“He turned his head abruptly, and saw that Miyuki Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya had already supported Chika Fujiwara, and even half of their bodies had fallen into the zipper!”
“”First use the bait to get me off that woman’s body, and then use the substitute ability to rescue her! hateful! Is this also in your calculations? ! Don’t try to escape! “The stand-in roared and rushed forward, his speed was enough to reach 60KM per hour! However, it couldn’t compare to the speed of those three people falling directly into the zipper…”
“Oh Noel! Oh no tired! “Looking at the empty room, he’s as impotent and furious as a clown!”
“The one who was also incompetent and furious, and the substitute envoy who was checking the situation with a telescope not far away, had an angry expression on his face, “Damn it! Damn it! Although I don’t know how they got here, but if they continue to investigate, they will find Master Yunying sooner or later! “”
“At that time, I will be dead! They must all be executed! My road star has memorized the smell of that woman, so follow this smell to catch up! “”
“Master Yunying? Really heard an incredible name. “”
“”! ! ! “Suddenly heard a strange woman’s voice, the man’s pupils shrank suddenly, no, there is no way for the double to come back immediately at this distance!”
“But it’s okay, I’m hiding in the corner of this dilapidated building, and they’re outside, separated by a wall, so they can’t see me for the time being! When they come in… just use this and chop off their heads!”
“The man’s face showed a fierce expression, and he slowly took out a dagger from his trouser pocket with his right hand. Although it is not as good as a road sign, it is still a first-class weapon!”
“”SEXPISTOLS (Sexy Pistols)! “Accompanied by a deep voice, the man’s heart trembled, he is a stand-in messenger!”
“Then he saw several smallThe people flew up with five bullets, and one of the villains shouted excitedly, “I found the enemy! Everyone, kick the bullets out!””
“”Great! Pass the ball, pass the ball! “”
“Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!”
“The five villains mercilessly sent bullets into his hands and three feet respectively. Feeling the pain from his body, especially the pain from somewhere in his lower body, the man’s face twisted. ,”Oh! ! ! “”
“Hey!” Bai Yinyu couldn’t help clamping his legs tightly, with cold sweat streaming down his face, “Does Ishigami still have this kind of interest?”
“Yu Xing, stay away from your friend in the future.” Baiyin Dior also shook his whole body, admonishing his son earnestly, “You are the man who shoulders the future of the Baiyin family! You can’t fall into this man’s hands !”
“”The location of your bullet…” Ai Hayasaka looked at the injury on the man’s body, and couldn’t help but twitch the corner of her mouth, her expressionless face almost couldn’t hold back.”
“” Let me tell you, it has nothing to do with me. When Yu Ishigami saw the situation, he decisively threw the blame on the double, “You know, my double has its own consciousness, and I don’t care where they go. “”
“”What, Yuu, it was you who said you wanted to make him incapable of resisting, that’s why we aimed one of the bullets there! “”
“That’s right, that’s right, it’s obviously Yu’s fault! “”
“” Yuu is too much! “”
“”Compensation, compensation! If you don’t pay compensation, you won’t work! “”
“”Steak, I want steak! “”
“Ah, really, you guys. While complaining, Ishigami Yu took out a small piece of cooked steak from his bag and handed it to them, “Eat it quickly, don’t think about going on strike after eating.” “”
“”Let’s go, take this man to Miss Kaguya. “Hayasaka Ai let Melancholic Blues carry the man on the ground, and walked the way he came and went.”
“”Hayasaka, Ishigami, you’re back. Kaguya Shinomiya saw Hayasaka love them from a distance, and laughed, “I knew you wouldn’t let me down.” “”
“Fortunately, Miss Kaguya. “After Melancholy Blues put the man on the ground, Hayasaka Ai reported to Shinomiya Kaguya, “Miss Kaguya, when you and the president went to that room before, I used the ability of Melancholy Blues to find this man hiding place. “”
“”At the same time, I saw in the use of the ability that this man used the walkie-talkie to say to someone, ‘The woman is ready’, and the place where he buried his hands is a locked hidden room below! He’s not really the murderer, just a guy doing the dirty work. “”
“”And…” Hayasaka Ai moved closer to Shinomiya Kaguya’s ear, and said softly, “I heard the words of Master Yunying from this man before. “”
“Hehehe, the person who killed my brother’s mistress is actually my other brother? If so, it would be so much fun! Speaking of which, if the person is in the basement not far from the inside, the double can barely be placed on the ground…””
“Sigong Kaguya showed a sneer on her face, she stepped on the man’s hand, “Hey, who built that underground room? what is it used for? What is the purpose of collecting these women’s hands? Also, where is the key to that room? Say it! “”
“”what! I…” The man whose hands were stopped screamed, the spineless man seemed to want to betray his boss immediately, but a fearful expression suddenly appeared on his face, and he quickly changed his words, “I won’t say it! Don’t expect to get any news from me! “”
“”That’s it. Shinomiya Kaguya narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she was thinking about something, and finally, she laughed softly, “Then let’s do this.” STICKY FINGERS! “”
“The blue and white stand-in came out and punched him on the neck, a zipper appeared on his neck, and then his whole head fell off!”
