“However, the moment Tobio pulled into the room, Tobio’s eyes seemed to be suffocated, they kept turning up, and then a pair of other eyes fell from above the eyelids!”
“”It’s so noisy! I told you not to touch me! “Tobio, who was very kind just now, became furious in a blink of an eye. He grabbed the fortune teller by the throat and pushed him against the wall, “I said, so what if I let you see it? Next, you are going to die! “”
“As the voice fell, Tobio, who was still very short just now, became taller in an instant, his weak body suddenly had strong muscles, and even his face became another person’s appearance!”
“This face is the yellow light of the Four Palaces!”
“Huh???” Sigong Huang Guang looked confused, what is this? Dual personality?
Then he recalled the appearance of Tobio “too lulu lulu” with his mouth, and the appearance of Tobio answering the phone with a fish, and couldn’t help shivering.
The other me turned out to be a fool!
Um? Wait a minute! Sigong Huang Guang suddenly discovered a blind spot, then his wife, is it his wife, or another wife of his?
He wants to know a question now, is he bullying the other him, or is the other him bullying him?
“”Your appearance…” The fortune-teller was caught by the throat, watching all this in horror.”
“It seems that you are not a stand-in messenger. “Sigong Huang Guang kept pinching his neck, “You have the wisdom to see through the essence of human beings, but you use this wisdom to set up a roadside stall for business. This is really the greatest misfortune in your life.” “”
“How dare you say that my destiny is the end? What a joke! My life here is just about to move towards the top! “”
“”But I was able to predict that my target was the worm arrow. Through this incident, I understand that you are a super good fortune teller. In order to express my respect, I will let you die without pain. “”
“”But before that, you have to answer me a question, where is the arrow I’m looking for? “”
“Woo…” the fortune-teller said with difficulty, “I still can’t calculate the specific location, but I know one thing very well, just recently, you will definitely see that arrow! Right on the lot! “”
“Yes, I see. “Sigong Huangguang then let go of the fortune-teller.”
“When the fortune-teller slipped down the wall and regained his freedom, he immediately grabbed Si Gong Huang Guang’s hand, “This palmistry, yes, I’m sure I read it right! Dual personality, you are dual personality! With this secret, you have accomplished countless things so far. “”
“”But this is the end, your next destiny has come to an end, the end that can never end, this is your end! “The fortune teller looked at that hand with great excitement, as if he saw some peerless treasure.”
“Suddenly, the fortune teller’s expression changed, “Ah, why is palm reading so strange? The life span of this palm reading has completely disappeared! Not an unending end, but an immediate end! In the end… uh! “”
“The fortune teller moved his gaze to the part below his neck. A big hole has been opened in his chest, and his right hand has been broken!”
“”So, this is, my, my hand…” The fortune teller completely lost consciousness.”
“Sigong Huang Guang just stood there with a blank face, and beside him, there was another face on one face, and the ugly stand-in was slowly returning to his body.”
“Suddenly, the scene changed again. The corpse of the fortune-teller and the scattered blood had disappeared without a trace. The one standing there was no longer Sigong Huangguang, but Tobio.”
“Sorry, Miss Sijo, for keeping you waiting. “Tobio acted as if nothing had happened, put on a gentle smile as always, and went out to walk in front of the four real concubines.”
“Ah, what’s the matter, I see you were dragged in by him just now. “Sijo Zhenfei looked at the room curiously, and found that the fortune-teller hadn’t come out yet.”
“”This…” Tobio scratched his head with some annoyance, “The fortune teller just now insisted that there was something good in his room and asked me to go to Kangkang. If I didn’t want to, he forced me, and I Just knocked him out and ran out, let’s go. “”
“Wow, isn’t this super dangerous? “Si Tiao Zhen Fei shuddered, “Then let’s go now. “”
“At this time, the four real concubines did not feel that cold and terrifying aura from Tobio’s body.”
“Is it really a hallucination? She thought so.”
Chapter 67 True. White Album
“”Ishigami-san, I’m here, please open the door. “Baiyin Yuxing came to the door of Yu Ishigami’s house, knocked on the door and asked.”
