“”As I expected, you have been hiding on the second floor before, to sneak attack me from a high place, right? “”
“Vodka, hook her heart straight out with your Beach Boys! “”
“”yes, Sir! “Vodka responded, and summoned his substitute, ready to act.”
“”and many more! “Bai Yingui shouted quickly, “I have already said that I want to surrender. Since I am surrendering, of course there is a certificate of surrender. Listen to me carefully. “”
“”Oh? So what is your nomination certificate? “Kurozawa pressed Vodka’s shoulder and raised his eyebrows.”
“Your target is my brother Baiyin Yuxing, right? I can call him out, as long as you spare my life. “With a flattering smile on Bai Yingui’s face, he walked slowly towards the Kurosawa formation.”
Chapter 62 Roadless Race
“”Wait, stop, don’t come over again! Kurosawa looked at Bai Yingui’s progress, frowned, and roared loudly.”
“Okay, I won’t come here, why are you so shy as a big man? “Bai Yingui made a military salute gesture from a certain country, and stopped beside the green belt.”
“Kurozawa Jin and the others are standing about ten meters in front of Bai Yingui, and next to them is also a green belt!”
“Finally at this location, it’s easy to come here!” Bai Yingui’s mouth curled into a smile, “Oh, generally speaking, there are very few green belts on our neon streets. After all, the streets are already very narrow.” . However, it is incredible that there will be a green belt here. “”
“”What the hell are you talking about? Kurosawa roared impatiently, “If you want to surrender, if you want to survive, then don’t talk nonsense to me, and call Baiyin Yuxing over quickly!” “”
“However, Bai Yingui didn’t find the intention to act according to his instructions. Instead, he lowered his raised right hand and gently placed it on a leaf on the green belt.”
“”Did you know that plants contain quite a lot of water, especially the parts with more vigorous life activities, um, about seventy to eighty percent, right? It may also be higher. “”
“”Say something inexplicable! Kurosawa suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, “Forget it, leave her alone!” Vodka, hook her heart out with your double! “”
“Yes, Brother Kurosawa! “”
“Vodka waved his own fishing rod, and the hook hit Baiyin Kei’s left arm in an instant, and moved along her arm to the heart!”
“”too late! “Bai Yingui didn’t mean to resist or evade at all, but kept putting his right hand on the leafsuperior. ”
“”I told you about the water content in plants before, just to tell you one thing…my power spreads most efficiently in water or oil! “”
“”what? ! At this time, Kurosawa finally realized that the plants in this green belt are too dense, each plant intersects with other plants, and the power transmitted from that leaf is enough to reach any position in the green belt! ”
“However, as Bai Yingui said, it’s too late!”
“The moment Kurosawa Zhen just realized this problem, a tree not far in front of him to the left exploded!”
“Even his stand-in didn’t have time to react, the broken branches and debris were directly inserted into his two eyeballs and his neck!”
“”what! ! ! Kurosawa screamed and fell to the ground. After struggling for a while, there was no movement.”
“Brother Kurosawa! “Vodka looked at the miserable condition of the Kurosawa formation, put down his hook in panic, and stood by the side helplessly.”
“Bai Yingui looked at all this calmly. It was obviously the first time she had killed someone, but she didn’t feel any guilt in her heart. “You said before, a layman like me doesn’t even have the consciousness to kill people, right? “”
“”To be honest, it was originally like this… But, from the moment I saw you killing passers-by indiscriminately, my heart told me that I was ready to kill you! “”
“She took another look at the unscathed vodka, and sighed slightly. Originally, she wanted to kill both of them in one go.”
“But the small part of the “breathing power” left after the tree is broken is only enough for her to control the flying distance. The vodka standing a little farther away from the green belt, she really can’t do anything about it.”
“”But it doesn’t matter, the matter is over, with that kind of serious injury, this man can’t possibly survive! The rest is a coward, not worth mentioning at all. “”
“Bai Yingui glanced at his skin and couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief, “The skin has changed back to its youthful appearance, that is to say, with this guy’s death, his abilities have also been removed, right? Other unrelated people should be fine too. “”
“Brother! Brother Kurosawa! Impossible… This is impossible! My brother Kurosawa! “Vodka knelt down on the ground, crying and wailing, “What should I do, what should I do… what should I do?” I can’t complete the task, and I will be killed by this woman… What should I do? “”
“Vodka, you…” Gin was smoking a cigarette, with the expression of an old man on the subway looking at his phone. He only knew that vodka was not good in other aspects except driving, but he didn’t know that this product was still a coward!
