“”What a fast freezing speed! Baiyin Yuxing looked at all this in shock, “It’s useless for me to rush into the canal. In terms of freezing, this guy doesn’t have any weakness!” This guy is invincible! “”
“”President, quickly turn the car into a plant! Hurry up and let the plants grow while the engine of the car is not completely cooled! “”
“Listening to Yu Ishigami’s words, Shirogane Miyuki understood in an instant, “I understand, golden experience! “”
“The golden experience hit the car with a punch, and the parts on the car instantly changed into ivy and grew rapidly.”
Buried in Doma watched this scene and fell into deep thought, “EMMMMMMM…”
“What’s the matter, Xiaobu?” Doma Taiping gave her a strange look, “Are you worried about him? Don’t worry, he is the protagonist, and nothing will happen.”
“No, no, brother, I still know about this kind of thing, so I won’t worry about him. I’m just thinking about a question.”
“Huh? What’s the problem?” Doma Taihei seemed very relieved. His younger sister, who was usually like a salted fish, would actually take the initiative to think about the problem, which made him burst into tears.
“I was thinking, if I had this golden experience, would I be able to punch a screw every morning, and then the booming plants would send me to school? I could even be in the plant Put a layer of quilt on it, fall asleep and go to school!”
The eyes buried in Doma flashed instantly, “Oh, oh! It’s awesome, this stand-in! This ability is simply invincible! God, please give me a golden experience!”
Doma Taiping: “…”
I was an idiot for thinking you would think seriously!
“”Don’t try to succeed! “Haruki Kitahara once again activated her stand-in ability, a large amount of water turned into ice, and the temperature dropped rapidly, causing Ivy to freeze to death in a blink of an eye!”
“”Can not be done. “Baiyin Yuxing’s face was very ugly, “Under this temperature, there is really no way for ivy to grow to the shore quickly!” At most it can only create short grass that can grow in the tundra. “”
“However, facing such a desperate situation, Yu Ishigami laughed, “President, did I ask you to create an ivy that can reach the other side? This kind of short grass is enough! “”
“”More, more! “Ishigami Yu kept pulling out the short grass, “Make more, President! If you want to survive, keep making more! So, don’t stop! “”
Chapter 71 Memory Kill
“Although Shirogane Miyuki didn’t know what he was planning, he continued to make short grass very cooperatively, while Yu Ishigami kept pulling out the short grass.”
“Finally, the rapidly freezing ice grabbed the lower half of the short grass, and Haruki Kitahara laughed wildly, “Hahahaha, I’ve got you!” “”
“Yu Ishigami paused, and smiled softly at Haruki Kitahara, “Well done, well done! Thanks to you, the short grass is all frozen! “”
“Then, he threw the frozen short grass into the sky, stepped on the skateboard, and slid forward!”
“”Uh! Kitahara Haruki made a sound as if his throat was being choked, and said angrily, “This bastard, used my ability to freeze the short grass into a skateboard that can slide on the ice!” “”
“Uh, I still have this skill?” Yu Ishigami looked at his hands in disbelief, “I’m so hung up, why don’t I know? Does it mean that I still have the potential to be discovered?”
“Why don’t you try joining a handicraft club another day?”
“No! This is not the point now!” Yu Ishigami scratched his head and rolled around on the floor, “I was just saying in the video that I would never abandon the president, but in the blink of an eye, I Run away alone!”
“I’m going to die! I’m definitely going to die! I’ll be killed by senior Sigong! I won’t even keep the ashes!”
“Yu Ishigami looked behind while skating on the ice, “Will this man just watch me escape? “”
“”Do not! Won’t! Since his goal is to kill us, he will definitely catch up! At that time, the president can escape! “”
“”White Album, remove the cooldown for now! “Haruki Kitahara yelled, and the ice melted instantly!”
“Not only that, the skateboard under Yu Ishigami’s feet also dissolved! He let out an exclamation and fell into the water!”
“The ice has melted…” Shirogane Yuyuki looked at his body, and then glanced worriedly at Yu Ishigami in the water, “Ishigami! Run to shore! “”
“At this time, Haruki Kitahara jumped into the river and swam towards Yu Ishigami. While swimming, he was still showing off crazily, “Ultra-low temperature is a ‘stationary world’. In this low-temperature world, no matter can move. that’s it! Everything will stand still! “”
“”Even a fast-moving train will be stopped, and even a strong wind and waves can stop it! This is what makes my white album perfect! As long as I think about it, I can stop it! “”
“Hurry up and escape to the shore, Ishigami! “”
“The moment Shirogane Miyuki exclaimed, half of Yu Ishigami’s body was instantly frozen!”
