“Don’t hide it, let me see it. The man flipped over a few times, and then flipped out of Tobio’s body, “Oh, I found it, I found it!” “”
“”My head…my head hurts…” After the thing was taken away, Tobio held his head, as if suffering from a sudden illness.”
“”Let me see how much money is in there. “The man didn’t notice anything strange, and opened the bag happily, but inside was not money, but a bunch of photos and materials, including Sijo Zhenfei’s character, life experience, the role of insect arrows, Si Gonghui The abilities of the night team members and so on.”
“The man didn’t understand what was going on, he just felt disappointed and threw the information away, “What, I don’t want this kind of thing…””
“You idiot, look what you’ve done! “He hasn’t finished speaking yet, just nowTobio, who was still timid, seemed to be a different person. He stretched out a finger and stabbed the man’s cheek firmly. His sharp nails even dug out a piece of flesh! ”
“”what! ! ! “The man screamed and struggled.”
“Tobio pushed his whole body against the wall, at this moment, turn the offensive!”
“No matter who it is, as long as you watch something you shouldn’t see, you don’t have the right to live in this world! “”
“”Ha…ha…” Shijo Zhenfei looked at Tobio whose personality had changed drastically, her eyes were full of fear, and she couldn’t help panting heavily.”
“At this moment, she finally understood why her substitute wanted to take her to a dangerous place. Her substitute wanted to kill the man in front of her! So far, the most dangerous place she has been in is in this man next to you!”
“”Duluuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…” Tobio, who had an irritable face just now, suddenly made a strange sound with his mouth, and his expression changed from anger to doubt, “Hey, did you hear the phone call just now?” ? “”
“”Eh? “After listening to Tobio’s question, Concubine Sijo couldn’t help being a little surprised. What’s wrong with this man? Could it be that he’s insane? Although she wanted to run away, her legs felt weak and she couldn’t move at all! ”
“Tobio looked around, as if looking for something, “Where is it? Where is the phone ringing? “”
“”Hey! “Tobio turned to Concubine Sijo violently, “I’m asking you something!” Where the hell is the phone ringing! “”
“I, I don’t know about that kind of thing! “”
“”Toots…” Tobio made a strange sound again, then put his hands next to his ears, trying to increase his voice, “The phone started ringing again, where is the phone? “”
“”Dulululu… where is…dululu…” Tobio made a strange sound while looking for the phone. Finally, he came to the depths of the alley, where there was an old cloth baby.”
“But his face became joyful, “What, isn’t there a public phone here? “”
“”Dulululu…” With a strange sound, he picked up the worn-out doll and put it next to his ear, his expression became respectful in an instant, “Hey, it’s me, I’m Tobio… boss! Yes, I haven’t found anything yet, because some things have delayed me, I will continue to look for that thing next. “”
Chapter 89: Despicable Stranger
“Suddenly, in Tobio’s eye sockets, two eyes rolled wildly, and finally, his voice became strange, “Keep looking for something? No, my lovely Tobio! “”
“”Look carefully, move slowly, act as natural as possible, and don’t take any weird behavior… My Tobio, you are under surveillance now! “”
“Tobio looked out of the alley out of the corner of his eye very naturally. Just outside the alley, there was indeed someone hiding there. Although he just accidentally showed a little face, Tobio could still recognize it!”
“Tobio’s voice changed back again, “That person is Shinomiya Kaguya, you can’t be wrong! Damn, they have already chased here! Boss, what should we do next? “”
“Afterwards, his voice switched again, “When I received the news of the death of gin, vodka, and the white album, I had this premonition…but I didn’t expect to meet so soon! Tobio, next you have to do everything possible to get close to Shinomiya Kaguya! Otherwise, after she reunites with her teammates, we will be in trouble! “”
“”Although I am the one who wants to kill her, you must get as close to her as possible without revealing your true identity! After all, Kaguya’s ability is really suitable for escaping. If it is less than a certain distance, even I don’t have the confidence to kill her instantly. I must get close to her at least two meters away! “”
“”This distance is the exact range of KING CRIMSON (King Crimson)! If it’s you, it can be done, my lovely Tobio, I’m going to hang up. “”
“The voice switched to Tobio again, “Yes, I understand! boss! …beep…beep…beep””
“This is how dual personalities communicate?” Makise Kurisu tilted her head and looked at the video curiously, “It always feels a bit magical. According to previous research, each personality in multiple personalities, they The memories, behaviors, and preferences of each personality are completely independent, and each personality is almost unaware of the existence of other personalities.”