And this guy actually collapsed when he saw that Gin was dead. Is this the legendary Ge Baonan?
Your stand-in is obviously hooked into that woman’s body, and it only takes a few seconds to kill her, so you’d better just throw the fishing rod away! The promised fisherman will never be in the air force!
“Ah, this…” Vodka himself was also lost in thought, do I have such deep feelings for my elder brother?
Ebina Hime swallowed her saliva, “I’m sure about this pair of CPs! Even Jesus can’t stop it!”
Akagi Seta, who is also a rotten girl and quite capable of drawing, began to draw crazily while drooling, “Isn’t this just the standard weak qi receiving and strong qi attack? I’m so excited!”
“”I said, your crying is really annoying, can you stop for a while. ” Bai Yingui covered her ears impatiently, she never thought that a man could cry like this.”
“”No road race, no road race, no road race! “Vodka wailed, and continued to lie on the ground and cry.”
“” Tsk! “The corner of Bai Yingui’s mouth twitched, and just as he was about to walk over, he knocked out the vodka.”
“However, as soon as she took a step forward, she was keenly aware that her body was beginning to age!”
“”How could this be… this man should be dead! “Bai Yingui looked at Kurosawa in shock, the man’s chest was rising and falling weakly, and it is estimated that he will die soon.”
“However, even so, around this man’s body, there is still a dilapidated double!”
“”Big, big brother… big brother! ! ! ! Vodka hugged his head and yelled, tears ran wild like he didn’t want money, “Brother, you really did it… Once you bite the enemy, even if your legs are broken, you can’t get rid of it.” My substitute… Brother Kurosawa told me so himself. “”
“”With such a serious injury, the eldest brother is covered in pineapples and pineapples. It is hopeless, and he may die at any time. However, even so, the eldest brother still did not remove his double! “”
“I see, Brother Kurosawa! Not through words, but through my heart, I understand the awakening of big brother! “”
Chapter 63 Special attack on the silver family’s finances
“”This guy’s eyes have changed…” Bai Yingui wrapped the hermit’s purple around his hand, held the fishing line, and pulled it hard.”
“However, the fishing line was not pulled out, but it made her feel a piercing pain!”
“”what! this line? “”
“”Hmph, once my fishing line is attacked, it will radiate that attack from the hook, don’t dream, you can’t get out of this line at all! “Vodka picked up the fishing rod. Compared with just now, there is no trace of weakness and confusion in his eyes, only firmness!”
“”Before big brother’s substitute dissipates, I want to make a break with you! Before the eldest brother dies, I will kill you in front of the eldest brother! “”
“”yes? This is your awareness, it is indeed different from before. “Bai Yingui took a deep breath, and pulled hard again”But don’t underestimate me!””
“With the pulling of the fishing line, Bai Yingui once again felt a more intense pain! However, her expression did not change at all! This time, the difference from just now is that Vodka was also pulled by her come over!”
“”To be pulled over! ! “Vodka instinctively flashed a trace of panic, and even wanted to cancel the substitute.”
“However, in just a moment, he became firm again!”
“No! I can’t remove the double! I can’t remove the double at any time! Brother said so!”
“”Kill him, Vodka, and glory will be with you!” I will be here to witness! “”
“In the dark, he seems to have heard that Kurosawa Jin, who has been unable to speak because of a throat injury, said this to him.”
“”I killed you! ’ Vodka roared through the air.”
“Ola! “However, Bai Yingui’s fist reached his face faster than his fishhook.”
“Ola Ola Ola Ola Ola! “”
“After a series of beatings, Vodka flew several meters away, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and the beach boy in his hand slowly disappeared, whispering softly, “It’s me, did I lose…””
“As he fell, Kurosawa also seemed to have reached the limit, completely lost consciousness, and the double completely dissipated.”
“”Huh…” Bai Yingui finally let go of his heart, let out a heavy breath, and there was still some lingering fear in his eyes.”
“Just now, that guy’s fishing line was only three centimeters away from her heart!”