“”How could this be…” Baiyin Miyuki beat the car bitterly, and then, he saw the grass floating beside Ishigamiyu.”
“Ishigami, quickly gather the grass! It’s the short grass you just used to weave your skateboard! Hurry up while your hand can still shoot! “”
“”Grass? “Ishigami Yu looked atThe short grass in front of him was stunned for a while, but in the next second he understood what Baiyin Yuxing meant. ”
“He raised his pistol and fired three shots at one of the weeds.”
“Stop making fearless struggles, don’t you understand? You are already doomed! “Haruki Kitahara was still yelling crazily, but he didn’t see that the short grass hit by Yu Ishigami had been canceled by Shirogane Yuyuki, and turned back into a screw!”
“And this screw was flying in the air, and was hit by Yu Ishigami’s stand-in with two bullets in a row, and it was directly embedded in the ice on his forehead!”
“”! ! ” Kitahara Haruki’s face changed, at this moment, he seemed to understand something, “This is…””
“At this time, Yu Ishigami laughed, “Speaking of which, at the beginning, I was frozen by you with one finger, and only four of the five fingers remained. I hate the number four, because as long as it is four, I will definitely encounter misfortune! “”
“But just now, you froze one of my fingers again, right? One finger is missing, and four fingers become three! However, correspondingly, misfortune has also been converted into luck! All this is your credit! That way, I’ll be able to punch through your head! “”
“Yu Ishigami opened the magazine, and his double loaded the bullets for him in an instant, and all six bullets were fired in an instant!”
“Every shot hit the screw accurately! Until the screw completely penetrated the ice layer on his face!”
“”Ugh! ” Kitahara Haruki screamed and fell into the water.”
“” Killed him? “Yu Ishigami looked expectantly at the place where Haruki Kitahara fell.”
“”Do not! “Baiyin Yuxing shook his head, “The ice layer is too thick, even if it penetrates through the ice layer, it won’t have much impact force, and the wound won’t be too deep!” We can’t die at this level, we just temporarily lifted the crisis. “”
“But, Ishigami, this will buy time, let’s get out of here quickly! If he catches up with him next time, the same trick won’t work! “”
“However, Yu Ishigami didn’t move at this time, as if he was recalling something in his eyes.”
“Speaking of which, it was already my junior high school. At that time, I had a gloomy appearance and didn’t like to talk. In addition, I felt that I was not suitable for the football club, and I even quit the club.”
“I lost my goal, and my former friends…in the class, I was like a transparent person. Although I don’t think it’s a big deal, maybe, I also showed envy or loneliness ?”
“Otomo Kyoko, this girl must have noticed my expression, right?”
“She is a gentle and kind girl, and also a cheerful girl. I don’t think she has any shortcomings except that she is a bit stupid and easily deceived by bad guys.”
“Wait, this is… the memory kill!” Ishigami Yu showed panic. Generally speaking, if you release the memory kill, you will either explode or die!
But looking at the current situation, no matter how he thinks about it, he feels that he must die! After all, that guy’s strength is so strong, he’d have to die for it in a hot-blooded manga! And the president is the protagonist, so he will definitely not die, so he can only sacrifice himself!
And… Yu Ishigami’s expression at this time was very complicated, “Should I expose that matter? If that’s the case, I… I took the trouble to protect, will Otomo Kyoko’s smile just disappear like this? ”
Otomo Kyoko gritted her teeth and looked at the TV angrily, “You bastard, who are you to say is stupid! You are the only one! Idiot! Idiot!”
Her eye sockets were red, as if tears were about to flow.
Chapter 72: I want to kill him completely here
“So, she, who sensed the loneliness in my heart, often came to chat with me. Her friends were always worried that I was a bad person, and advised her not to communicate with me anymore, but she never gave up.”
“This girl is really a kind and good person. I think so from the bottom of my heart. For me who is not social, someone came to talk to me. At that time, I really had a feeling of being saved.”
“Later, she got a boyfriend, a man named Ogino Hikaru. That man was the director of the drama department, and he was the complete opposite type to me. He had always been the most dazzling type of person in the crowd.”