“However, it’s not right here. The memory, behavior, and preferences of this Four Palace Huangguang and Tobio are indeed independent, and Tobio does not know that there is another personality in his body, but that Four Palace Huangguang does. To be able to know the existence of another personality, and even be able to talk to him on this strange phone … it’s so weird.”
“Huhahahaha!” The Phoenix Academy laughed ferociously, “Assistant, this is not multiple personalities, but multiple souls living in one body! It’s like my body contains both ordinary college student Rintaro Okabe and The crazy mad scientist Phoenix Academy is really vicious!”
Makise Kurisu looked at him and blinked, “I think it’s different from your second-year illness.”
“Christina, you bastard… oh!” Phoenix Academy fiercely picked up the phone and started talking with a heartbroken face.
“Yes, it was me. It was initiated by the agency. It seems that the division work against the LAB has already begun. It seems to be a very powerful psychological attack. My fierce words of the Phoenix Academy can no longer reach the hearts of the LAB members!”
“It’s pretty similar to answering the phone.” Makise Kurisu quietly watched Phoenix Academy’s vicious performance, “However, it doesn’t look very similar without Dudulu. I suggest that you always add Dudulu before answering the phone.”
Mayuri Shiina, who was eating fried chicken nuggets, clapped her hands, and laughed awkwardly, “Kurisu, the man in the video is Dulululululu, which is a little different from my Dudulu.”
“Hey, is that so?” Makise Kurisu was startled first, then blushed, and quickly apologized, “I’m sorry, Mayuri, I didn’t make a mistake on purpose.”
“”Woo! Tobio covered his head, “My head hurts… Huh?” What am I doing with a rag doll in my hand? Forget it, this matter is not important, the important thing is that the boss called me again just now, and gave me a new task… let me approach, who is approaching? “”
“”Could it be that you want to get close to me? I won’t let you get close! “Although Shinomiya Kaguya didn’t hear the content of the phone clearly, she already knew that there was something wrong with this man!”
“At this moment, she walked in front of Concubine Shijo, and looked at this man vigilantly. The behavior of this man just now made her feel a strong sense of disobedience. This is not something that a simple mental illness can do!”
“”Well, you are the vice president of Shinomiya? Concubine Shijo looked at the woman in front of her in surprise, “Why are you here? This is Egypt!” “”
“”Sijo, you don’t seem to understand how much trouble you’re doing now! “Sigong Kaguya glanced at her helplessly, “Because of your disappearance, the Sijo family is now in full-scale war with the Sigong family, maybe both families will die together!” “”
“”what? Concubine Sijo was taken aback, “How could this be?” ! “”
“”Because you left without saying goodbye, the Sitiao family suspects that Huangguang Sigong kidnapped you, which is why there is such a big trouble…So, do you know where Huangguang Sigong is? “”
“”Sigong Huangguang? “Sijo Zhenfei was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head, “No, I came with this person!” At first I thought he was a kind man, but now it seems…””
“Boss? Are they discussing the boss? Tobio’s face froze. No, I can’t let my identity be revealed, let alone my mission! Otherwise, I won’t be able to get close to her!”
“That information bag! Tobio suddenly saw that information bag, cold sweat dripped down his face, damn it, it was opened by that man!”
“It’s all because I’m so useless, I can’t write them all down! If I could write them all down, I could burn them! Tobio hated his uselessness very much in his heart, he clenched his fists, no! Absolutely Don’t let them see it!”
“That man… Tobio slowly looked at the man leaning against the wall, covering his cheek, yes, use that man!”