“” Hayasaka, hang his head up, and hook his eyelids with a hook, don’t let him close his eyes, let his eyes feel the brilliance of the sun. “”
Chapter Thirty-One You Are Really My Good Sister
Hiki Valley Hachiman: “…”
Feel the glory of the sun? Have been offended.
“Yes, Miss Kaguya. “Hayasaka Ai performed a maid salute, and turned her gaze to the man’s head.”
“At this time, this man was terrified by the abnormal phenomenon on his body, “Wait, what did you do to me? Why is my head falling off? Also, what are you going to do to me next? ! “”
“”If you don’t answer our questions, to be honest, we will be very troubled too. “Hayasaka Ai squatted down lightly, and looked straight into his eyes, “So, let me ask you one last time, is the person who instigated you Shinomiya Yunying? What is the purpose of hunting these women and leaving only one hand behind? “”
“”If you don’t say it…” Ai Hayasaka took out a bundle of fishing line and a hook, “Then I will act as Miss Kaguya instructed. “”
“Please, please forgive me…” The man’s eyes were filled with tears, and his whole head was trembling, “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t take the initiative to attack you, please spare my life.” . “”
“It seems that you have no intention of answering us. What a pity…” Ai Hayasaka quickly tied the fishing line to the hook, “Since this is the case, there is no other way! Adults always have to pay for their actions, and you are too, right? So, don’t you have any complaints? “”
“Ai Hayasaka put the hook directly on the man’s eyelid, and put hisThe eyelids are pierced directly! Then, with a flick of the line, like a cowboy with a noose, she tossed his head out and hung it on the battered window sill. ”
“How about you, are you going to answer us?” “”
“”Woo, woo…” The fierce sunlight shone into his eyes, and the man wailed, tearing continuously, but there was still no sign of saying anything.”
“Heaven, hell, great hell, heaven, hell…” Chika Fujiwara picked a flower from the side of the road, and kept chanting while pulling out the petals. When she pulled out the last petal, she just stopped Above the Great Hell!”
“”Hahaha, hahaha! Chika Fujiwara laughed loudly, “The result of divination for this guy is that he is going to go to hell!” “”
“Speaking of which, I still wear a pair of glasses. Baiyin Yuxing took out his glasses from his trouser pocket, walked to the window sill kindly, put them on for him, and then showed him a gentle smile, “How is it, does this make you feel much better?” “”
“”Woo, woo! ! ! “The sunlight focused by the glasses kept burning the man’s eyeballs, and the great pain caused his spirit to start to slacken!”
“Hayasaka, am I so cruel?” Shinomiya Kaguya kept trembling while watching the video, and she felt that her glasses began to phantom pain, “The president is still gentle, seeing him in pain, and putting it on for him glasses.”
As he spoke, Shinomiya Kaguya showed a look of admiration in his eyes. You can imagine how thick the filter she applied.
“Miss Kaguya, I think you need to redefine the word gentle.” Ai Hayasaka said expressionlessly.
That’s how gentle it is! I’m even gentler than him when hooking my eyelids with a fishhook! It’s time to change your dictionary, otherwise why do you think this is called gentleness?
“”Want to listen to music? “At this time, Yu Ishigami took out the portable player he carried with him, and seeing that there was no objection from the crowd, he started playing it.”
“After a while, dynamic music came out from the portable player, “YO—I, YO—I, boom—da YO!””
“Listening to this music, for some reason, Fujiwara Chika couldn’t help but swing her graceful figure. Spinning and jumping, she closed her eyes~”
“”Um? “Yu Ishigami blinked, and then joined the battlefield.”
“As the two of them swayed, the atmosphere seemed to become heated. If no one said anything, no one would have thought that this is actually a torture scene!”
“Hayasaka Ai’s eyes were gradually attracted by the passionate dance, so she also joined the battle!”
“The three of them danced to their heart’s content, only Miyuki Shirogane and Kaguya Shinomiya watched from the sidelines, just like the evil nobles enjoying the dance of the servants, and even yelled: “Keep playing music, keep dancing.”
