“Throw the body in the canal. “”
“”No, I mean Chika Fujiwara! Ticano hurriedly stood up, “I was distracted just now and almost missed it.”Oh, isn’t Chika Fujiwara’s voice very loud just now? It’s completely different from before, even we can hear it clearly here! “”
“”And then she literally said, ‘Let him get away’! However, the close-up of my stand-in face is still attached to her tongue! What Fujiwara Chika said was not out of her original will at all! “”
“”And she also said, ‘The response on the radar disappeared’, ‘She didn’t mean to’ . . . Oops! Skearl, get your double out of there! “”
“What the hell are you talking about, Ticano. “Skiaro didn’t understand the logic of what he just said at all, he frowned and said, “Now Baiyin Kei has been accidentally killed by Fujiwara Chika’s Aviation Smith, that is to say, no one will be able to detect my The specific location of the stand-in! “”
“”Don’t you understand? ! Fujiwara Chika said she didn’t do it on purpose, in other words, she deliberately hit Bai Yingui’s body while staggering the vital point! “”
“”Plus the words ‘the respiratory response on the radar disappeared’ and ‘let him escape’, don’t you understand? These are the two sentences she said loudly on purpose, just to make you relax your vigilance! “”
“”The purpose of all this is to prevent the shock from transferring again and staying in a certain place for a long time! Bai Yingui is not dead at all! At the same time, Chika Fujiwara has already bit your double tightly, and will never let go! “”
“”Gunsmoke, yes, it’s the gunsmoke reaction! Ticano’s pupils shrank sharply, “It can’t be wrong!” She deliberately hit Bai Yingui, just to leave a smoke reaction on Bai Yingui’s body! She is using this to track you down! “”
“And while Tichano was analyzing, Fujiwara Chika had already run into the sewer, and ran towards the location where the substitute impacted!”
“I can find it! I can find it! Chika Fujiwara ran while looking at the detection panel in front of my eyes. I know the location of that guy very well! I’m about to go, watch me smash you, a stinky shark!”
“Aviation Smith flew forward suddenly, and shot Kei Baiyin floating in the sewer’s neck!”
“Down…water…dao…” Bai Yingui said each word in a word, with a mournful face, and wiped his body vigorously, the words of disgust were all over his small face, “If I remember correctly, the sewer thing……”
She suddenly felt that she was not clean! She needs a bath!
“Dad, brother, I’m going to take a shower first.”
“Well, let’s go.” Baiyin Dior and Baiyin Yuxing looked at her with the same mixed feelings, it’s good that they didn’t get disgusted to death…
Chapter 84: 5 seconds is still too short
“Accompanied by bursts of gunfire, Aerosmith’s bullets continuously shot at the shark on Bai Yingui’s neck!”
“”Whoa! “Skiaro, who was still listening to Tichano’s analysis just now, suddenly let out a scream. Several wounds appeared on his body, and he began to bleed a lot!”
“”Damn it, I found it! “Skearo cursed in a low voice, and then quickly asked his substitute to transfer again.”
“Don’t try to escape! Chika Fujiwara kept running around following the position on the detector. The guns I shot at Kei’s body deliberately avoided the vital points, but that shark would not hold back! I must keep chasing, Make sure that shark doesn’t have time to do anything to Kei!”
“But, on the other hand, the wound on Xiaogui’s body is still dripping blood…I must kill the enemy within a few minutes and let Xiaogui wake up! Otherwise, Xiaogui’s life will be in danger! ”
“On the other side, Tichano looked worriedly at the man in front of him, “It’s not good, Skelaro, she just shot you twice in a row! But the gunpowder reaction on Bai Yingui’s body has not disappeared, and she will continue to track it based on this thing! “”
“Shikeluo covered his hands, and couldn’t hide the painful expression on his face, “I didn’t expect that a woman like Fujiwara Chika could do this! Damn, the gunpowder reaction won’t go away… Even if my double has transferred Bai Yingui into the water, this reaction won’t go away! “”
“”Could it be that it was hit by a bullet with a substitute ability? I have to hide, somewhere she can’t detect me! “”
“At this time, Chika Fujiwara finally caught up to the kitchen of the hotel. In a fish tank, the shark was biting Kei Shirogane’s neck!”
“Successful, finally forced it out of the sewer!”
“But just as she was about to strike, the shark moved again!”
“Chika Fujiwara observed the position of the shark calmly, with deep thought in her eyes. I have been observing the movement of this stinky shark since just now. Although it can move in a very short period of time, correspondingly, it moves every time. The transfer distance is not too far! Two to three meters at most!”
“So, next, right there!”
“Chika Fujiwara controlled Aerosmith and did not continue to follow, but flew to another location and began to wait. At this time, the shark just shifted over!”
“Aerosmith, fire! “”
“”Oh! “Skearo screamed, and a new wound was added to his head, “Her attack, the hit rate is getting higher and higher! “”
“The shark was transferred from the wreckage of this cup again. Chika Fujiwara showed a smile on her face, probably because of the injury. The transfer speed of this substitute is getting slower and slower!”
