopped the somewhat angry Shinomiya Kaguya, and took the cup over, “Since it is black tea specially prepared for me, then I have to respond. “”
“Afterwards, Shirogane Yuyuki raised his teacup and drank it down in one gulp!”
“Gah!!!” Kaguya Shinomiya turned pale, so much so that even her voice became like a duck quacking!
“The president drank Hayasaka’s saliva, which means that the president and Hayasaka kiss, which means that the president will marry Hayasaka, which means that the president and Hayasaka will have a child…”
The more he talked, the darker Shinomiya Kaguya’s face became, and even began to emit black air visible to the naked eye.
If it goes on like this, it is not impossible to blacken people on the spot and pick up a hatchet to chop people down!
Hayasaka Ai even felt a little cold on the back of her neck, she took half a step back, “Miss Kaguya…well, this is obviously an insult, you don’t have to think that there will be any relationship between President Shirogane and me .”
“Brother… do you have any special hobbies?” Bai Yingui looked at his brother’s eyes, as if looking at another piece of trash, “Does the saliva of a beautiful girl make you so excited?”
“Son… Hey.” Baiyin Dior sighed, and said earnestly, “Although people’s XP is free, I still suggest you to see a doctor.”
“I’m not! I don’t! Don’t talk nonsense!” Baiyin Yuxing was about to cry, what’s the matter!
He seemed to be able to predict what the rest of the students would think of him when he came to school tomorrow.
Especially Shinomiya Kaguya!
He seemed to have seen Sigong’s contemptuous gaze as if looking at a bug, and the words spoken by Sigong’s haughty voice echoed in his ears: the president actually still has that kind of interest, Hehehehe, oh kawaii kodo!
Baiyin Yuxing shuddered all over, the veins on his forehead were bulging, Lao Gao kept banging his head on the table.
Ah, no need, don’t do this kind of thing! Will die, will really die socially! Time machine, where is the time machine? ! Let me go back to the age of dinosaurs to survive!
“”Eh? Chairman, did you really drink all of it? Chika Fujiwara stood up and looked at the cup, “It’s true, there is not a single drop left!” “”
“”No, no! “Hayasaka Ai frowned, she could see clearly that there was not a drop of tea on Baiyin Miyuki’s lips, “You didn’t drink it at all, did you? Where the hell did you hide the water? “”
“Yu Ishigami said in surprise, “Hey~ the president actually knows this trick? Teach me too? Just tell me alone. “”
“Baiyin Yuyuki smiled slightly, and he transformed one of his teeth into a jellyfish with a water content of 98% in his body! The moment he lifted the cup and poured water into his mouth, the jellyfish absorbed all the tea! ”
“Then he immediately deactivated his substitute ability, relying on the sight of the cup to block it, so no one could clearly see what happened.”
“Huh…” Seeing this, Shinomiya Kaguya finally calmed down, and then she looked at Ai Hayasaka who was far away from her with a puzzled expression, “What’s wrong with you, Hayasaka, why are you so far away from me?” what?”
Hayasaka Ai: “…”
Why am I so far away from you, don’t you have Hercules in your heart? If the following video didn’t prove my innocence, I would be afraid to sleep at night, maybe I would be hacked by you with a hatchet!
“Okay, that’s it for now! “Kaguya Shinomiya interrupted the noisy scene, and then said, “The mission this time is to catch a murderer!” “”
“”Murderer? “Baiyin Yuxing raised his eyebrows slightly, his face was very strange, “When will the Sigong family also change jobs and become heroes of justice who maintain peace in the city. “”
“”Do not! To be honest, this murderer has been around for a long time, and the Shinomiya family has never cared about it. After all, that is the responsibility of the police. But this time is different! The person who was killed was my brother Sigong Huang Guang’s mistress! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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