“Kaguya Shinomiya has already booked the plane at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning, and notified all members of the team, but Miyuki Shirogane still has a reason to come to Yu Ishigami alone.”
“He’s here to borrow a computer… Even though his goal is to become a gangster superstar, it doesn’t mean he has given up studying!”
“Going to Egypt, the time required to go back and forth, plus the time to find the four real concubines, conservatively estimated that it will take more than ten days. After so many days, if he doesn’t study, his grades will definitely plummet!”
“At that time, his position as student council president will no longer be secure!”
“In order to avoid this from happening, he must borrow Yu Ishigami’s computer and download all the materials he needs to learn from the Internet. Once he has time, he has to enter the learning state!”
“Son, good job!” Baiyin Dior was moved to tears, “As expected of my son, he never forgets to study!”
“Of course!” Baiyin Yuxing proudly puffed out his chest, but his tone was a bit lonely, “After all, the only thing I can do to be worthy of the Fourth Palace is my grades.”
“Brother, don’t be so inferior, you have to remember, you are a man who is going to become a gang superstar!” Bai Yingui gave him a cheering gesture.
“I don’t have a shadow of a gangster superstar, but you are a proper gangster leader!”
“Uh!” Bai Yingui was hit hard in an instant.
The two siblings looked at each other and finally understood that there is no future for hurting each other!
“”Um? Why haven’t you opened the door yet? “After waiting for a while, but still not waiting for the door to open, Baiyin Yuxing seemed a little puzzled, “I just talked to him on the phone, and Ishigami also said that he was waiting for me at home.”, it is impossible to go out at this time. “”
“”what is the problem? “Baiyin Yuxing took a few steps to the side, trying to see the situation inside through the window, but found that the window was covered with fog, “Fogged? Speaking of which, the temperature is a bit low today. “”
“”Wait, what’s this? It feels like something is stuck to the glass, is it chewing gum? “”
“Baiyin Yuxing saw that there seemed to be a piece of yellow on the other side of the glass, and he couldn’t help frowning. The instinct he had cultivated from doing housework at home for a long time made him want to go in and clean it. Unfortunately, he can’t get in now.”
“He stood by the window and looked carefully, his eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper, and finally he couldn’t help stretching out his hand to the window, “Sure enough, I can’t help it! Ah, what a nasty feeling, as if to wipe this debris off! “”
“However, when he stretched out his hand to the glass, his face changed instantly!”
“Cold! Unprecedented cold!”
“”It’s not right! This temperature is absolutely wrong! “Baiyin Yuxing quickly let go of his hand, and at this moment, he finally realized, “This is a substitute attack!” “”
“”Student Ishigami is still at home. The reason why he didn’t open the door for me was not because he was not there, but because he was attacked by a substitute! “”
“Baiyin Yuxing said with a serious face, while running to the door, “Golden experience! “”
“With a loud shout, the golden stand-in punched out instantly, hitting the gate, turning the gate into a butterfly.”
“”Ishigami-san, where are you! “Baiyin Yuxing rushed into the room and shouted, and then the oncoming cold wind made him tremble, “This temperature is not good! Too bad! If you stay any longer, you won’t even be able to move your body. “”
“President, you are here. “Ishigami Yu’s faint voice sounded from the corner of the house.”
“When Shirogane Yuyuki followed the voice and looked over, I saw half of Yu Ishigami’s face attached to the glass, and a finger on his right hand was missing!”
“Only now did Shirogane Yuyuki realize that the debris he saw on the glass just now, what he thought was chewing gum, was exactly the missing finger of Ishigami Yuu!”
“Ishigami Yu coldly trembled all over, but there was no fear in his eyes, “When I came back to my senses, the room had already started to cool down rapidly, so fast that my body didn’t even have time to feel the cold! “”
“”I thought it was fog near the window, so I went to wipe the window, but the horrible low temperature stuck my fingers to the window. I didn’t even notice it, so I wiped it hard. It was broken. “”
“”President, if you don’t tear my face off the glass now, I’m afraid my brain will be frozen too! Even so, I can’t sacrifice my handsome face. “”
“Hiss!” Seeing this scene, Yu Ishigami felt phantom pain in his fingers and cheeks, especially his hands!