“Next, there!”
“Aviation Smith aimed again at an iron pot that was making soup. The shark just shifted over, and the bullet pierced through it. The iron pot quickly fell to the ground, revealing the shark and Bai Yingui inside!”
Transferred to the stew pot… Baiyin Yuxing thought about it carefully, Xiaogui in the video has taken a bath, right?
Although there may be a little spice smell, it is not a problem!
“”Skearl! “Ticano yelled in panic, the man in front of him has been pierced through the chest!”
“Very good, let’s give this stinky shark a fatal blow, and the matter will be settled! Die! Fujiwara Chika once again manipulated her double to attack the shark… She originally wanted to do this.”
“Wait! This smell is… Fujiwara Chika looked in horror at the gas stove that she had just smashed aside, the gas leaked! If you shoot at this time… there is no doubt that it will ignite!”
“Hahahahaha, this is also in my calculation, Fujiwara Chika! “Skearo sneered, “It is precisely because you shot in the direction of the gas stove that you smashed the gas stove!” In this way, you can’t shoot with a machine gun! “”
“”Once you shoot, the scattered sparks will ignite the leaked gas. Even if you can’t be killed, the surrounding area will be covered with carbon dioxide due to the combustion reaction, so you won’t be able to track me! “”
“”If you dare to shoot with a machine gun, then try it! “”
“The shark that was hit in front of Chika Fujiwara seemed to be laughing at Chika Fujiwara, and then jumped up, trying to bite Kei Shirogane’s neck again and take her away!”
“Faced with such a situation, the expression on Fujiwara Chika’s face did not change at all. If you can’t shoot, then don’t shoot!”
“Aviation Smith flew over suddenly, and pointed the propeller in front of the plane at the shark flying into the air! The fast-rotating propeller kept cutting the shark!”
“”what! ! “Skearo screamed again, a large number of wounds appeared on the entire chest, bleeding profusely, “How is it possible… how could she still attack! “”
“”Great! I killed the enemy! “Fujiwara Chika shouted in surprise, and then froze for a moment, “Ah, can I tell my true thoughts? “”
“Hey, Fujiwara, where is the enemy? “At this moment, Shirogane Dior, Shirogane Miyuki, and Ishigami Yu who were attracted by Fujiwara Chika’s loud shout at that time all rushed here.”
“Yu Ishigami saw the shark on the ground at a glance, “Bai Yinkei, could it be that…is that the enemy’s substitute? “”
“Speaking, Yu Ishigami raised the gun in his hand.”
“”what? ! “If you shoot at this time… Fujiwara Chika’s eyes widened, and she shouted, “Shoot!” on a stone! “”
“As gunshots rang out, the gas-filled kitchen suddenly exploded!”
“”Smash-Valudo! Time, stand still! “At this moment, Silver Dior immediately paused the time.”
“Because there wasn’t much time, and he didn’t care about tenderness, he lifted Shirogane Miyuki with one hand and Yu Ishigami with the other, and threw them back.”
“After that, he ran to Chika Fujiwara and threw her out.”
“However, the pause time is over!”
“Time flowed again. Silver Dior was blown out by the shock wave of the explosion. He stood up and looked into the kitchen with an ugly expression. His daughter was no longer there.”
“Damn, was it taken away by the enemy? “Silver Dior clenched his fist, 5 seconds is still too short!”
“Chika Fujiwara quickly activated the detector again, but the surrounding area is full of carbon dioxide reactions!”
“Her face revealed a self-blaming expression, damn it! I can’t track her down! Just because of one of my lies, Xiao Gui was captured by the enemy again!”
Chapter 85: I Found You
“Hey, Fujiwara, why did you ask me to shoot? This house is full of natural gas! “Ishigami Yu stood up from the ground holding his body. He was thrown out just now, and now he feels pain all over his body.”
“”I…” Fujiwara Chika wanted to speak, but in the end she just shook her head, no, I can’t speak, and if I speak again, it will definitely hurt them!”
“”Little girl, can’t you tell the truth because of the enemy’s double attack? “Silver Dior frowned. He had a lot of combat experience in the early years, so he guessed the general idea at a glance.”
“”When we came over just now, the double fell to the ground, you knocked him down, right? It doesn’t look like the type who is good at fighting head-on, but is good at assassination…””
“”Xiaogui was taken away by him just like this… I just felt that Xiaogui’s breathing has begun to weaken, so I can’t waste time tracking down his double, I have to find the enemy’s body! “”
“But Silver Dior’s expression was a bit gloomy.” Even so, if Xiaogui is captured, it will be difficult for us to find the enemy without an intelligence double. Little girl, do you have any information about the enemy? “”
“Information? Chika Fujiwara was stunned for a moment, subconsciously recalling the scene where Kei Shirogane was also entrapped by her lies in her mind.”