“”Woo, woo…” The more enthusiastic the music and dance next to it, the more bleak this man looks. He was hung on the window sill, constantly receiving the scorching sun, and his whole spirit became weaker. Dazed.”
“Finally, the song ended, Ai Hayasaka wiped the sweat off her brow, and looked at the man again, “How are you thinking? this sir. If you don’t say anything else, you need to think about your other eyeball. “”
“”…” The man didn’t speak, but just twitched from time to time, showing that he was still alive.”
“It looks like he fainted. “Baiyin Yuxing glanced at that head.”
“”Then should I hand this man over directly? “Ishigami Yu asked.”
“”Do not. “Baiyin Yuxing shook his head and denied, “If evidence of Sigong Yunying’s crime can be found, then Sigong Huang Guang’s position will be more stable, and accordingly, Sigong and I will have a higher evaluation. “”
“”I mean the same thing as the president. Shinomiya Kaguya also nodded, “So, next, find a way to obtain conclusive evidence of my brother Sigong Yunying’s crime!” “”
Shinomiya Yunying looked at it and trembled all over, Kaguya, you are really my good sister!
Sigong Huangguang is very satisfied with watching it, Kaguya, you are indeed my good sister… huh? Wait a minute! Having said that, Hui Ye wants to catch Yunying and improve his own evaluation, isn’t it just to unite with outsiders to kill Dad and me?
Yah! Kaguya, you are really my good sister!
“Noon the next day.”
“Sorry for keeping you waiting. “Sigong Yunying walked into a bakery with a hearty smile, but kept muttering in a low voice, “After all, the journey is too far away. “”
“But, there is no way, I just want you to eat the bread from this shop. “Sigong Yunying picked up a plate containing bread, “The bread in this shop is delicious~ There are rave reviews on the Internet. “”
“”Since I promised to have lunch with you, I must find a way to let you experience the best delicacy. Come on, let’s choose together. ’ He opened his suit, revealing a hand in the pocket.”
“Then, he raised his hand and kept pressing on the bread, “Look, the bread is very soft, right? The sandwiches in this store are all made of bread baked at 11 o’clock in the morning. Everyone says it is very fresh and delicious. It will be sold out before 12 o’clock, so lucky today, there are still several left. “”
Chapter 32 It’s time to break up
“It’s so scary! Help me, brother!” Doma Mimi, who had transformed into a child, threw away the bread he was biting, and crawled into his brother Doma Taihei’s arms with tears in his eyes.
While tightly holding on to her brother’s clothes, she wailed, “Brother, I will never eat bread again! The bread is terrible! The person who picks the bread is also terrible!”
Buried in the soil, as long as you think of the bread you eat, it is likely to be touched by someone with a dead bodyJust felt nauseated.
“Xiaobu…” Doma Taiping looked at the piece of bread that fell on the ground with heartache, “I made this bread myself, have you forgotten?”
“Huh?” Just now, she woke up after being buried in the shivering soil for a while, yes, this was made by her brother himself, and she didn’t buy it outside, what is she afraid of?
“Then, then I’ll eat it.” As he spoke, Doma buried himself while climbing down from his brother, trying to pick up the piece of bread.
“Hey, don’t eat anything that falls on the ground.” Doma Taihe grabbed the hamster suit on her body, “Let’s feed it to the hamster later.”
“Hey, why is this, Xiaobu is not full yet.”
“I’ll do it again for you later.”
“Then I want to eat hamburger meat!”
“Having lunch with the corpse’s hand? Picking out bread together? This guy must have some serious illness!” Kasumigaoka Shiyu made a conclusion, and at the same time recorded this person, planning to write fantasy works or detective works in the future Time to use it.
Sigong Yan’an watched this scene without saying a word, but quietly tightened the hand holding the armrest of the chair.
“About My Son Is a Pervert”
If he was a normal old father, he would have been so angry that he would have called an ambulance.
But fortunately, he is not a good person!
“”Look, the tonkatsu in this tonkatsu sandwich is also very crispy. “Sigong Yunying kept poking the sandwich with that hand with a smile on his face, “Did you feel it?” This warmth, this crispness. “”
“Suddenly, the plastic wrap was pierced by the nail on that hand, and the sauce inside was exposed and got on that hand.”
“”Oh, this is terrible, the plastic wrap was punctured, and the sauce flowed out. It’s all your fault for being naughty, you bad boy. “Sigong Yunying had a pampering reproach on his face, as if what he was facing was not a hand, but a real, living woman!”
“” Next, what should we do? “Sigong Yunying held the sauce-smeared hand in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.”
“Suddenly, he licked his lips.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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