“But Baiyin Yuxing found that the person named Katz was shot several times, not only did not have the slightest injury, but he didn’t even stop walking! He quickly shouted, “Ishigami, be careful, there is something wrong with that person!” “”
“Just as he yelled, the bullets that were shot into Katz’s body moved around in his body, and finally burst out of Katz’s body!”
“Yu Ishigami’s pupils shrank, before he had time to dodge, two of the bullets hit his body!”
“”Ugh! ! ! “”
“”madness! “Seeing another person who was beaten by Katz appear, Shinomiya Yanan felt a sense of gloating in his heart, “It is only natural that he dares to attack Lord Katz who is an ultimate creature. ! “”
“”Golden experience! “Baiyin Yuxing hurriedly summoned a substitute to heal Ishigami Yu.”
“No, don’t let him in! Shinomiya Kaguya snorted softly, “Steel chain fingers!” “”
“The blue double suddenly appeared behind Katz, just when her double was about to punch her past, Katz stopped, “Platinum Star! Time, stand still! “”
“In an instant, time stopped flowing.”
“At this time, Dio, who was looking for bug arrows in the ruins, paused, “This is… Time Pause! Masaka! Is that Sigong Huangguang’s ability really a time pause? “”
“Behind Katz, a humanoid stand-in with a purple body and wearing a loincloth of the same style as Katz appeared on the waist. This stand-in took a deep breath, and crazily bombarded his fists at the steel chain fingers,” Olaou La Ola Ola! “”
“”Humph. “After a series of beatings, Katz walked into the entrance of the ruins without looking at it.”
“”puff! “When time flowed again, Shinomiya Kaguya flew upside down with blood spurting from his mouth.”
“”Sigong! “Baiyin Yuxing exclaimed, with a look of horror in his eyes, “I don’t know what happened at all! Just now, Sigong’s stand-in rushed behind that Katz, but in the blink of an eye, Katz disappeared, and Sigong was also severely injured! “”
“Suddenly, Baiyin Yuxing’s pupils shrank, as if thinking of something, “Could it be that his ability is also time-suspended? “”
“Hmph, now you understand, right? This is Lord Katz’s invincible power! “Sigong Yan’an didn’t do anything at this time, but just said with a cold snort, “No one can resist the power of Master Katz!” “”
“”Brother, you go into the ruins quickly, you have to help Dad! Leave it to us here! “Bai Yingui yelled while helping Shinomiya Kaguya to heal his wounds.”
“Uh…” Shinomiya Kaguya said while holding back the pain in his body, “Ishigami, you go too! “”
“She thought about it. Ishigami can’t attack Shinomiya Yan’an, and his stand-in ability doesn’t have any auxiliary abilities. Instead of letting him stay here, it’s better to let Ishigami enter the ruins!”
“Don’t bother Mr. Katz! “Sigong Yan’an stretched out his hands, and rushed towards Baiyin Yuxing.”
“”The Purple of the Hermit! “Bai Yingui threw his double out again.”
“But Sigong Yan’an just smiled disdainfully, “Stop playing tricks like this, it’s useless!” “”
“Relying on his physical fitness beyond ordinary people, he easily jumped out of the range of the Hermit Purple, but what he didn’t expect was…”
“Bai Yingui laughed softly, “In the face of this kind of power that can hurt you, you will maintain full vigilance, and it is only natural that you will avoid it. Of course I know this kind of thing! But this time is different, when I just ran over, I put some small things on the ground! “”
Chapter Ninety-Seven: A Wool Thread with a Radius of Ten Meters Ripples
“Sigong Yan’an took advantage of the opportunity to look at the ground, and he exclaimed, “This is woolen thread! “”
“”That’s right, it is the wool thread that is very good for wave conduction! “Bai Yingui raised his hand fiercely, and the purple of the hermit picked up the woolen thread on the ground like a tentacle!”
“The dense wool that was picked up into the sky is like a maze! Seeing that, Shinomiya Ganan’s scalp is numb!”””Take my trick! The wool thread with a radius of ten meters sprints! “”
“At the critical moment, Shinomiya Yan’an once again concentrated the liquid in his body on the eyeballs, “Empty Cracked Eyes shocked! “”
“The liquid ejected from the explosion, under high pressure, cut through the woolen thread attacking him like a sharp water knife!”
“But even if he thought of such a method in a hurry, his left foot was still stained with woolen thread, and the powerful ripples directly melted his foot!”
“Hiss!” Sigong Yan’an felt phantom pain in his left foot, it seems that this stone ghost mask is not good, why does it still have such a shortcoming!
Being hit by that ripple, it’s like butter on a hot pan, it’s gone in no time!
“Master Sigong, are you alright?” A maid who was desperate for money was not intimidated by the Sigong Yanan in the video, but instead stepped forward and asked caringly, she was very nervous, could she be promoted? The salary increase depends on this wave!