“After that, Kei Shirogane dragged Kurosawa Jin and vodka back home with a blank expression.”
“”I am back. “”
“You’re back, Xiaogui, why are you like this today…” Baiyin Dior happily ran to the door to greet him, then stared at the two people dragged by Baiyingui, stunned, “It’s late. “”
“Wait, Xiaogui, where did these two things come from! Could it be that you were so hungry that you knocked two people unconscious from the street and dragged you back? Dad won’t admit it, absolutely won’t admit it! “”
“”Dad, can your brain hole not be so big. “Bai Yingui’s eyes twitched, and he threw those two people on the ground.”
“”dead! Only then did Baiyin Dior realize that something was wrong with these two people, “Xiao Gui, what is going on here!” “”
“Bai Yingui’s body trembled involuntarily, “Dad, I killed someone!” Still killed on the street! It’s over, I’m going to go to jail like my brother! “”
“Xiao Gui, I don’t think you should worry about going to jail.” Baiyin Dior patted his daughter on the shoulder and looked at her with concern.
“Dad!” Bai Yingui looked very touched, “You mean, you will definitely find a way to save me, right?”
“No, I mean, in this case, it may be a direct death penalty.”
“Go to hell!”
“”Killed? what happened? ” Baiyin Yuxing was also startled by the sound at the door, he came out and looked at the two corpses at the door, his eyes widened suddenly, “Wait, I seem to have an impression of these two people!” “”
“”right. Only then did Bai Yingui remember, and she glared at her brother, “Brother, where did you provoke these people!” The two of them came to look for you, they were hit by me, and they wanted to kill me, so I had no choice but to kill them! Brother, this is all your fault! “”
“”Are you looking for me? “Baiyin Yuxing narrowed his eyes and thought, “That is to say, I did not admit my mistake, the two of them are members of the team under Sigong Huangguang’s subordinates!” “”
“Sigong Huang Guang, is he from the Sigong family? Baiyin Dior couldn’t help but frowned, “Yu Xing, why do you have an intersection with Si Gong Huang Guang?” What the hell have you been doing lately! “”
“Old man, this is not the problem now. “Baiyin Yuxing slowly turned his attention to his younger sister Baiyingui, “These two people were accepted by Sigong Huangguang, and they were also substitute messengers. How on earth could Xiaogui kill them?” “”
“”Stand-in messenger? “Bai Yingui thought about it for a while, “Speaking of which, I also heard them say the word “substitute”. What is a substitute?” According to common sense, it should be to let other people replace me when filming, right? “”
“”No, no! The so-called double is this! Golden experience! “”
“”Smash-Valudo! “”
“Looking at the humanoid doubles released by my father and brother at the same time, Bai Yingui showed an unbelievable expression, “They are all humanoid? “”
“”But I finally understood that this is a double. ” Bai Yingui snorted softly, “The Hermit’s Purple!” This is my substitute. “”
“”vine? “Baiyin Yuxing’s face was a little curious, “Since it is a substitute who can defeat two substitute messengers at the same time, it must be a very powerful substitute. Xiaogui, what is your stand-in ability? “”
“”Ahahaha…” Bai Yingui turned his head away in embarrassment, “Is it a strong ability to obtain a photo by destroying a camera? “”
“Pfft!!!” When she heard this ability, Bai Yingui immediately sprayed. Although she already knew that her stand-in ability was not as good as that of her elder brother and father, it was too bad!
Their family can’t afford a camera at all!
“Xiao Gui, promise me, don’t use your stand-in ability casually in the future.” Baiyin Yuxing stared at her seriously, “This ability is too dangerous! It is a super-dangerous ability that is enough to cause our Baiyin family’s finances to collapse !”
“Yeah, Xiaogui, you must be patient. It doesn’t matter if you don’t need a substitute!” Baiyin Dior was also very nervous. He finally made a little money by being an anchor, but he didn’t want to take it all. bought a camera!
Listening to what my brother and father said, Bai Yingui nodded his head heavily as if wearing a mask of pain. Cooperating with my double is a special attack on the Baiyin family’s finances, right?
Chapter 64 I don’t even know where the end of the universe is
“”Don’t worry, it’s all settled, I’ve had this matter settled, it’s your legitimate defense… Besides, this is indeed true. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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