“”Huh? Where did my 50,000 Egyptian pound bag go? “Tobio suddenly exclaimed very exaggeratedly, and then he exclaimed as if he just saw the bag on the ground, “So it’s here, I’ve been looking for you for a long time! “”
“50,000 Egyptian pounds?! The man who was stabbed in the cheek just now became so excited, why didn’t he see it just now? By the way, those materials must be disguised, just to prevent the thief from stealing the money! Despicable strangers!”
Chapter 90 The Crimson King
“” This is mine! “The man stretched his legs and ran over, picked up the bag on the ground and ran!”
“”Stop for me! “Kaguya Shinomiya quickly reached out to stop that man.”
“But at this moment, Tobio also started to move. He ran towards Shinomiya Kaguya and shouted loudly, “Give me back my money!” “”
“A gleam flashed in his eyes. If Shinomiya Kaguya chooses to stop that man, then he will lean in and complete the boss’s mission! It doesn’t matter whether the information is seen or not.”
“If Shinomiya Kaguya chooses to stop him, then that man will run away with the information, and his identity will not be revealed. This is Tobio’s plan!”
“Seeing Tobio rushing towards them, Shinomiya Kaguya frowned. She wanted her double to snatch the bag, but she was worried that Tobio was also the messenger of the double.”
“No! You can’t keep the double away from me. I still don’t know the details of this man. It’s too dangerous to keep the double away from me!” So Shinomiya Kaguya turned his gaze to Tobio, “You stop where you are, don’t let him go any further.” Forward! “”
“”Hey…” Tobio stopped suddenly, with an anxious expression on his face, “but my money… ah, Miss Sijo, please help me, I’m not a bad person, I don’t need to be so vigilant It’s Mine! “”
“”Not a bad guy? Concubine Sijo looked at him, and recalled the previous situation, “To be honest, I used to believe this, but now I doubt it. Vice President Shinomiya, why don’t we go back now? I now doubt the real purpose of the bug arrow. “”
“” Bug Arrow? “Kaguya Shinomiya’s eyes became sharp in an instant, “It seems that this man made up a worm arrow for what purpose, to fool you to help him find it, so that’s the case, I understand, this man is indeed Siomiya. Gong Huangguang’s men! Sigong Huangguang’s target is indeed the bug arrow! “”
“”What, what is the yellow light of the four palaces, I don’t know such a person. “Tobio didn’t expect that even if the bag containing the information was taken away, his identity would be seen through, and his face became ugly in an instant.”
“Why, why does she seem to know the purpose of the bug arrow! The boss’s information should not have been leaked! The boss said that everyone who knew about this matter, except me, has been dealt with!”
“No, no! The point now is that IDoesn’t showing such a face mean that she really guessed right? Tobio reacted in an instant, I have to follow this face and get angry, only in this way can I clear my suspicion! ”
“”what! Really, lady, what nonsense are you talking about! Why in your mouth, I somehow became someone else’s subordinate! I’m just a poor person who came here from thousands of miles in pursuit of his love after seeing the legend of Worm Arrow! “”
“Then he looked at Concubine Sijo again, and looked at her pitifully, “Miss Sijo, although I was a little irritable when I was angry just now, it may have scared you, but I really just don’t like people touching my things what. We’ve been traveling together for so long anyway, you should be quite aware of who I am. “”
“”Uh, did I really blame you? “Sijo Zhenfei’s eyes softened. After all, what she thought before was just her guess. Now, it seems that this man should be considered gentle, right?”
“”Si Tiao, it doesn’t matter whether he is from Sigong Huangguang, or whether he lied to you. “Kaguya Shinomiya looked at him coldly. She placed her double on guard a little to the right of her, but the man’s eyes didn’t shift away at all. Could it be that he couldn’t see it?”
“However, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter whether he is Sigong Huangguang’s subordinate or not. Her goal is to bring back Shijo Zhenfei!”