“For me, who usually curses unconditionally when I see a couple, when I heard the news, for the first time in my life, I felt a blessing from the bottom of my heart.”
“”You must be happy, Otomo. “”
“At least, that was the case before that day…”
“Bless me?” Otomo Kyoko looked at the video blankly, “But he obviously…why? What happened?”
“That day, I was playing games on the roof. This place is very remote, and almost no one comes. I like it very much.”
“However, on this day, besides me, another person came, Ogino Hikaru!”
“Hahaha, to be honest, it’s super easy to handle…don’t worry, it’s okay, I’ve already booked the room, when the time comes, I’ll cover her eyes, and you go straight through…””
“”girlfriend? “”
“Oh, is anyone there? “Ogino Hikaru seemed to have discovered something terrible, with cold sweat all over his head, “Have you heard it?” I’m really sorry, yeah, it’s on the phone with my girlfriend. “”
“I watched him leave coldly, just thinking in my heart, this is a lie!”
“This kind of statement is said by someone who is used to lying all the time… And, that kind of words… Although it sounds a bit obscene, but I think that I can basically guess the development of the following plot after reading the book. .”
“Read…read all over the book…” Ishigami Yu was sweating, trembling all over, “Bastard, even if this kind of thing is true, you can’t say it in front of the public!”
“Damn, doom, doom! I’m going to die, I’m going to die, I’m going to die! I was already at the bottom of the chain of contempt in school, but after this video is released, let alone the bottom of the chain of contempt, I don’t even have room to live! ”
“I can’t forgive this kind of thing! Not only because of my excess sense of justice at the time, but also… Otomo Kyoko, that girl, that kind girl, I just don’t want her to lose her smile!”
“With a loud noise, my mobile phone was smashed into pieces by the man in front of me. He looked at me, his voice was still trembling, “Did you actually go to investigate? So, what are you going to do? Snitch? “”
“”Did you find another woman behind Otomo’s back? Not only that, but you also tried twice to get your so-called good friend to come… to rape Otomo JIAN, although both failed due to Otomo’s sudden incident, but you have prepared again recently, right? In addition, you are still working as an agent, an agent who introduces fillets for minors! “”
“”I can’t tolerate someone like you becoming Otomo’s boyfriend! People like you can’t give her happiness! Break up with her! Don’t think that if you smash my phone, you’ll be fine. You need to back up as much data as you want! “”
“…” Otomo Kyoko opened her small mouth, looking at all this blankly, “Why, it happened like this… Hikari… Ogino Hikari, he…”
As long as she thought that she was almost raped by several strangers, her body would tremble non-stop, and tears could not stop falling from the corners of her eyes, “Ishigami… I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”
“”Woo! “Ogino Hikaru, who seemed to be driven to a desperate situation by me, uttered a mournful sound, but then he immediately cheered up, “Ah, yes, you, I remember you!” Does Kyoko talk to you often? “”
“”You don’t like Kyoko, do you? So, come to my house tonight? “Ogino Hikaru seemed to have a good relationship with them, he put his arms around my shoulders, and opened a photo in front of me.”
“That’s a photo of Kyoko Otomo!”
“”It’s okay to borrow you to play a few times. “”
“At that moment, I understood that for this scumbag, Otomo Kyoko is not a girlfriend at all, but just a toy.”
“I can’t remember exactly what happened after that. I only know that until now, the anger in my heart can’t be burnt out!”
“When I came back to my senses, this man had already fallen to the ground, and there was still a stool wreckage that I broke on his head, and I was holding a toy gun made by my family company in my hand. There are six little people I’ve never seen before floating around me.”
“Although I don’t know what happened, these villains seem to cheer, saying that they have stuffed more than a dozen plastic bullets into this guy’s urethra… Although I think these villains are a bit obscene, but I really feel exhilarated!”
“After that, the rest of the class seemed to think I liked Otomo Kyoko, and beat him up to break up the two of them.”
“As a result, my reputation in the class got even worse. This time, no one wanted to talk to me anymore.”
“Even Otomo Kyoko is the same… After all, in her view, I was the one who hurt her boyfriend and finally caused him to break up with her.”
“It doesn’t matter, I don’t care, I didn’t do it to get her thanks, I just wanted to do it, so I did it.”
“When I was suspended from school and ordered to write a self-criticism, I refused again. I don’t think I did something wrong. Even if I do it again, twice… countless times, my choice will not change. !”
“My parents didn’t understand me, and my brother called me an idiot.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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