“At that time, she also suddenly spoke the truth for no reason… The enemy is judging whether to let her tell the truth based on the situation on their side. The enemy is observing their situation nearby!”
“Understanding this, she quickly said in surprise, “The enemy is not around here! “”
“”The enemy is not nearby… Then I should be able to understand that the enemy is nearby, right? “Baiyin Miyuki looked at Fujiwara Chika’s eyes, and finally confirmed that his judgment was correct, “Since the enemy’s stand-in is not good at fighting head-on, then, old man, Ishigami, and Fujiwara, let us find the enemy’s body as soon as possible in one direction. Rescue Xiaogui! “”
“The four of them ran out of the hotel in a hurry, and Chika Fujiwara immediatelyActivated his stand-in, yes, the enemy was injured just now, and because of the injury, his breathing would definitely become short of breath! I’m going to use a stand-in to find someone with shortness of breath! ”
“There’s not much time left. Even if the enemy is injured, he might still have the ability to kill Kei! I need to find the enemy quickly!”
“At this moment, Tichano was helping Shikjaro go downstairs, “Very good, in this way, as planned, we can give priority to a person with healing ability. Shikjaro, hurry up and send Bai Yingui on the road now, and then we will find a hospital for you to recuperate. “”
“”No, no. “Skearo clutched his wound, breathing very rapidly, “I am injured too badly now, I am in a trance, I am afraid that the substitute will not have enough strength to kill her completely… we must first recuperate and stabilize the injury Besides. “”
“Hey, look, it’s Fujiwara Chika and the others. Ticano suddenly turned his attention to the four people walking around at the entrance of the hotel, “All four of them came out, and each of them walked in the same direction. Are they looking for Bai Yingui?” Skearl, where is your stand-in shock now? “”
“”Huh…huh…the opposite of the restaurant, just got into the sewer, and is moving towards us…But among them, the only person who can track according to breathing should be Fujiwara Chika. If you want If you were looking for Bai Yingui, why did the four of you have to separate? “”
“”Besides, after the natural gas leak just now, she shouldn’t be able to continue tracking. “Skearo panted heavily, his expression gradually became a little flustered, and his breathing became more rapid, “Could it be that she intends to come directly to me as the main body?” Yes, that’s right, she’s detecting my breath! “”
“Calm down, Skearl. “Compared to Shikyaro, who was breathing more and more quickly, Tichano didn’t react at all, and still maintained a calm posture, “This is impossible! There was nothing she could do, she was just struggling to die at this moment. “”
“”Do you know how many people are around here? 50 people? 100 people? Do not! Far more than that! How could she tell the two of us apart from so many ordinary citizens? This kind of thing is absolutely impossible! “”
“”But I’m injured now, my heart beats faster, and my breathing is very short…” Shikyaro looked at Chika Fujiwara running in the crowd, and her breathing became more rapid, “If, she intends to detect breathing What about people in a hurry? It will be exposed, we will be exposed in an instant! “”
“”Don’t be nervous, Shikjaro, the more you are at this time, the more you need to keep calm! Ticano patted his back lightly and comforted him, “Look down there, some people who are not exercising are out of breath after just a few steps, and some people who go out to exercise, after a long time Exercising, breathing is also very rapid. “”
“Besides, there are other people who are short of breath! These people are your natural barriers and the best scapegoats! As long as you don’t get nervous, calm down your breathing slowly, and cover up your injuries, she will never find us! “”
“Afterwards, Tichano put his overcoat on Shikjaro’s body to cover all the injuries on his body, “Don’t worry, victory belongs to us, and this will never change! “”
“Ah, you’re right. After being so comforted, Shikjaro finally calmed down, and walked slowly to the street with the support of Tichano, “She will never find us!” “”
“But, at this moment, a voice sounded in their ears, “I found you! There you are! “”
“The hearts of the two of them jumped, and their breathing was involuntarily rapid, “She, what did she say? ! “Shikeluo panicked, and turned his head quickly, only to see Chika Fujiwara walking slowly among the crowd with a gloomy face.”
“Although it’s not facing them, but I don’t know if it’s because of the injury that caused him to be in a trance, but Shikyaro still feels that Chika Fujiwara is walking towards him!”
“” Not good! I need to quickly recover the impact! “”
“But Ticano hugged him tightly, “Calm down, Ticano! Think about it carefully, my double is still placed on her body, she can only say things against her will now! She said she found it, but she didn’t find it! Get your breath steady! “”
Chapter 86 There is still true love
“Then why did she deliberately say ‘I found you’! “Looking at Chika Fujiwara, who was not far away from him, Shikyaro’s face was very flustered, and his breathing became more and more rapid. Even Tichano couldn’t calm him down.”
“”It’s just to make you suspicious and short of breath, that’s why I said that on purpose! “Looking at the tense Shikjaro, even Tichano became tense, but he still forced himself to calm down and softly comforted his teammates.”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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