“Kaguya Shinomiya took the hand of Concubine Shijo, “The only thing you need now is to go home immediately. Only if you go back quickly can we stop our two families from continuing to fight. “”
“”okay. “Sijo Zhenfei seemed very disappointed. I don’t know if she guessed that the function of the insect arrow is fake, or if she thought about not letting such a big incident happen at home because of her resignation.”
“”You just stay here and don’t move, if you dare to approach us, I won’t hold back! “”
“Seeing Shinomiya Kaguya slowly leaving the alley with the four real concubines, Tobio’s face became more serious, what to do, they are leaving! Not only can’t get close to Shinomiya Kaguya, even the four real concubines have to was taken away!”
“Wait, my money! “Tobio shouted in a hurry, “You just didn’t allow me to chase my money, and now you want to run away, what should I do, I can’t even go back to the country, I can only starve to death here!” “”
“”this is for you. Kaguya Shinomiya threw a bank card over indifferently, “The password is six 1s, and the money in it is enough for you to use for a lifetime, so that’s all.” “”
“Tobio caught the bank card, quickly moved forward, and shouted, “Hey, in this case, how do I know there must be money in it? No, you have to accompany me to the bank and let me see the balance with my own eyes! “”
“”You are very annoying, I said yes! Shinomiya Kaguya frowned again, “Also, I told you not to come near us!” Chain fingers! “”
“The steel chain fingers took a few steps forward, trying to open a zipper on the ground to stop Tobio’s progress.”
“However, at this moment, Tobio rushed a few steps again, and at the same time, his expression changed, “My stupid sister, even if it’s just a stand-in, you are finally within two meters of me Yes! Crimson King! Time to leap! “”
“Shirogin Yuyuki, who was heading towards the place where Shinomiya Kaguya sent, suddenly froze for a moment, he turned his head and looked behind him, “Did I just walk so far in one step? No… it must be my illusion. “”
“Boom! Kaguya Shinomiya fell to the ground weakly, and a big hole appeared in her chest due to the feedback from the fingers of the steel chain. She was still holding a severed hand in her hand, and her consciousness gradually became blurred, “That voice… …It’s not wrong, it’s the voice of the yellow light of the four palaces… But, why, this man makes the yellow light of the four palaces…””
“At this time, Sigong Huangguang is dragging Sijo Zhenfei, who has lost consciousness because her hand was cut off, away from here.”
Chapter 91: He’s Already Fearless
“After waiting for a while at the address sent by Shinomiya Kaguya, Baiyin Yuxing has not waited for anyone, “Why don’t you come? Didn’t Shinomiya just say that he was going to come to this place? “”
“Don’t wait here, Sigong is going to die!” Baiyin Yuxing was furious, could it be that Sigong is going to be so cold?
It is said that the ADC should not be too far away from the nanny! Will be caught by the jungler!
EMMMMM…Sigong’s stand-in can use rocket punches, so he should be considered an ADC, right?
“”I sent her a message and there is still no reply… Could it be that you have encountered an enemy? “Baiyin Yuxing has always had a bad feeling in his heart, ever since he just realized that he has walked a long way in an instant, he has this feeling!”
“No, I have to find her! “Baiyin Yuxing hastily searched for it in a panic.”
“Where is it, exactly where is it… the more Baiyin Yuxing searches for it, the more serious the bad feeling in his heart becomes.”
“Suddenly, he saw a group of people gathered in an alley in front of him, seeming to be discussing something, and he hurried over to squeeze in the crowd, “Excuse me, let me take a look at the situation inside. “”
“However, the onlookers were very dissatisfied with the forced crowding in. “Hey, young man, don’t crowd around. “”
“”Yes, yes, at my age, I can’t stand the crowd. “”
“The blue veins on the forehead of the irritable Baiyin Miyuki bulged, and he yelled, “Ah Kamashi! I told you to get out of the way, can’t you hear me? Do you want me to beat you up! “”
“The people around were shocked at once.Frightened, but someone still said cautiously, “But, this place is so narrow, we can’t let you pass.””
“”Aren’t the sidewalks outside wide? Get out of here! “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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