“It’s okay.” Sigong Yan’an said indifferently, he was a little comforted in his heart, he still has a diehard loyalist, this person is good, he can give her an appreciation and a salary increase, and then continue to squeeze the labor force!
Just as he was thinking this way, Shinomiya Yanan suddenly saw that there seemed to be a cashmere sweater in the maid’s maid outfit. His eyes were fixed, and the light of Aqua’s wisdom was revealed in his eyes, “Wool! How dare you wear wool to approach me?” Don’t you know that wool is what bothers me the most now?”
“Hmph, I really don’t have any vision at all! Starting today, you will be fired! Get out of the Shinomiya’s house!”
Maid: “…”
Matt mentally retarded! He even talked about getting a promotion and a salary increase, but in the end he lost his job… How dare you insult me ​​like this! The Sigong family, don’t wait!
“Foot, my foot! “Sigong Yan’an held his left foot in pain, his eyes were full of anger, “Damn woman! I don’t know how many people’s blood I have to suck to recover my injury! I’m going to tear you to pieces! “”
“”…” Kaguya Shinomiya looked at this somewhat crazy man speechlessly, “Have you made up your mind to suck other people’s blood in order to restore yourself to injury? What on earth do you take human life for! “”
“Hmph, pigs eat grass, people eat pigs, and Master Katz and I eat people! This proves that we are the ones at the top of the biological chain! “”
“Kaguya Shinomiya was stunned, “I should have known earlier, how could a person like you have the word humanity? But that’s good too, this strengthens my determination to kill you! Sigong Yan’an, I want to kill you completely! “”
“Heh, if you can make a move on me, then just come! The only one of you who can attack me is Bai Yingui! “Sigong Yan’an smiled disdainfully, “Also, don’t think that if I am injured, you will have the upper hand!” “”
“On the other side, Baiyin Dior, who is in the ruins, has already seen Sijo Zhenfei lying on the ground and dead for a long time.”
“”This girl, as I remember, is the real concubine Sijo. She died here, that is to say, the Huangguang people of Sigong are inside, right? There is a downward staircase in front, is the bug arrow under it? “”
“He was about to go down, when he suddenly saw Tobio who was about to go up the stairs, “Hey, it really didn’t take much effort, you are the yellow light of the four palaces, right? “”
“”! ! “Tobio was stunned on the stairs on the spot, and the cold sweat dripped from his head. Is this guy also here to grab the bug arrow?”
“No, the boss’s order must be fulfilled, I must deliver the bug arrow to the boss!”
“Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about? Tobio tightly hugged the cloth wrapped in the worm arrow, and scratched his head shyly, “I’m just a passerby who came to travel. I don’t know the yellow light of the four palaces or something.” “”
“Hmph, are you going to play the trick of pretending to be stupid? “Silver Dior smiled lightly, “Well, that’s it, as long as you dare to step up the stairs again, it proves that you haven’t felt the slightest pressure in your heart because you lied to me, Dior! In this way, I will let you go as if you are a tourist passerby. “”
“”But, correspondingly… If you dare not step up the stairs, it proves that you don’t have the determination to bear this lie in your heart! That is to say, I will regard you as the yellow light of the four palaces and completely wipe you out! “”
“”Goo! “Tobio swallowed, with unspeakable fear in his eyes, what the hell is this guy talking about? Let me step up the stairs, so that I don’t lie?”
“Couldn’t he be planning to kill me the moment I step on the stairs!”
“This guy is taller and more muscular than me. Even if he doesn’t have a double, I’m no match for him!”
“What should I do, should I go up the stairs like he said?”
“Just as Tobio was fighting fiercely in his mind, Silver Dior sneered again, “Why, don’t you dare to move forward? Afraid to step up the steps? Are you unable to take a step because of the pressure and fear of telling a lie to me, Dio? “”
“Then stop and think about it, what is the purpose of people living in this world? It’s for peace of mind! Whether it’s competing for fame and fortune, dominating others, or making money, everything is for peace of mind! Getting married or making friends is also about peace of mind! “”
“Silver Dior stretched out his hand slowly, “Since you are in such pain now, don’t worry about it anymore, admit your lies, admit that you are Sigong Huangguang, and then hand over the arrow to me… Be with me, I will let you get eternal peace of mind. “”
“”Woo! Panting heavily, Tobio looked at the stairs under his feet solemnly, lifted his feet and put them down, and then lifted them up again, with cold sweat on his head.He was a little bit confused about Dio’s thoughts. ”
“Damn it! There is only one exit here! Tobio wanted to escape from other places, but he had no way to go.”
“In the end, he clenched his fist, and his expression became resolute. Since there is only one way, then I will move forward and show you!”
Chapter 98 Epitaph
“Tobio raised his head, looked at Baiyin Dior at the top of the stairs, and said in a deep voice, “Sir, you said that as long as I take another step, you will let me go, right? “”
“Hey, of course, I, Dio, never lie, if you can! “”
“Okay, here I come! “Tobio took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and walked up the stairs.”