You’re about to die, and you still care about your face, so hurry up and tear your head off the ice! Shi Shangyou couldn’t help being anxious in his heart, even though he was intact now, he was still in a panic.
“”It’s finally here. Originally, my target was only the man Yu Ishigami, but I accidentally heard his phone call, saying that you are coming, so there is nothing I can do. I don’t want to let go of the sheep that are so rare. live. “”
“As the voice sounded, a man came down the stairs slowly. His body was covered with a layer of white external armor. I don’t know if it was an illusion. Baiyin Yuyu felt that the armor was made of ice!”
“Ah, do you still have mine?” Kitahara Haruki looked at the video strangely, and then looked at herself again, “But no matter how I look at it, I’m just an ordinary high school student, what a substitute, what Shinomiya family , I don’t even know!”
And next to him, Ogiso Yukina and Touma Kazusa, who went shopping together to buy music equipment, and took a break in the coffee shop, looked at him strangely, and then looked at each other, and found their own doubts in each other’s eyes .
I didn’t usually see that he was a stand-in messenger, and he was also a gangster!
“”Could it be, are you also Si Gong Huang Guang’s subordinate? “Baiyin Yuxing really wants to go up and defeat this enemy, but there is no way, his body has been freezing since just now!”
“Oh, what do you mean? Haruki Kitahara raised her eyebrows slightly, “In other words, you did meet Kurosawa and vodka.” “”
“”I originally thought that the two of them said they were going to look for you, but they went to drink halfway, so you survived… But looking at it now, they are the ones who died! Ha, ha ha ha ha ha! What two useless trash! “”
Chapter 68 Use your invincible gold experience to think of a way
“Yu Ishigami glanced at his broken finger, it was bleeding!”
“”My fingers are finally spurting blood! As the fat accumulated in the body burns, the heat generated by the burning along with the circulation of blood reaches my fingers continuously, finally making my hands reach the point where they can barely move! “”
“Fat is still useful? You’re right, like polar bears and seals, isn’t it because of thick fat that they don’t get cold?” Yu Ishigami showed a pensive expression, and he didn’t know what was going on in the video time happened.
If it’s the future… Doesn’t that mean that he still has to fight like this?
No, he has to prepare in advance! From now on, eat and drink, eat yourself into a fat man first! In this way, with enough fat accumulation, he must be able to gain the upper hand!
As for gaining weight, it’s hard to find a partner?
has decidedYu Ishigami, who dedicated his life to games and paper figures, has no fear of this!
It’s also fortunate that he hasn’t met Zi Anyan yet, and he is still very loyal to the game and the paper man.
“Yu Ishigami didn’t hesitate at all, picked up the pistol and emptied all the bullets!”
“”Oh! “”
“The six stand-ins of Yu Ishigami made loud noises, and rode bullets towards Haruki Kitahara!”
“All, launch! “”
“With a slogan, they kicked all the bullets out!”
“However, when the bullet hit Kitahara Haruki, there was no such bloody scene as Yu Ishigami imagined! Because all the bullets were frozen!”
“”Ice…is ice! “”
“The stand-in villain NO.1 with 1 marked on his head exclaimed, “This is not clothes or armor on his body, but ice! He was covered in thick ice, and our bullets couldn’t penetrate that ice at all! “”
“”what! “The stand-in No. 2 marked with 2 on his head suddenly screamed, his legs started to freeze!”
“”Hey, what’s the matter? “”
“It’s not good, even we will be frozen! “”
“”NO.2!” The stand-in villain named NO.3 rushed over, trying to save NO.2.”
“” Don’t go there! “NO.1 blocked it loudly, but the next second, NO.2 and NO.3 were both frozen in place!”
“” NO.2! NO.3! “”
“”How could this be…” Yu Ishigami looked at this scene in despair, so there are only four doubles he can move!”
“Four, what an unlucky number! Four is not good! Only four is not good!”
“”Woo! “Ishigami Yu suddenly screamed, his eyes were closed together, and he couldn’t open them again, “I just blinked, and the upper and lower eyelashes stuck together!” “”
“”President, we can’t go on like this, we must leave here quickly! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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