“When his footsteps fell, his expression changed to excitement, he was not attacked! This man is telling the truth, he is not playing any tricks!”
“He happily raised his head to look at Baiyin Dior, “Hey, look, I have already stepped up a step of stairs, you should fulfill your promise and let me go!” “”
“”Huh? “Silver Dior showed a weird smile, “You said you took a step up the stairs, but did you really go up the stairs? Take a closer look at your feet. “”
“Tobio shifted his gaze to his feet, his expression turned into panic, “How is that possible! I just clearly climbed the steps! It can’t be wrong, I clearly stepped on the stairs! “”
“”Really? “Silver Dior laughed softly, “Think about it again, isn’t it because you felt fear, and you obviously wanted to step up the stairs, but subconsciously stayed where you were? Your heart is terrified! Terrified because you lied to me, Dio! “”
“”No, no! Tobio’s breathing became more and more rapid, and the cold sweat dripped down his face, “I did step up the stairs!” I really made up my mind to set foot on the stairs! “”
“At this moment, Tobio’s heart is full of fear just as Dio said! Fear of the unknown!”
“Tobio bit his lip, “If that’s the case, then I’ll step up the stairs again to show you!” “”
“However, when he stepped up the stairs again, he came to his senses and found that he was still in the same place.”
“”Stairs…stairs…” Tobio murmured the word “stairs”, and finally realized, “I see, your ability is to control stairs! “”
“Pfft!” Baiyin Dior spewed out a mouthful of tea, “How did you come up with such a possibility!”
“To be honest, if I didn’t know that Dad’s ability is time suspension, maybe I would have thought it was manipulating stairs.” Bai Yingui’s expression was a little weird, “But how did Dad do it?”
“Xiaogui, your structure is too small. No one said that you can’t have the ability to control the stairs while having the time pause, right?” Baiyin Yuxing seemed to see through everything, with the light of wisdom shining in his eyes, “Look at four Doesn’t Gong Yunying’s substitute have three abilities?”
“Oh, that’s right!” Bai Yingui nodded in a sudden realization.
While they were discussing, suddenly the video flickered, and a few characters appeared in large characters “short story…”
“Tobio stepped up the stairs again with a resolute face. Suddenly, time was stopped!”
“Silver Dior still maintains that flamboyant movement. A stand-in flew out of him, rushed to Tobio’s side, carried him back to the original place, and quickly returned to Tobio’s previous posture, and then It flew back into Silver Dior’s body again.”
“Then, time begins to flow!”
The expressions of Baiyin Yuxing and Baiyingui at this moment are very complicated, wishing to go back to a few seconds ago and give themselves a slap, to control the stairs! Net bullshit!
Baiyin Dior was silent for a while, and tried to explain to himself, “Actually, I think so. Didn’t you guess in the video before that Sigong Huangguang can also pause time? So I’m using this method to test to the end Is he pausing time! Don’t you just test it out? It’s not him!”
Baiyin Yuxing & Baiyingui: “Yeah, I understand, I understand.”
“Damn Baiyin Dior! How dare you tease me like this!” Si Gong Huang Guang clenched his fists, his face flushed, and his chest almost exploded.
“The president’s father is really a lively and cheerful father…” Shinomiya Kaguya also looked at Baiyin Dior in the video with a complicated expression, and reminded himself in his heart that he should pay more attention in the future!
“What the hell am I going to do, what the hell am I going to do? “Tobio is flustered at this moment. Could it be that I am really afraid of him, so I subconsciously dare not step up the steps?”
“Suddenly, a strange sound came out of his mouth again, “Dululululu…dululululu…””
“”Phone, there is a phone…” Tobio looked around, and finally locked his eyes on the cloth wrapped in the insect arrow in his hand, “What, isn’t the phone in my hand? “”
“He quickly put the bug arrow to his ear, “Hey, boss? Yes, it’s me, Tobio! Boss, come and save me quickly! There is a stand-in messenger here who can control the stairs, I can’t escape! The bug arrow is in my hand, come here quickly! “”
“No, not yet! I don’t know how to use the worm arrow yet. Although I want to stab the worm arrow directly into my body, I am afraid that this is not the correct way to use it. It will cause me to lose the power of a substitute, and even lose my life! “”
“”As for this man, his stand-in ability is still a mystery to me, I can’t come here yet! So, O Tobio, my lovely Tobio, you must take the worm arrow from himJust escape with your hands! “”
“Tobio hurriedly said, “But, boss, I can’t even go up the stairs! “”
“Tobio, I have given you part of my power. If you think about it carefully, you should be able to figure out how to use it! I believe you will be able to escape, Tobio, I leave everything to you! I’m going to hang up. “”
People in Mond, arrogant sun, not hated
If I have no money to fall in love, I can only slay demons

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